Double resonances
in the problem of Arnold diffusion

December 12-16, 2016

Institut Henri Poincaré

Jean-Pierre Marco (IMJ), Vadim Kaloshin (Maryland University and ETH Zürich) and Ke Zhang (University of Toronto) will give mini-courses on double resonances in the problem of Arnold diffusion.

The organizers of the meeting would like to pay special tribute to John Mather and his fundamental contributions to the problem.

Additional lectures (5-6 pm) will be given by participants of the audience.

Practical information

Thank you to send an email to Jacques Féjoz (jacques dot fejoz at dauphine dot fr) if you would like to attend the workshop.

Participants will have free lunch at Observatoire de Paris, everyday except on Thursday 15.

The workshop dinner will take place on Wednesday 14 at 7:30 pm at La Petite Périgourdine, 39 rue des Écoles, Paris 5e arrondissement.


Please check the lecture room each day on schedules posted in IHP.

10:15 am - 12:15 am
(change of schedule!)
2:30 pm - 4:30 pm
Monday (amphi Darboux) Dynamics at double resonances: examples and counter-examples (JPM) Single and double resonances, Invariant cylinders, Aubry-Mather type sets, Bernard’s forcing (VK and KZ)
Tuesday (amphi Darboux) Invariant cylinders near double resonance, Kissing property. A heuristic mechanism of diffusion (VK and KZ) Annuli in classical systems (I). Poincaré-Morse-Hedlund-Mather (JPM)
Wednesday (room 201) Perturbations and genericity (JPM) Bernard’s forcing relation, the jump lemma, diffusion mechanism (VK and KZ)
Thursday (amphi Darboux) Diffusion along a single normally hyperbolic invariant cylinder (VK and KZ) Annuli (II). A Birkhoff-smale theorem (JPM)
Friday (amphi Hermite) From annuli (2 dim.) to cylinders (3 dim.) Genericity conditions (VK and KZ)


  1. Patrick Bernard (U. Paris-Dauphine and ENS Paris)
  2. Santiago Barbieri (U. Paris-Dauphine)
  3. Abed Bounemoura (U. Paris-Dauphine and Obs. Paris)
  4. Thibaut Castan (UPMC and Obs. Paris)
  5. Marc Chaperon (U. Paris-Diderot)
  6. Alain Chenciner (U. Paris-Diderot and Obs. Paris)
  7. Bassam Fayad (U. Paris-Diderot)
  8. Jacques Féjoz (U. Paris-Dauphine and Obs. Paris)
  9. Marian Gidea (Yeshiva U., USA)
  10. Marcel Guardia (U. Politecnica Catalunya)
  11. Vadim Kaloshin (U. Maryland and ETH Zürich)
  12. Raphaël Krikorian (U. Cergy-Pontoise)
  13. Nikolaus Karaliolios (UPMC)
  14. Clémence Labrousse (U. Amiens)
  15. Jean-Pierre Marco (UPMC)
  16. Jessica Massetti (U. Roma Tre)
  17. Laurent Niederman (U. Orsay and Obs. Paris)
  18. Michael Orieux (U. Paris-Dauphine)
  19. Gabriella Pinzari (U. Padova)
  20. Alexandre Pousse (U. Padova)
  21. Michela Procesi (U. Roma Tre)
  22. Tere Seara (U. Politecnica Catalunya)
  23. Alfonso Sorrentino (U. Roma Tre)
  24. Dima Treschev (Steklov Math. Inst., Moscow)
  25. Arturo Vieiro (U. Barcelona)
  26. Qun Wang (U. Paris-Dauphine)
  27. Guowei Yu (U. Paris-Dauphine)
  28. Ke Zhang (U. Toronto)
  29. Zhiyuan Zhang (U. Paris-Diderot)

Remerciements / Thanks

Merci à tous les gestionnaires qui ont rendu cette rencontre possible, notamment:


ANR CNRS Université Paris-Dauphine
Institut Henri Poincaré Observatoire de Paris