M2 TSi 2013/2014 - Reading Seminar in Statistical Classics - C.P. Robert

This course is a reading seminar in that all participating students present and discuss one "classic", i.e. one of the important papers that contributed to the advance of Statistics as a science. The evaluation of the participating students is based (a) on the understanding and presentation of the assigned paper, as well as (b) on the contribution to the other discussions. Attendance is thus compulsory for the whole duration of the class. Unless argued otherwise prior to the presentation, the presentation and discussions are in English.

Contacts:  Christian Robert, Bureau B638,
                  tel. 01 4405 4335
                  email xian@ceremade.dauphine.fr



The class takes place every week on Mondays. In contrast with the other courses in TSi, attendance to all classes is compulsory and absences will impact negatively on the final grade. The selection of the papers will take place during the first class and students are responsible for recovering their allocated paper. As for other courses, cheating and plagiarism are causes for failure of the course and further  disciplinary actions.


Titterington, D.M. and Cox, D.R. (2001)  Biometrika: One Hundred Years. Oxford University Press