Source code for nbodypy.plotlib

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

The N-body class plotlib


>>> import nbodypy.plotlib

This is a subtitle


import nbodypy
import numpy
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import as cmx
import matplotlib.colors as colors

import os, sys

def get_cmap(N):
    Returns a function that maps each index in 0, 1, self... N-1 to a distinct
    RGB color.
    :param N: Number of bodies
    :return: a color map of size N'''
    color_norm  = colors.Normalize(vmin=0, vmax=N)
    scalar_map = cmx.ScalarMappable(norm=color_norm, cmap='hsv')
    def map_index_to_rgb_color(index):
        return scalar_map.to_rgba(index)
    return map_index_to_rgb_color

class Nbodyplot:
    Class to plot pictures for the nbodypy class
[docs] def __init__(self, fig=1): """ Constructor :param fig: (int) number of the matplotlib figure we consider (default =1) """ self.grid = True self.fig = fig self.points = True self.nbrFig = 0
# def textTeX(self, normal=False): ''' Personalize the font for the legend :param normal: (boolean) to use TeX or the classical way of matlplotlib (default Fasle for TeX) ''' plt.rc('text', usetex=not normal) plt.rc('font', family='serif')
[docs] def plotSol2D(self,nbody,t,mode='show',name='trajectory',boundingbox = None): """ Plot trajectory in the (x,y)-plane :param nbody: Nbody Class Instance :param t: (numpy.array) array of times of integration to plot the solution :param mode: (str) to chose if window show or print in a 'pdf' or 'png' file (default 'show') :param name: (str) name of the file if png or pdf file is generated (default 'trajectory') :param boundingbox: (list) of the form [xmin xmax ymin ymax] (default None) """ sol = nbody.integrate(t) fig = plt.figure(self.nbrFig,figsize=(14,14)) self.nbrFig = self.nbrFig +1 ax = fig.add_subplot(111) cmap = get_cmap(nbody._N) for i in range(nbody._N): ax.plot(sol[:,i*nbody._dim], sol[:,i*nbody._dim+1], color=cmap(i)) if(self.points==True): ax.plot(sol[-1,i*nbody._dim], sol[-1,i*nbody._dim+1],'o',color=cmap(i)) if(self.grid): ax.grid() ax.set_aspect('equal') ax.set_xlabel('$x$') ax.set_ylabel('$y$') if(isinstance(boundingbox, list)): ax.set_xlim(boundingbox[0:2]) ax.set_ylim(boundingbox[2:4]) if(mode=='show'): if(mode!='show'): fig.savefig(name+"."+mode,format=mode) plt.close()
[docs] def plotSol3D(self,nbody,t,mode='show',name='trajectory',projection=True): """ Plot trajectory in the (x,y)-plane, (y,z)-plane, (x-z)-plane and 3D view :param nbody: Nbody Class Instance :param t: (numpy.array) time of integration to plot the solution :param mode: (str) to chose if window show or print in a 'pdf' or 'png' file (default 'show') :param name: (str) name of the file if png or pdf file is generated (default 'trajectory') :param projection: (boolean) to choose if we want 2D projections (on (x,y)-plane, (y,z) plane and (x,z)-plane, default) or to choose a 3D visualization """ sol = nbody.integrate(t) fig = plt.figure(self.nbrFig,figsize=(14,14)) self.nbrFig = self.nbrFig +1 if(projection): ax = fig.add_subplot(221, projection='3d') else: ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d') cmap = get_cmap(nbody._N) for i in range(nbody._N): ax.plot(sol[:,i*nbody._dim], sol[:,i*nbody._dim+1], sol[:,i*nbody._dim+2], color=cmap(i)) if(self.points==True): ax.scatter(sol[-1,i*nbody._dim], sol[-1,i*nbody._dim+1], sol[-1,i*nbody._dim+2], marker='.',color=cmap(i)) if(self.grid): ax.grid() ax.set_aspect('equal') ax.title.set_text('3D view') if(projection): axXY = fig.add_subplot(222) axYZ = fig.add_subplot(223) axXZ = fig.add_subplot(224) for i in range(nbody._N): axXY.plot(sol[:,i*nbody._dim], sol[:,i*nbody._dim+1], color=cmap(i)) axYZ.plot(sol[:,i*nbody._dim+1], sol[:,i*nbody._dim+2], color=cmap(i)) axXZ.plot(sol[:,i*nbody._dim], sol[:,i*nbody._dim+2], color=cmap(i)) if(self.points==True): axXY.plot(sol[-1,i*nbody._dim], sol[-1,i*nbody._dim+1],marker='o',color=cmap(i)) axYZ.plot(sol[-1,i*nbody._dim+1], sol[-1,i*nbody._dim+2],marker='o',color=cmap(i)) axXZ.plot(sol[-1,i*nbody._dim], sol[-1,i*nbody._dim+2],marker='o',color=cmap(i)) if(self.grid): axXY.grid() axYZ.grid() axXZ.grid() axXY.set_xlabel('$x$') axXY.set_ylabel('$y$') axYZ.set_xlabel('$y$') axYZ.set_ylabel('$z$') axXZ.set_xlabel('$x$') axXZ.set_ylabel('$z$') if(mode=='show'): if(mode!='show'): fig.savefig(name+"."+mode,format=mode) plt.close()
[docs] def plotSol4D(self,nbody,t,mode='show',name='trajectory',projection='3d'): """ Plot a four dimensional solution :param nbody: Nbody Class Instance :param t: (float) time of integration to plot the solution (numpy.array) :param mode: (str) to chose if window show or print in a 'pdf' or 'png' file (default 'show') :param name: (str) name of the file if png or pdf file is generated (default 'trajectory') :param projection: (string) to choose, '3d' (default) : trajectories in the (x1,x2,x3)-plane, (x1,x2,x4)-plane, (x1,x3,x4)-plane, (x2,x3,x4)-plane,'2d': trajectories in the (x1,x2)-plane, (x1,x3)-plane, (x1,x4)-plane, (x2,x3)-plane, (x2,x4)-plane, (x3,x4)-plane """ sol = nbody.integrate(t) if(projection=='3d'): fig = plt.figure(self.nbrFig,figsize=(14,14)) self.nbrFig = self.nbrFig+1 ax1 = fig.add_subplot(221, projection='3d') ax2 = fig.add_subplot(222, projection='3d') ax3 = fig.add_subplot(223, projection='3d') ax4 = fig.add_subplot(224, projection='3d') cmap = get_cmap(nbody._N) for i in range(nbody._N): ax1.plot(sol[:,i*nbody._dim], sol[:,i*nbody._dim+1], sol[:,i*nbody._dim+2], color=cmap(i)) ax2.plot(sol[:,i*nbody._dim], sol[:,i*nbody._dim+1], sol[:,i*nbody._dim+3], color=cmap(i)) ax3.plot(sol[:,i*nbody._dim], sol[:,i*nbody._dim+2], sol[:,i*nbody._dim+3], color=cmap(i)) ax4.plot(sol[:,i*nbody._dim+1], sol[:,i*nbody._dim+2], sol[:,i*nbody._dim+3], color=cmap(i)) if(self.points==True): ax1.scatter(sol[-1,i*nbody._dim], sol[-1,i*nbody._dim+1], sol[-1,i*nbody._dim+2], marker='.',color=cmap(i)) ax2.scatter(sol[-1,i*nbody._dim], sol[-1,i*nbody._dim+1], sol[-1,i*nbody._dim+3], marker='.',color=cmap(i)) ax3.scatter(sol[-1,i*nbody._dim], sol[-1,i*nbody._dim+3], sol[-1,i*nbody._dim+3], marker='.',color=cmap(i)) ax4.scatter(sol[-1,i*nbody._dim+1], sol[-1,i*nbody._dim+2], sol[-1,i*nbody._dim+3], marker='.',color=cmap(i)) if(self.grid): ax1.grid() ax2.grid() ax3.grid() ax4.grid() #ax.set_aspect('equal') ax1.title.set_text('$(x_1,x_2,x_3)$') ax2.title.set_text('$(x_1,x_2,x_4)$') ax3.title.set_text('$(x_1,x_3,x_4)$') ax4.title.set_text('$(x_2,x_3,x_4)$') elif(projection=='2d'): fig = plt.figure(self.nbrFig,figsize=(16,10)) self.nbrFig = self.nbrFig+1 ax1 = fig.add_subplot(231) ax2 = fig.add_subplot(232) ax3 = fig.add_subplot(233) ax4 = fig.add_subplot(234) ax5 = fig.add_subplot(235) ax6 = fig.add_subplot(236) cmap = get_cmap(nbody._N) for i in range(nbody._N): ax1.plot(sol[:,i*nbody._dim], sol[:,i*nbody._dim+1], color=cmap(i)) ax2.plot(sol[:,i*nbody._dim], sol[:,i*nbody._dim+2], color=cmap(i)) ax3.plot(sol[:,i*nbody._dim], sol[:,i*nbody._dim+3], color=cmap(i)) ax4.plot(sol[:,i*nbody._dim+1], sol[:,i*nbody._dim+2], color=cmap(i)) ax5.plot(sol[:,i*nbody._dim+1], sol[:,i*nbody._dim+3], color=cmap(i)) ax6.plot(sol[:,i*nbody._dim+2], sol[:,i*nbody._dim+3], color=cmap(i)) if(self.points==True): ax1.plot(sol[-1,i*nbody._dim], sol[-1,i*nbody._dim+1], 'o', color=cmap(i)) ax2.plot(sol[-1,i*nbody._dim], sol[-1,i*nbody._dim+2], 'o', color=cmap(i)) ax3.plot(sol[-1,i*nbody._dim], sol[-1,i*nbody._dim+3], 'o', color=cmap(i)) ax4.plot(sol[-1,i*nbody._dim+1], sol[-1,i*nbody._dim+2],'o', color=cmap(i)) ax5.plot(sol[-1,i*nbody._dim+1], sol[-1,i*nbody._dim+3],'o', color=cmap(i)) ax6.plot(sol[-1,i*nbody._dim+2], sol[-1,i*nbody._dim+3],'o', color=cmap(i)) if(self.grid): ax1.grid() ax2.grid() ax3.grid() ax4.grid() #ax.set_aspect('equal') ax1.set_xlabel('$x_1$') ax1.set_ylabel('$x_2$') ax2.set_xlabel('$x_1$') ax2.set_ylabel('$x_3$') ax3.set_xlabel('$x_1$') ax3.set_ylabel('$x_4$') ax4.set_xlabel('$x_2$') ax4.set_ylabel('$x_3$') ax5.set_xlabel('$x_2$') ax5.set_ylabel('$x_4$') ax6.set_xlabel('$x_3$') ax6.set_ylabel('$x_4$') if(mode=='show'): if(mode!='show'): fig.savefig(name+"."+mode,format=mode) plt.close()
[docs] def imageMovie2D(self,nbody,sol, I, prevIt = 0,boundingbox=None): """ Function to create a image of the plot of a 2D solution to create a film :param nbody: Nbody Class Instance :param sol: (numpy.array) output of nbodypy.integrate() function :param I: (int) current, the range in the sol array :param prevIt: (int) the previous range in the sol array, depending on the rate and the size of sol :param boundingbox: (list) of the form [xmin xmax ymin ymax] (default None) """ fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) cmap = get_cmap(nbody._N) for i in range(nbody._N): for j in range(I-prevIt, I): if(j>=0): alphaV = (float(j-I+prevIt))/(float(prevIt)) ax.plot(sol[j,i*nbody._dim], sol[j,i*nbody._dim+1], marker='o', fillstyle='full', markeredgewidth=0.0, color=cmap(i),alpha = (alphaV*alphaV*alphaV)) #ax.plot(sol[:,i*nbody._dim], sol[:,i*nbody._dim+1], color=cmap(i)) ax.plot(sol[I,i*nbody._dim], sol[I,i*nbody._dim+1],'o',color=cmap(i)) if(self.grid): ax.grid() ax.set_aspect('equal') if(isinstance(boundingbox, list)): ax.set_xlim(boundingbox[0:2]) ax.set_ylim(boundingbox[2:4])
[docs] def CreateMovie2D(self, nbody, time, numberOfFrames, prevTime=0.0, fps=24,name="trajectory",keep=False,mode="png",boundingbox=None): """ Function to create a movie of the plot of a 2D solution. The fuction produce a set of pictures that may be collected to build a video with avconv software. :param nbody: Nbody Class Instance :param time: (float) total time of integration :param numberOfFrames: (int) number of Frames for the total video :param prevTime: (float) to get a trace of the past of each body (defaults 0.0) :param fps: (int) frame per second (default 24) :param keep: (boolean) to keep the different generated images (default False) :param mode: (str) to choose the format of each generated image (default 'png'), if mode='png' a mp4 movie is created :param boundingbox: (list) of the form [xmin xmax ymin ymax] (default None) """ os.system("mkdir movie"+name) # create the directory os.system("rm movie"+name+"/*") # clean the directory ttab = numpy.linspace(0.0, time, numberOfFrames) sol = nbody.integrate(ttab) prevItV = int((prevTime/time)*numberOfFrames) for i in range(numberOfFrames): self.imageMovie2D(nbody,sol,i,prevIt=prevItV,boundingbox=boundingbox) fname = name+'_%05d'%i fname = "movie"+name+"/"+fname+"."+mode plt.savefig(fname) plt.clf() if(mode=="png"): os.system("rm movie"+name+".mp4") os.system("avconv -r "+str(fps)+" -i movie"+name+"/"+name+"_%05d.png movie"+name+".mp4") if(keep==False): os.system("rm movie"+name+"/"+name+"_*."+mode) os.system("rm -r movie"+name)