
Accepted and published articles

Please note that the published version may differ from the preprint version available. Should you need the latest version, please contact me.
  • 22- Generalized principal eigenvalues of space-time periodic, weakly coupled, cooperative, parabolic systems, with L. Girardin.
      Accepted for publication in Mémoires de la Société Mathématique de France , 2024. Arxiv preprint

  • 21-Maximising the biomass with respect to the carrying capacity: some qualitative results,
      Journal of Differential Equations, 395 (2024):238-277 Journal link
  • 20-Existence of optimal shapes in parabolic bilinear optimal control problems ,
      Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis, 248(2), 2024 Journal link
  • 19- Analysis of a combined filtered/phase-field approach to topology optimization in elasticity , with F. Auricchio, M. Marino, U. Stefanelli.
  • 18-The topological state derivative: an optimal control perspective on topology optimisation, with P. Baumann and K. Sturm.
      Journal of Geometric Analysis, Special Issue: Differential Geometric PDE Control, Shape Optimization and Applications, 33, 243 (2023). Journal link Arxiv link
  • 17- The bang-bang property in some parabolic bilinear optimal control problems via two-scale asymptotic expansions .
  • 16-Qualitative analysis of optimisation problems with respect to non-constant Robin coefficients, with Y. Privat.
      Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa, Classe di Scienze, accepted for publication, 2022. Arxiv link Hal Link
  • 15- Spectral optimization of inhomogeneous plate, with E. Davoli and U. Stefanelli.
  • 14- Spatial ecology, optimal control and game theoretical fishing problems (2022) , with D. Ruiz-Balet.
  • 13-Quantitative stability for eigenvalues of Schrodinger operator, Quantitative bathtub principle & Application to the turnpike property for a bilinear optimal control problem , With D. Ruiz-Balet.
  • 12- A note on the rearrangement of functions in time and on the parabolic Talenti inequality.
      DOI: 10.1007/s11565-022-00392-y
  • 11-Constrained control of bistable reaction-diffusion equations: Gene-flow and spatially heterogeneous models, with D. Ruiz-Balet and E. Zuazua,
  • 10-Some comparison results and a partial bang-bang property for two-phases problems in balls.
      Mathematics in Engineering, Special Issue Calculus of Variations and Nonlinear Analysis: Advances and Applications, 2022. Journal link
  • 9- Optimisation of the total population size for logistic diffusive equations: bang-bang property and fragmentation rate, with G. Nadin and Y. Privat.
  • 8-Shape optimization of a weighted two-phase Dirichlet eigenvalue , With G. Nadin and Y. Privat.
  • 7-Quantitative estimates for parabolic optimal control problems under $L^infty$ and $L^1$ constraints.
  • 6-Optimisation of the total population size with respect to the initial condition for semilinear parabolic equations: Two-scale expansions and symmetrisations. with G. Nadin and A. I. Toledo Marrero.
  • 5-A fragmentation phenomenon for a non-energetic optimal control problem: optimisation of the total population size in logistic diffusive models. With D. Ruiz-Balet
  • 4- Shape optimization of a Dirichlet type energy for semilinear elliptic partial differential equations. With A. Henrot and Y. Privat.
      ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations, 27 (2021) S6. Hal link Journal link
      DOI: 10.1051/cocv/2020052
  • 3- Quantitative inequality for the eigenvalue of a Schrodinger operator in the ball.
  • 2-Optimal location of resources maximizing the total population size in logistic models. With G. Nadin and Y. Privat,
      Journal de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées , 134, (2020), pp. 1-35. Hal link Journal link.
  • 1-Trait selection and rare mutations: the case of large diffusivities ,

Preprints and submitted articles

  • Mean-field games for harvesting problems: Uniqueness, long-time behaviour and weak KAM theory (2024), with Z. Kobeissi and D. Ruiz-Balet Arxiv link

  • Large-time optimal observation domain for linear parabolic systems (2024), with Y. Privat and E. Trélat. Arxiv link

  • Is the Faber-Krahn inequality true for the Stokes operator? (2024), with A. Henrot and Y. Privat Arxiv link Hal link

  • Stability of optimal shapes and convergence of thresholding algorithms in linear and spectral optimal control problems (2023), with A. Chambolle and Y. Privat Arxiv link Hal link (main paper) Arxiv link Hal link (supplementary material)

  • The tragedy of the commons: A Mean-Field Game approach to the reversal of travelling waves (2023), with Z. Kobeissi and D. Ruiz-Balet

  • Optimality conditions for the linear optimal control of non-linear equations via a Laplace type method and two-scales like expansions (2022) , with G. Nadin. Arxiv link Hal link

  • Book chapters

  • Some challenging optimisation problems for logistic diffusive equations and numerical issues (2020), With G. Nadin and Y. Privat.

    • To appear in Handbook of Numerical Analysis, Volume 23, 2022 (Editors: E. Trélat, E. Zuazua). Hal link.

    Notes de cours et documents scolaires

  • Spring school in Pristina. An introduction to the calculus of variations Lecture notes (in English) for a course I taught in Pristina (Kosovo) in 2017.

  • Les théorèmes de Nash , Notes des conférences de Cédric Villani au Goutelas, parue au JME Novembre 2015. PDF .

  • De Newton à Boltzmann , Notes des conférences de Laure Saint-Raymond au Goutelas, parue au JME, Décembre 2016. PDF .

  • Equations aux dérivées partielles (Ens de Lyon, M1, 2015) , Notes du cours de T. Gallay et des TD de J. Vovelle. PDF .