Publications and preprints
[56] J.M.Swart, R.Szabo, C.Toninelli
Peierls bounds from Toom contours, preprint
I.Hartarsky, F.Martinelli, C.Toninelli
Sharp threshold for the FA-2f kinetically constrained model, Probability Theory and Related Fields 185, 993 - 1037 (2023),
journal ,
[56] J.M.Swart, R.Szabo, C.Toninelli
Peierls bounds from random Toom contours, preprint
I.Hartarsky, F.Martinelli, C.Toninelli
Coalescing and branching simple symmetric exclusion process,
Annals of Applied Probability 32(4): 2841-2859 (2022), preprint
arXiv: 2006.01426
I.Hartarsky, F.Martinelli, C.Toninelli
Universality for critical KCM: finite number of stable directions , Annals of Probability 49 (5), 2141-2174 (2021),
journal ,
I.Hartarsky, L.Marêché, C.Toninelli
Universality for critical kinetically constrained models: infinite
number of stable directions , Probability Theory and Related Fields 178(1), 289-326 (2020),
journal ,
F.Martinelli, A.Shapira, C.Toninelli
Diffusive scaling of the Kob-Andersen model in Zd , Annales de
l'Institut Poincare B Probabilite et Statistique Volume 56, Number 3 (August 2020), 2189-2210
journal ,
L. Marêché, F.Martinelli, C.Toninelli
Exact asymptotics for Duarte and supercritical rooted kinetically constrained models , Annals of Probability (2020), Volume 48, Number 1, 317-342,
journal ,
O.Blondel, A.Deshayes, C.Toninelli
Front evolution of the Fredrickson-Andersen one spin facilitated model , Electronic Journal of Probability 2019, Vol. 24, paper no. 1, 1-32
F.Martinelli, R.Morris, C.Toninelli
On the infection time of general kinetically constrained models: universality in two dimensions, Communications in Mathematical Physics vol. 369, number 2, pag. 761-809 (2019)
[47] F. Martinelli, and C. Toninelli
Towards a universality picture for the relaxation to equilibrium of kinetically constrained models , Annals of Probability vol.47, number 1, pag. 324--361 (2019)
P. Chleboun, A. Faggionato, F. Martinelli, C.Toninelli
Mixing length scales of low temperature spin plaquettes models , J. Stat Phys (2017) Volume 169: 441--471
M. Gottschau, M. Heydenreich, K. Matzke, C. Toninelli
Phase transition for a non-attractive infection process in heterogeneous environment , accepted for publication in Markov Processes and Related Fields, preprint
[44] O. Blondel and C. Toninelli
Kinetically constrained models: tagged particle diffusion ,
Annales de l'IHP Volume 54, Number 4 (2018), 2335-2348
[43] N. Cancrini, F. Martinelli, C. Roberto and C. Toninelli
Mixing time of a kinetically constrained spin model on trees: power law scaling at criticality ,
Probability Theory and Related Fields, Vol. 161, Issue 1-2, 247-266 (2015)
[42] A.Faggionato, C.Roberto, C. Toninelli,
Universality for one-dimensional hierarchical coalescence processes with double and triple merges Annals of Applied Probability, Vol. 24, number 2, 476-525 (2014)
O. Blondel, C. Toninelli
Is there a breakdown of the Stokes-Einstein relation in Kinetically Constrained Models at low temperature? Europhysics Letters vol. 107 (2014) 26005
arXiv: 1307.1651
[40] F. Martinelli, C. Toninelli
Kinetically constrained spin models on trees
Annals of Applied Probability, Vol. 23, No. 5, 1967-1987 (2013);
[39] O. Blondel, N. Cancrini, F. Martinelli, C. Roberto, C. Toninelli
Fredrickson-Andersen one spin facilitated model out of equilibrium
Markov Processes and Related Fields, Vol. 19, Issue 3, 383-406 (2013);
[38] A.Faggionato, F. Martinelli, C.Roberto, C. Toninelli,
The East model: recent results and new progresses
Markov Processes and Related Fields, Vol. 19, Issue 3, 407-452
[37] T.Bodineau, V.Lecomte, C. Toninelli
Finite Size Scaling of the dynamical free-energy in a
kinetically constrained model
Journal of Statistical Physics, Vol. 147, Number 1, 1-17(2012)
[36] T.Bodineau, C. Toninelli,
Activity phase transition for constrained dynamics,
Communications in Mathematical Physics Vol. 311, Number 2, 357-396 (2012)
[35] L. Berthier, G. Biroli, D. Coslovich, W. Kob, C. Toninelli
Finite size effects in the dynamics of glass-forming liquids
Phys. Rev. E 86, 031502 (031502-1,031502-17)(2012)
[34] A.Faggionato, F. Martinelli, C.Roberto, C. Toninelli,
Aging through hierarchical coalescence in the East model
Communications in Mathematical Physics, Vol.309, Number
2,459-495 (2012)
[33] A.Faggionato, F. Martinelli, C.Roberto, C. Toninelli,
Universality in one dimensional hierarchical coalescence processes
Annals of Probability vol 40,p. 1377-1435
[32] Garrahan, P.Sollich, C. Toninelli
Dynamical heterogeneities and kinetically constrained models,
in "Dynamical heterogeneities in Glasses, colloids and granular media and jamming transitions", Ed: L. Berthier,G. Biroli J-P. Bouchaud, L.Cipelletti , W.van Saarloos, " International series of monographs in physics", Oxford press (2011)
arXiv: 1009.6113
[31] M.Mézard, C.Toninelli
Group Testing with Random Pools: optimal two-stage algorithms IEEE: Transactions on Information Theory Vol. 57, Number 3, 1736-1745 (2011)
[30] A.Faggionato, F.Martinelli, C.Roberto, C.Toninelli
Universality in one dimensional hierarchical coalescence processes, Oberwalfach Report n 50, European Mathematical Society
Eds.: C.Landim, H.Spohn n.50 p 2954--2955 (2010);
[29] A.Faggionato, F.Martinelli, C.Roberto, C.Toninelli
Kinetically constrained models: non equilibrium coarsening dynamics, Oberwalfach Report n 50, European Mathematical Society
Eds.: C.Landim, H.Spohn n.50 p 2956--2958 (2010);
[28] F.Sausset, C.Toninelli, G.Biroli, G.Tarjus
Bootstrap percolation and kinetically constrained models on hyperbolic lattices
J.Stat.Phys. Vol. 138, p.411-430 (2010)
[27] N.Cancrini, F.Martinelli, R.H.Schonmann, C.Toninelli
Facilitated oriented spin models: some non equilibrium results
J.Stat.Phys., 138, p.1109-1123 (2010)
[26] N.Cancrini, F.Martinelli, C.Roberto, C.Toninelli
Kinetically constrained lattice gases
Communications in Mathematical Physics , 297, p.299-344 (2010)
[25] N.Cancrini, F.Martinelli, C.Roberto, C.Toninelli
Kinetically constrained models
in New Trends in Mathematical Physics, p.741-752 Ed: V.Sidoravicius, Springer (2009)
[24] N.Cancrini, F.Martinelli, C.Roberto, C.Toninelli
Kinetically constrained spin models
Probability Theory and Related Fields 140, p.459-504 (2008).
[23] N.Cancrini, F.Martinelli, C.Roberto, C.Toninelli
Facilitated spin models: recent and new results
in Methods of contemporary mathematical statistical physics, p.307-339 Ed: R.Kotecky , Lecture Notes in Mathematics, Springer (2009).
[22] C.Toninelli,G.Biroli
Spiral model, jamming percolation and glass-jamming transitions,
The European Physical Journal B (2008)
[21] C.Toninelli, G.Biroli
A new class of cellular automata with a discontinuous glass transition,
J.Stat.Phys. Vol.130, p.83-112 (2008)
[20] P.Goncalves, C.Landim, C.Toninelli
Hydrodynamic Limit for a Particle System with degenerate rates
, Annales IHP-Probability and Statistics Vol. 45, p.887-909 (2009)
[19] N.Cancrini, F.Martinelli, C.Roberto, C.Toninelli
Relaxation times of kinetically constrained spin models with glassy dynamics J.Stat.Mech. L03001 (2007).
[18] M.Mézard, M.Tarzia, C.Toninelli
Statistical Physics of Group Testing, in proceedings of Conference "IW-SMI 2007" Journal of
Physics : Conference series vol. 95, 012019, 10 pp. (2008);
[17] M.Mézard, M.Tarzia, C.Toninelli
Group testing with Random Pools: Phase Transitions and Optimal Strategy J.Stat.Phys. 131, 783-801 (2008)
[16] C.Toninelli, G.Biroli, D.S.Fisher
On the universality of jamming percolation: reply to the comment of Jeng and Schwarz Phys. Rev. Lett. 98 129602 (2007)
[15] C.Toninelli, G.Biroli
Jamming percolation and glassy dynamics
Journal of Statistical Physics, Vol. 126, 731-763 (2007)
[14] C.Toninelli
Bootstrap and Jamming Percolation
Notes of Les Houches Summer School 85, July 2006, Elsevier, ed.J.P.Bouchaud, M. Mézard,, J.Dalibard, pages 289-308
[13] C.Toninelli, G.Biroli, D.S.Fisher
Jamming percolation and glass transition in Lattice Models Phys. Rev. Lett. 96
035702 (2006)
[12] C.Toninelli, M.Wyart, G.Biroli, L.Berthier, J.P. Bouchaud
Dynamical susceptibility of glass formers: Contrasting the predictions of
theoretical scenarios Phys. Rev. E 71 041505 (2005)
[11] C.Toninelli, G.Biroli, D.S.Fisher
Cooperative Behavior of Kinetically Constrained Lattice Gas Models of Glassy Dynamics J. Stat. Phys. 120
n. 1-2, 167-238
[10] M.Sellitto, G.Biroli,C.Toninelli
Facilitated spin models on Bethe lattice: bootstrap percolation, mode
coupling transition and glassy dynamics Europhysics
Lett. 69, 496-512 (2005)
[9] C.Toninelli, G.Biroli, D.S.Fisher
Spatial structures and dynamics of kinetically constrained models
for glasses Phys.Rev.Lett. 92, 185504 (2004)
[8] C.Toninelli, G.Biroli
Dynamical arrest, tracer diffusion and kinetically constrained
lattice gases J.Stat.Phys., 117, 27-54 (2004)
[7] L.Bertini, C.Toninelli
Exclusion processes with degenerate rates: convergence to equilibrium and
tagged particle J.Stat.Phys., 117, 549-580 (2004)
[6] C.Toninelli
Stochastic lattice gases with dynamical constraints and glassy
dynamics, Oberwalfach Report, European Mathematical Society
Eds.: C.Landim, H.Spohn 1, 2244-2248 (2004)
[5] G.Biroli, C.Toninelli
Defect diffusion and cooperative dynamics in models of glasses, Fluctuations and Noise in Materials, vol. 5469, 187-196
Ed: D. Popovic, M.B. Weissman,
Z.A. Racz, 5469 SPIE
[4] C.Toninelli
Kinetically constrained models for glassy dynamics
Ph.D Thesis, January 2004 Univ.La Sapienza
PhD Thesis.pdf
[3] C.Presilla, G.Jona-Lasinio, C.Toninelli
Classical versus quantum structures: the case of pyramidal molecules
Multiscale Methods in Quantum Mechanics: Theory and Experiment, edited by P. Blanchard, G. Dell'Antonio (Birkhauser, Boston, 2004), p. 119-127
[2] G.Jona-Lasinio, C.Presilla, C.Toninelli
Interaction induced localization in a gas of pyramidal molecules,
Phys.Rev.Lett. 88 (2002) 123001
[1] G.Jona-Lasinio, C.Presilla, C.Toninelli
Environment induced localization and superselection rules in a gas of pyramidal molecules, Fields Inst.Commun. 30 (2001) 207-217
Last update: 28th September 2022