Laureat 2009 du Grand Prix EADS de l'Academie des Sciences

Grand Prix EADS: Créé en 2007.
Prix annuel des sciences de l'information et de leurs applications, fondé par la fondation d'entreprise EADS, et destiné à récompenser des chercheurs de moins de 50 ans reconnus pour l’originalité, la qualité et l’importance de leurs travaux conduits dans un laboratoire français dans les sciences de l’information, entretenant une coopération avec l’industrie particulièrement fructueuse et/ou ayant eu une contribution majeure sur des sujets ayant un impact applicatif remarquable. Le prix est décerné alternativement dans la division des sciences chimiques, biologiques et médicales et leurs applications, (années paires) et dans la division des sciences mathématiques et physiques, sciences de l'univers et leurs applications (années impaires).

Lauréat 2009 : Laurent Cohen, directeur de recherche au CNRS, Centre de Recherche en mathématiques de la décision (CEREMADE) à l'université Paris-Dauphine.
“Laurent COHEN a approfondi et étendu l'étude et l'utilisation des contours déformables en imagerie médicale. Ces modèles, proposés par Demetri Terzopoulos en 1988, sont aujourd'hui utilisés par de nombreux praticiens et ce succès est principalement dû au talent et au travail de Laurent Cohen, en collaboration avec le monde médical. Il s'impose aujourd'hui comme scientifique de référence dans ce domaine.”

Film portrait (divx ou avi) realisé par la fondation EADS pour la remise du prix le 19 Octobre 2009.

Ceremonie SMAI en l'honneur des laureats des prix de Mathematiques Appliquees et d'informatique decernes par l'academie des sciences le 18 Novembre 2009

Remise du prix à l'academie des science lors d'une seance solennelle

See also :

  1. Complete blow-up after ${T}_{max}$ for the solution of a semilinearheat equation. P.~Baras and Laurent~D. Cohen. Journal of Functional Analysis}, 71(1):142--174, March 1987.

Deformable Models, Minimal Paths and Fast Marching. Applications to Medical Image Analysis.

  1. On active contour models and balloons. Laurent D. Cohen. Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing : Image Understanding (CVGIP:IU), 53(2):211--218, March 1991 (327k).

  2. Finite element methods for active contour models and balloons for {2-D} and {3-D} images. Laurent D. Cohen and Isaac Cohen. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, PAMI-15(11), November 1993.

  3. Analyzing the deformation of the left ventricle of the heart with a parametric deformable model E.~Bardinet, Laurent~D. Cohen, and N.~Ayache. in MEDIA, Medical Image Analysis, 1996.

  4. Global minimum for active contour models: A minimal path approach Laurent D. Cohen and R.~Kimmel. in International Journal of Computer Vision, August 1997.

  5. Fast extraction of minimal paths in 3D images and application to virtual endoscopy. T.~Deschamps and L.D. Cohen. in Medical Image Analysis, 5(4):281--299, December 2001. Videos in the web version of the journal.

  6. A new Image Registration Technique with Free Boundary Constraints : Application to Mammography. Frederic Richard and Laurent D. Cohen. in Computer Vision and Image Understanding, Special Issue of on Nonrigid Image Registration, Volume 89, Issues 2-3, Pages 166-196 February - March 2003.

  7. Fast Constrained Surface Extraction by Minimal Paths. Roberto Ardon and Laurent D. Cohen. International Journal on Computer Vision, Special Issue on Variational and Level Set Methods in Computer Vision (VLSM 2003), 69(1):127--136, August 2006. (pdf file 0.6M)

  8. Geodesic Remeshing Using Front Propagation. , Gabriel Peyre and Laurent D. Cohen. International Journal on Computer Vision, Special Issue on Variational and Level Set Methods in Computer Vision (VLSM 2003), 69(1):145--156, August 2006. (pdf file 1.7M)

  9. A Metric Approach to Vector-Valued Image Segmentation. , Pablo Arbelaez and Laurent D. Cohen. International Journal on Computer Vision, Special Issue on Variational and Level Set Methods in Computer Vision (VLSM 2003), 69(1):119--126, August 2006. (pdf file 0.8M)

  10. Fast 3D Brain Segmentation Using Dual-front Active Contours With Optional User-Interaction. , Hua Li, Anthony Yezzi and Laurent D. Cohen. International Journal of Biomedical Imaging, Special issue on Recent Advances in Mathematical Methods for the Analysis of Biomedical Images. 2006. (pdf file 3M)

  11. A new implicit method for surface segmentation by minimal paths in {3D} images. , Roberto Ardon, Laurent D. Cohen and Anthony Yezzi. Applied Mathematics and Optimization, 55(2):127-144, March 2007. (pdf file 1.2M)

  12. Segmentation of 3D tubular objects with adaptive front propagation and minimal tree extraction for 3D medical imaging. Laurent D. Cohen and Thomas Deschamps. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, 10(4):289 - 305, August 2007.

  13. Heuristically Driven Front Propagation for Fast Geodesic Extraction, Gabriel Peyre and Laurent D. Cohen, International Journal for Computational Vision and Biomechanics (IJCV&B), 1(1), 55−−67, Jan−June 2008.

  14. Fast Object Segmentation by Growing Minimal Paths from a Single Point on 2D or 3D Images Fethallah Benmansour and Laurent D. Cohen. Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, 2009.

  15. Anisotropic Geodesics for Perceptual Grouping and Domain Meshing. Sebastien Bougleux and Gabriel Peyr\'e and Laurent D. Cohen. Proc. tenth European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV'08)}, Marseille, France, October 12-18, 2008.

  16. Tubular anisotropy for 3D vessels segmentation. Fethallah Benmansour and Laurent D. Cohen. In Proc. of 2nd Second International Conference on Scale Space Methods and Variational Methods in Computer Vision (SSVM'09)}, Voss, Norway, June 1 - June 5, 2009, Springer LNCS.

  17. Image Compression with Anisotropic Geodesic Triangulations. S\'ebastien Bougleux and Gabriel Peyr\'e and Laurent Cohen. In {\em {Proc. Twelfth IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV'09)}}, Kyoto, Japan, September 29th-October 2nd, 2009.

Some overview Papers

  1. Chemins Minimaux et Modeles Deformables en Analyse d'Images, Minimal Paths and Deformable Models for Image Analysis (in French). Laurent D. Cohen. Conference pleniere invitee. In Actes Journees d'etudes SEE: Le Traitement d'Images a l'Aube Du XXIeme Siecle, Paris, France, Mars 2002. (pdf file 2.4M).

  2. Avoiding Local Minima for Deformable Curves in Image Analysis. Laurent Cohen. In Curves and Surfaces with Applications in CAGD , A. Le Mehaute, C. Rabut, and L. L. Schumaker (eds.), Vanderbilt Univ. Press, Nashville, 1997 ( PS.GZ). (deals with balloons, minimal paths and region-based snakes).

  3. Minimal Paths and Fast Marching Methods for Image Analysis. Laurent~D. Cohen, In Mathematical Models in Computer Vision: The Handbook, Nikos Paragios and Yunmei Chen and Olivier Faugeras Editors, Springer 2005. (pdf file 0.8M)

  4. Geodesic Methods for Shape and Surface Processing, Gabriel Peyre and Laurent D. Cohen in Advances in Computational Vision and Medical Image Processing: Methods and Applications, Springer, 2009.

  5. Talk given at College de France An overview of my work on geodesics and Image Analysis. January 2009

Various Papers on Applications other than Medical Imaging.

  1. With CEA: AOMS: un outil de releve 3D d'environnements industriels . Patrick Sayd, Sylvie Naudet, Marc Viala, Laurent~Cohen, and Arnaud~Dumont. In  Actes du congres de Vision ORASIS 2001, Cahors, Juin 2001.

  2. With EADS: Multiple rectangle model for Buildings Segmentation and 3D Scene Reconstruction.  Samuel Vinson  and Laurent D. Cohen. In Proc. 16th IEEE International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR'02), Quebec, Canada, August 2002.

  3. Single Quantum Dot tracking based on perceptual grouping using minimal paths in a spatio-temporal volume. , Stephane Bonneau, Maxime Dahan and Laurent D. Cohen. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, special issue on Molecular and Cellular Imaging, 14(9):1384--1395, September 2005. (pdf file 1.2M)

  4. Using Point Correspondences Without Projective Deformation For Multi-View Stereo Reconstruction. Adrien Auclair and Laurent Cohen and Nicole Vincent, Proceedings of IEEE ICIP 2008}, San Diego, California, USA, October 15-18, 2008.

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Last update : July 2009