PHOTOS of speakers during MIA04 conference.

Roberto Ardon

Michael Bronstein

Freddy Bruckstein and Nyra Dyn

Nicolas Brunel

Frederic Cao

Daniel Cremers (on the left) in discussion with Ian Jermyn

Marco Cuturi

Remco Duits

Leonidas Guibas

Stephanie Jehan-Besson

Seongjai Kim

Christophe Lenglet

Simon Masnou discussing with Frederic Barbaresco (one of the committee member)

Stanley Osher discussing with Ian Jermyn, Seongjai Kim and a conference participant

Nikos Paragios

Gabriel Peyre

Emmanuel Prados

Many thanks to Florent Ranchin who was kind enough to take all these pictures except this one.

Bernard Scholkopf

Jean Serra

Evgeny Spodarev

Rene Vidal

Jian-Feng Yao

Tony Yezzi

coffee break moment...

another coffee break moment...