Curriculum vitae

Brugiere Pierre

Maître de conférences
Site web personnel


1985-1989 ENS Lyon

1987 Agrégation Mathématiques

1987-1989 ENSAE

1988-1989 DEA MASE Dauphine

1989 -1992 PhD Dauphine

1992- 1996 MCF Dauphine

1992 -1996 Consultant CPR Paris

1996 - 2015 Natwest Securities, Bankers Trust, Deutsche Bank, BNPP

2015 - Today MCF Dauphine


Dernières publications


Brugiere P., Turinici G. (2023), Deep learning of value at risk through generative neural network models: The case of the Variational auto encoder, MethodsX, vol. 10, p. 102192


Brugiere P. (2020), Quantitative Portfolio Management. with Applications in Python Springer, XII-205 p.

Communications sans actes

Brugiere P., Turinici G. (2024), Using LLMs techniques for Time Series Prediction, 6th J.P. Morgan Global Machine Learning Conference, Paris, France

Brugiere P., Turinici G. (2022), A few key issues in finance that machine learning is helping solve, JP Morgan Global Machine Learning Conference, Paris, France

Prépublications / Cahiers de recherche

Brugiere P., Turinici G. (2024), Transformer for Times Series: an Application to the S&P500, Paris, Cahier de recherche CEREMADE, Université Paris Dauphine-PSL, 19 p.

Brugiere P., Turinici G. (2023), Onflow: an online portfolio allocation algorithm, Paris, Cahier de recherche CEREMADE, Université Paris Dauphine-PSL, 20 p.

Brugiere P., Turinici G. (2022), Deep learning of Value at Risk through generative neural network models : the case of the Variational Auto Encoder, Paris, Cahier de recherche CEREMADE, Université Paris Dauphine-PSL, 4 p.

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