
  • Random Processes in Random Media;
  • Random graphs;
  • Large Deviations;
  • Stochastic Homogenization;
  • Mixing Times for Markov Chains;
  • Statistical Mechanics;
  • Random Algorithms.

Publications and preprints

  1. [11] Q. Berger, M. Salvi,
    Scaling limit of sub-ballistic 1D random walk among biased conductances: a story of wells and walls
    arXiv preprint.
  2. [10] J. Dalmau, M. Salvi,
    Scale-free percolation in continuum space: quenched degree and clustering coefficient
    arXiv preprint.
  3. [9] A. Faggionato, M. Salvi,
    Regularity of biased 1D random walks in random environment
    accepted in ALEA, arXiv preprint.
  4. [8] Q. Berger, M. Salvi,
    Scaling of sub-ballistic 1d random walks among biased random conductances
    Markov processes and Related Fields, 25, 171-187 (2019), arXiv preprint.
  5. [7] A. Faggionato, N. Gantert , M. Salvi,
    Einstein relation and linear response in one-dimensional Mott variable-range hopping
    to appear in Annales de l’Institut Henri Poincaré, arXiv preprint.
  6. [6] F. Simenhaus , M. Salvi,
    Random walk on a perturbation of the infinitely-fast mixing interchange process
    Journal of Statistical Physics, 171(4), 656-678 (2018), arXiv preprint.
  7. [5] A. Faggionato, N. Gantert , M. Salvi,
    The velocity of 1D Mott variable range hopping with external field
    Annales de l’Institut Henri Poincaré, Volume 54, Number 3, 1165-1203 (2018), arXiv preprint.
  8. [4] M. Salvi,
    The Random Conductance Model: Local times large deviations, law of large numbers and effective conductance
    Ph.D. Thesis.
  9. [3] M. Biskup, M. Salvi, T. Wolff,
    A central limit theorem for the effective conductance: I. Linear boundary data and small ellipticity contrasts
    Commununications in Mathematical Physics, 328, no. 2, 701-731 (2014), arXiv preprint.
  10. [2] N. Berger, M. Salvi,
    On the speed of random walks among random conductances
    ALEA Lat. Am. J. Probab. Math. Stat., Vol. X, 1063-1083 (2013).
  11. [1] W. König, M. Salvi, T. Wolff,
    Large deviations for the local times of a random walk among random conductances
    Electronic Communications in Probability, 17 (2011).

Talks and slides

  1. The Einstein Relation for the Mott Variable-Range Hopping model ,
    Séminaires Probabilités, École Polytechnique, January 2018. [PDF]
    Séminaires Probabilités, UPEC, Paris, December 2017.
    SPA, Moscow, June 2017.
  2. On the speed of random walks among random conductances,
    UCLA probability seminars, Los Angeles, April 2012 [PDF]
    LATP Séminaires de Probabilités et statistiques, CIRM, Marseille, February 2013.
  3. Law of large numbers for the Mott Variable Range Hopping model,
    World Congress in Probability, Toronto, July 2016 [PDF]
    Séminaires Analyse-Probabilités, Université Paris-Dauphine, October 2016.
  4. On the speed of random walks among random conductances,
    UCLA probability seminars, Los Angeles, April 2012 [PDF]
    LATP Séminaires de Probabilités et statistiques, CIRM, Marseille, February 2013.
  5. On the speed of random walks among random conductances (in five minutes!),
    Workshop: Interaction between analysis and probability in Physics, Oberwolfach, February 2012 [PDF]
  6. A large deviation principle for a RWRC in a box (short version),
    7th Cornell Probability Summer School, Cornell University, July 2011 [PDF]
  7. A large deviation principle for a RWRC in a box (complete version),
    IRTG seminars, Berlin, February 2011 [PDF]
  8. The Cut-off Phenomenon for Monte Carlo Markov Chains,
    IRTG interview, Berlin, February 2010 [PDF]


  1. A Central Limit Theorem for the Effective Conductance (2012), poster for the conference Interacting Particle Systems and Related Topics, Firenze.
  2. On the speed of Random Walks among Random Conductances (2012), long abstract, in Oberwolfach Reports.
  3. The Cut-off phenomenon for Monte Carlo Markov chains (2009), master thesis.