
Preprints and working papers

  1. Guibert, Q., Pincemin, G., and Planchet F. (2024). Impacts of Climate Change on Mortality: An extrapolation of temperature effects based on time series data in France.
  2. Guibert, Q., Loisel, S., Lopez, O. and Piette, P. (2020). Bridging the Li-Carter's gap : a locally coherent mortality forecast approach. To resubmit.
  3. Guibert, Q. and Planchet, F. (2017). Pricing and Risk Analysis of a Long-Term Care Insurance Contract in a non-Markov Multi-State Model. Working paper.
  4. Caja A., Guibert Q. and Planchet F. (2015). Influence of Economic Factors on the Credit Rating Transitions and Defaults of Credit Insurance Business. Working paper.

Articles in peer-reviewed journals

  1. Sorochynskyi, O., Guibert Q., Planchet F. and Schwarzinger M. (2024). Estimating Disease-Free Life Expectancy Based on Clinical Data from the French Hospital Discharge Database. Risks. 12.6
    [hal] [doi]
  2. Spedicato, G ., Dutang, C. and Guibert, Q. (202-). Adjusting manual rates to own experience : Comparing the credibility approach to machine learning. Forthcoming. Variance
  3. Dutang, C. and Guibert, Q. (2022). An explicit split point procedure in model-based trees allowing for a quick fitting of GLM trees and GLM forests. Statistics and Computing 32.6.
    [hal] [doi]
  4. Guibert Q., Piette P. and Lopez O. (2019). Mortality Rates Improvements Forecasting with a High-Dimensional VAR. Insurance: Mathematics and Economics 88, p. 255-272.
    [hal] [doi]
  5. Guibert Q., Planchet, F. and Schwarzinger M. (2018). Mesure de l’espérance de vie sans dépendance totale en France métropolitaine. Bulletin Français d'Actuariat 18.35, p. 85-109.
  6. Guibert Q., Planchet, F. and Schwarzinger M. (2018). Mesure du risque de perte d’autonomie totale en France métropolitaine. Bulletin Français d'Actuariat 18.35, p. 111-131.
  7. Guibert Q., Planchet, F. and Schwarzinger M. (2018). Mesure de l’espérance de vie en dépendance totale en France métropolitaine. Bulletin Français d'Actuariat 18.35, p. 133-159.
  8. Guibert Q. and Planchet, F. (2018). Non-Parametric Inference of Transition Probabilities Based on Aalen-Johansen Integral Estimators for Acyclic Multi-State Models : Application to LTC Insurance. Insurance: Mathematics and Economics 82, p. 21-36.
    [hal]  [doi]
  9. Borel-Mathurin F ., Darpeix P.E ., Guibert Q. and Loisel S. (2018). Main determinants of profit sharing policy in the French life insurance industry. The Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance - Issues and Practice 43.3, p. 420-455.
    [hal]  [doi]
  10. Schwarzinger M., Pollock B.G ., Hasan O.S ., Dufouil C ., Rehm J ., Baillot S., Guibert Q., Planchet, F. and Luchini S . (2018). Contribution of alcohol use disorders to the burden of dementia in France 2008–13: a nationwide retrospective cohort study. The Lancet Public Health 3.3, e124-e132.
    [hal] [doi]
  11. Guibert Q. and Planchet, F. (2017). Utilisation des estimateurs de Kaplan-Meier par génération et de Hoem pour la construction de tables de mortalité prospectives. Bulletin Français d'Actuariat 17.33.
  12. Guibert Q. and Planchet, F. (2014). Construction de lois d’expérience en présence d’évènements concurrents : Application à l’estimation des lois d’incidence d’un contrat dépendance, Bulletin Français d’Actuariat 13.27, p. 5-28.
  13. Planchet, F., Guibert Q. and Juillard M. (2012). Measuring uncertainty of solvency coverage ratio in ORSA for non-life insurance, European Actuarial Journal 2.2, p. 205-226.
    [hal] [doi]
  14. Planchet, F., Guibert Q. and Juillard M. (2010). Un cadre de référence pour un modèle interne partiel en assurance de personnes, Bulletin Français d'Actuariat, 10.20, p.~5-34.

Book and chapters

  1. In Planchet, F. and Robert C. Y. (editors) (2020) Some case studies of advanced algorithms and applications, Chapter 1: Modeling and Forecasting Mortality with Machine Learning Approaches (with Piette, P and Planchet, F.), Paris, Economica
  2. In Dupourqué E., Planchet F. and Sator N. (editors) (2019) Actuarial Aspects of Long-Term Care, Chapter 4: Measuring Long-Term Insurance Contracts with Biometric Risks (with Planchet F.), Springer Actuarial Series, Springer.
  3. Guibert Q., Juillard M., Nteukam-Teuguia O. and Planchet F. (2014). Solvabilité prospective en assurance - Méthodes quantitatives pour l’ORSA, Paris, Economica.

Theses and dissertations

  1. Guibert, Q. (2015). Sur l'utilisation des modeles multi-etats pour la mesure et la gestion des risques d'un contrat d'assurance. Ph.D. thesis. Lyon : Universite Claude Bernard - Lyon I.
  2. Guibert, Q. (2010). Analyse de la solvabilité d’un régime de retraite supplémentaire. Master thesis. Lyon : Universite Claude Bernard - Lyon I.


  1. Dutang, C. and Guibert, Q. (2022). Nouvelles approches à partir d’arbres et de forêts GLM. L'Actuariel, March 2022, 44.
  2. Guibert Q. and Planchet F. L'utilisation des actions du management en assurance dépendance. L'Actuariel, January 2014, 11.
  3. Guibert Q. and Planchet F. Quels sont les risques associés à un régime de retraite ?. Lettre de l'Observatoire des Retraites, December 2013, 20.

Editorial activities

Reviewers for the following reviews

  • Annals of Actuarial Science.
  • ASTIN Bulletin - The Journal of the International Actuarial Association.
  • Bulletin Francais d'Actuariat.
  • Computational Statistics and Data Analysis
  • European Actuarial Journal.
  • ESAIM : Probability and Statistics.
  • Insurance : Mathematics and Economics.
  • International Journal of Forecasting.
  • Lifetime Data Analysis.
  • Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability.
  • Risks.

Research funding, academic chairs and working groups