Curriculum vitae

Roussellet Guillaume


Dernières publications


Roussellet G., Bénassy-Quéré A. (2014), Fiscal Sustainability in the Presence of Systemic Banks: the Case of EU countries, International Tax and Public Finance, vol. 21, n°3, p. 436-467

Communications avec actes

Darolles S., Roussellet G. (2017), Managing hedge fund liquidity risks, in , Amsterdam, Elsevier

Communications sans actes

Darolles S., Roussellet G. (2024), Managing hedge fund liquidity risks, 2024 FMA (Financial Management Association International) European Conference, Turin, Italie

Darolles S., Roussellet G. (2024), Managing hedge fund liquidy risks, 16th Annual SoFiE (Society for Financial Econometrics) Meeting, Rio de Janeiro, BrÉsil

Darolles S., Roussellet G. (2024), Managing hedge fund liquidity risks, 6th QFFE (Quantitative Finance and Financial Econometrics) Spring School and International Conference, Marseille, France

Darolles S., Roussellet G. (2019), Managing hedge fund liquidity risks, ESSEC Conference on Financial Markets and Risk Management, Cergy, France

Darolles S., Roussellet G. (2018), Managing hedge fund liquidity risks, Quantitative Finance and Financial Econometrics (QFFE ) 2018, Marseille, France

Darolles S., Roussellet G. (2017), Managing hedge fund liquidity risks, 11th International Conference on Computational and Financial Econometrics (CFE 2017), London, Royaume-Uni

Darolles S., Roussellet G. (2017), Managing hedge fund liquidity risks, The Role of Hedge Funds in and other Collective Investment Funds in the Modern World, Manchester, Royaume-Uni

Darolles S., Roussellet G. (2016), Managing hedge fund liquidity risks, 33th International Conference of the French Finance Association (AFFI), Liege, Belgique

Darolles S., Roussellet G. (2016), Managing hedge fund liquidity risks, ESEM Conference (European meeting of the Econometric Society), Geneve, Suisse

Présentation(s) dans un séminaire de recherche

Darolles S., Roussellet G. (2023), Managing hedge fund liquidity risks, in HEC Montreal (Laboratoire de mathématiques actuarielles et financières Quantact) : Séminaire de mathématiques actuarielles et financières, Montreal

Darolles S., Roussellet G. (2017), Managing hedge fund liquidity risks, in Finance Seminar Faculté des sciences de l'administration (FSA ULaval), Laval

Darolles S., Roussellet G. (2017), Managing hedge fund liquidity risks, in Mc Gill University, Finance Seminar, Montreal

Darolles S., Roussellet G. (2016), Managing hedge fund liquidity risks, in EHL (Ecole hôtelière de Lausanne) Finance Seminar, Lausanne

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