Functional Inequalities and PDE in the Life Sciences


Paris, January 12-13, 2012

Université Paris-Dauphine

Room A 709 (January 12)

Room D 520 (January 13)



9.30-10.20:      Giuseppe Toscani

Kinetic and Fokker-Planck models for goods exchange in microeconomics

10.20-11.10:    Alessio Figalli

Di Perna-Lions' theory, with application to semiclassical limits for the Schrödinger equation

11.10-11.40:   Coffee Break

11.40- 12.30:   Clément Sire

Collapse and evaporation dynamics of a canonical self-gravitating gas

12.30-2.00:    Lunch Break

2.00-2.50:    Pierre Degond

Does self-organization imply breakdown of statistical independence ? 

2.50-3.20:    Coffee Break

3.20-4.10:     Lucilla Corrias

Modeling chemotaxis with systems of parabolic-parabolic type : the state of the art


9.30- 10.20:    Massimo Fornasier

Particle systems and kinetic equations modeling interacting agents in high dimension

10.20-11.10:    Jose Antonio Carrillo

Keller-Segel, fast-diffusion, and functional inequalities

11.10-11.40:   Coffee Break

11.40- 12.30:   Jérôme Coville

Nonlocal models in population dynamics

12.30-2.00:    Lunch Break

2.00-2.50:    Gaël Raoul

An integro-differential model for evolution.

2.50-3.40:    Eric Carlen

Stability for Gagliardo-Nirenberg-Sobolev inequalities and the long-time behavior of Critical Mass Solutions of the Keller-Segel Equation