A mathematician writing on a blackboard

The academic year starts in September with 2 weeks of Preliminary Courses that are not followed by exams and are intended as a quick review of tools that students should mostly already know from previous studies.

During the M2 year, students must pass the exams of 7 courses freely chosen among the Fundamental and Specialized courses in the list below, the only constraint being that at least 2 courses should be Fundamental. It is also possible to validate up to 2 courses picked in other masters of the Paris area, upon prior approval from the program directors. See the map of those masters.

See here for special rules applying to students that intend to validate a minor in physics.

In addition, students must write a memoir on a research or reading project under the supervision of a research director either in PSL or in another institution. This project may also take the form of an internship in a company.

Each student will be followed by a scientific tutor who will orientate for the choice of the courses and help to find a suitable director for the research internship.

Examples of choices of courses
  1. Profile in Analysis
    • Introduction to non linear elliptic PDEs
    • Introduction to evolution PDEs
    • Introduction to dynamical systems
    • Four courses among
      • Variational problems and optimal transport
      • Continuous optimisation
      • Dynamics of semi-linear wave equation
      • Variational and geodesic methods for image analysis
      • Numerical methods for deterministic and stochastic problems
      • Spectral theory and variational methods
      • Introduction to control theory
  2. Profile in Probability
    • Limit theorems and large deviations
    • Stochastic calculus
    • Continuous-time Markov processes
    • Four courses among
      • Integrable probability and the KPZ universality class
      • Random geometric models
      • Introduction to statistical mechanics and interacting particle systems
      • Random walks and random media
      • Determinantal processes, random matrices and hyperuniformity
  3. Profile at the interface Analysis-Probability
    • Stochastic Calculus
    • Continuous-time Markov processes
    • Rough paths and SDEs
    • Four courses among
      • Entropy methods, functional inequalities and applications
      • Introduction to non linear elliptic PDEs
      • Introduction to evolution PDEs
      • Stochastic control
      • Stochastic control
      • Numerical methods for deterministic and stochastic problems
      • Mean field games (prerequisite: Stochastic control)
      • Variational problems and optimal transport
      • An introduction to hyperbolic systems of conservation laws

Preliminary Courses

Fundamental Courses



At the interface of analysis and probability

Dynamical Systems and Geometry

Key Bindings on this page

< top
> bottom
r Preliminary courses
f Fundamental courses
a Analysis
p Probability
b Analysis and Probability
d Dynamical Systems and Geometry
k Key bindings