CEREMADE, Universite Paris Dauphine-PSL
place du marechal de Lattre de Tassigny, Paris, France
Office: Bureau 210bis
Email: dagallier[at]ceremade[dot]dauphine[dot]fr
Research interests:
I am interested in probability and analysis, specifically in applications to statistical mechanics models and their associated dynamics.
I am particularly interested in non-equilibrium statistical mechanics, phase transitions and renormalisation.
I am currently a postdoc at the CEREMADE with Cristina Toninelli, under a Marie Curie MIGP cofund grant. Previously I was a Courant instructor/assistant professor at the Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences.
Before that I was a postdoc at the DPMMS in Cambridge with Roland Bauerschmidt, and I did my PhD at CMAP, Ecole Polytechnique with Thierry Bodineau.
Here is a link to my CV.
Lecture notes on Large deviations (Fall 2024) available here. The file will regularly be updated as we progress through the term.Preprints and publications
Fluctuations and correlations in weakly asymmetric simple exclusion on a ring subject to an atypical current.
Accepted in Annals of Probability [hal],[arXiv (2023)].
Kawasaki dynamics beyond the uniqueness threshold.
With R. Bauerschmidt and Thierry Bodineau, published in Probability Theory and Related Fields, 2024 [journal link] [hal], [arXiv (2023)].
Stochastic dynamics and the Polchinski equation: an introduction.
With R. Bauerschmidt and Thierry Bodineau, Probability Surveys, 2024 [journal link ][hal], [arXiv (2023)].
Large deviations for out of equilibrium correlations in the symmetric simple exclusion process.
With T. Bodineau, Electronic Journal of Probability, 2024 [journal link] [hal], [arXiv (2022)].
Log-Sobolev inequality for near critical Ising models.
With R. Bauerschmidt, Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics, 2023. [journal link], [arxiv (2022)].
Log-Sobolev inequality for the φ42 and φ43 measures.
With R. Bauerschmidt, Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics, 2023. [journal link], [arxiv (2022)].
Motion by curvature and large deviations for an interface dynamics on Z 2.
Probability in Mathematical Physics, 2024 [journal link] [hal], [arxiv (2020)].