Moments of partition functions of 2D Gaussian polymers in the weak disorder regime -II (joint work with O. Zeitouni)
(Preprint) (2023) (arXiv)
A variational formula for large deviations in first-passage percolation under tail estimates (joint work with S. Nakajima) Ann. Appl. Probab. 33(3): 2103-2135 (2023) (doi)
Law of large numbers and fluctuations in the sub-critical and L2 regions for SHE and KPZ equation in dimension d≥3 (joint work with S. Nakajima and M. Nakashima). Stochastic Process. Appl. 151: 127-173 (2022) (doi)
Moments of partition functions of 2D Gaussian polymers in the weak disorder regime -I (joint work with O. Zeitouni)
Accepted in Comm. Math. Phys. (2021) (arXiv)
Asymptotics of the p-capacity in the critical regime (joint work with S. Nakajima and F. Schweiger)
(Preprint) (2021) (arXiv)
Directed polymers on infinite graphs (joint work with I. Seroussi and O. Zeitouni). Comm. Math. Phys. 386(4):1-38 (2021) (doi)
Topologically induced metastability in periodic XY chain (joint work with A. Shapira). Jour. Math. Phys. 62, 043301 (2021) (doi)
Gaussian fluctuations for the directed polymer partition function
for d≥3 and in the whole L2-region (joint work with S. Nakajima). Ann. Inst. Poinc. Probab. Statist. 57(2): 872-889 (2021) (doi)
Renormalizing the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang equation in d≥3 in weak disorder (joint work with F. Comets and C. Mukherjee). J. Stat. Phys. 179, 713–728 (2020) (doi)
Space-time fluctuation of the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang equation in d≥3 and the Gaussian free field (joint work with F.
Comets and C. Mukherjee).
To appear in Ann. Inst. Poinc. Probab. Statist. (2019) (arXiv)
Brownian Polymers in Poissonian Environment: a survey (joint work with F. Comets).
(2018) (arXiv)
The Intermediate Disorder Regime for Brownian Directed Polymers in Poisson Environment. Indagationes Mathematicae 30(5), 805-839, (2019) (doi)
Hausdorff dimension of the record set of a fractional Brownian
motion (joint work with L. Benigni, A. Shapira, and K. J. Wiese). Electron. Commun. Probab. 23(22) (2018) (doi)
Spring 2018 and 2019: Teaching Assistant in an algebra and calculus course (MM4), intended for second year mathematics majors.
Spring 2017: TA in an algebra and calculus course (MP2, S2), intended for first year physicists majors.
2016/2017: TA in a Scilab course, intended for students in first year of preparatory school (ECE) at Lycée Henri IV.