Organisation of conferences
July 2022, Workshop "Markov Chains with Kinetic Constraints and Applications", at BIRS Banff
July 2018, 19th International Congress on Mathematical Physics, Montreal Canada, invited session "Non-Equilibrium Statistical Mechanics"
July 2018: member of the scientific committee CIMPA school "Geometry and scaling of random structures", Buenos Aires
May 2017: organizer of workshop "Universality in bootstrap percolation", IHES Bures-sur-
July 2016: member of the topic committee "General and mathematical aspects" for StatPhys 2016 Lyon
October 2014 "Percolation and Glass Transition:
KCM, Bootstrap Percolation,
Mixed-Order Phase Transitions, Large Deviations", Tel-Aviv
July 2014, 37th Conference on Stochastic Processes and their Applications, Buenos Aires,
invited session "Constrained Stochastic Dynamics"
January 2011, IRS,
Institut Henri Poincare, session "Kinetically constrained spin models, glasses and coalescence processes"