Curriculum vitae

Turinici Gabriel

Professeur des universités
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Gabriel Turinici est Professeur de mathématiques à l'Université Paris Dauphine. Ancien élève de l'ENS de la rue d'Ulm, il a obtenu un doctorat en analyse numérique à l'Université Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris VI) ainsi que son HDR. Il a commencé sa carrière en tant que chargé de recherche à l'INRIA Paris. Par la suite il a été nommé professeur à l'Université Paris Dauphine. Il est ancien membre de l'Institut Universitaire de France et editeur academique de plusieurs journaux scientifiques, ainsi qu'auteur de nombreux articles de recherche. Ses intérêts sont dans la modélisation mathématique et l'analyse numérique des algorithmes déterministes et stochatiques ayant des applications en physique quantique, apprentissage statistique, epidemiologie, immunologie, économie et finances.

Dernières publications


Laguzet L., Turinici G. (2024), The Quantization Monte Carlo method for solving radiative transport equations, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, vol. 329

Laguzet L., Turinici G. (2024), Model free collision aggregation for the computation of escape distributions, ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis, vol. 58, n°5, p. 2061–2077

Brugiere P., Turinici G. (2023), Deep learning of value at risk through generative neural network models: The case of the Variational auto encoder, MethodsX, vol. 10, p. 102192

Danchin A., Pagani-Azizi O., Turinici G., Yahiaoui G. (2022), COVID-19 Adaptive Humoral Immunity Models: Weakly Neutralizing Versus Antibody-Disease Enhancement Scenarios, Acta Biotheoretica, vol. 70, n°4

Danchin A., Turinici G. (2021), Immunity after COVID-19: protection or sensitization ?, Mathematical Biosciences, vol. 331, p. 108499

Danchin A., Ng T., Turinici G. (2021), A new transmission route for the propagation of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, Biology, vol. 10, n°1, p. 10

Turinici G. (2021), Radon Sobolev Variational Auto-Encoders, Neural Networks, vol. 141, p. 294-305

Dolbeault J., Turinici G. (2021), Social heterogeneity and the COVID-19 lockdown in a multi-group SEIR model, Computational and Mathematical Biophysics, vol. 9, n°1, p. 14-21

Chenavaz R., Paraschiv C., Turinici G. (2021), Dynamic Pricing of New Products in Competitive Markets: A Mean-Field Game Approach, Dynamic Games and Applications, vol. 11, p. 463–490

Cluzel N., Lambert A., Maday Y., Turinici G., Danchin A. (2020), Biochemical and mathematical lessons from the evolution of the SARS- CoV-2 virus: paths for novel antiviral warfare, Comptes rendus. Biologies, vol. 343, n°2, p. 177-209

Dolbeault J., Turinici G. (2020), Heterogeneous social interactions and the COVID-19 lockdown outcome in a multi-group SEIR model, Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena, vol. 15, n°36, p. 18

Turinici G. (2019), Stochastic learning control of inhomogeneous quantum ensembles, Physical Review. A, Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics and Quantum Information, vol. 100, n°5, p. 053403

Salvarani F., Turinici G. (2018), Optimal individual strategies for influenza vaccines with imperfect efficacy and durability of protection, Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering (MBE), vol. 15, n°3, p. 629-652

Hubert E., Turinici G. (2018), Nash-MFG equilibrium in a SIR model with time dependent newborn vaccination, Ricerche di Matematica, vol. 67, n°1, p. 227-246

Legendre G., Turinici G. (2017), Second-order in time schemes for gradient flows in Wasserstein and geodesic metric spaces, Comptes rendus. Mathématique, vol. 355, n°3, p. 345-353

Turinici G. (2017), Metric gradient flows with state dependent functionals: the Nash-MFG equilibrium flows and their numerical schemes, Nonlinear Analysis, vol. 165, p. 163-181

Fu Y., Turinici G. (2017), Quantum Hamiltonian and dipole moment identification in presence of large control perturbations, ESAIM. Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations, vol. 23, n°3, p. 1129-1143

Fu Y., Rabitz H., Turinici G. (2016), Hamiltonian identification in presence of large control field perturbations, Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, vol. 49, n°49, p. n°495301

Maday Y., Mula O., Turinici G. (2016), Convergence analysis of the Generalized Empirical Interpolation Method, SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis, vol. 54, n°3, p. 1713-1731

Laguzet L., Turinici G. (2015), Individual Vaccination as Nash Equilibrium in a SIR Model with Application to the 2009–2010 Influenza A(H1N1) Epidemic in France, Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, vol. 77, n°10, p. 1955-1984

Laguzet L., Turinici G. (2015), Global optimal vaccination in the SIR model: Properties of the value function and application to cost-effectiveness analysis, Mathematical Biosciences, vol. 263, p. 180-197

Belhadj M., Salomon J., Turinici G. (2015), Ensemble controllability and discrimination of perturbed bilinear control systems on connected, simple, compact Lie groups, European Journal of Control, vol. 22, p. 23-29

Papin T., Turinici G. (2015), The liquidity regimes and the prepayment option of a corporate loan in the finite horizon case, Global Credit Review, vol. 5, n°1, p. 19-33

Papin T., Turinici G. (2014), Prepayment option of a perpetual corporate loan: the impact of the funding costs, International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Finance, vol. 17, n°4

Haguet E., Bialecki A., Turinici G. (2014), Existence of an equilibrium for lower semi-continuous information acquisition functions, Journal of Applied Mathematics, vol. 2014

Papin T., Turinici G. (2013), Valuation of the prepayment option of a perpetual corporate loan, Abstract and Applied Analysis, vol. 2013, p. ID 960789

Grigoriu A., Turinici G., Rabitz H. (2013), Controllability Analysis of Quantum Systems Immersed Within an Engineered Environment, Journal of Mathematical Chemistry, vol. 51, n°6, p. 1548-1560

Turinici G., Ho T-S., Rabitz H. (2012), Critical points of the optimal quantum control landscape: a propagator approach, Acta Applicandae Mathematicae, vol. 118, n°1, p. 49-56

Leghtas Z., Turinici G., Rouchon P., Rabitz H. (2012), Hamiltonian Identification Through Enhanced Observability Utilizing Quantum Control., IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol. 57, n°10, p. 2679-2683

Buffa A., Turinici G., Maday Y., Patera A. (2012), A priori convergence of the Greedy algorithm for the parametrized reduced basis method, ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis, vol. 46, n°3, p. 595-603

Shen M., Turinici G. (2012), Liquidity generated by heterogeneous beliefs and costly estimations, Networks and Heterogeneous Media, vol. 7, n°2, p. 349-361

Turinici G. (2011), Contrôler les molécules, Comité International des Jeux Mathématiques- Maths Chimie Express, p. 35-39

Baudouin L., Salomon J., Turinici G. (2011), Analysis of the Toolkit method for the time-dependant Schrödinger equation, Journal of Scientific Computing, vol. 49, n°2, p. 111-136

Turinici G., Salomon J. (2011), A monotonic method for solving nonlinear optimal control problems with concave dependence on the state, International Journal of Control, vol. 84, n°3, p. 551-562

Turinici G., Rabitz H. (2010), Multi-polarization quantum control of rotational motion through dipole coupling, Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, vol. 43, n°10

Lachapelle A., Turinici G., Salomon J. (2010), Computation of Mean Field Equilibria in Economics, Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences, vol. 20, n°4, p. 567-588

Turinici G. (2010), Comment le laser transforme les molécules, Les Dossiers de la Recherche, vol. 38, p. 54-58

Turinici G., Maximov I., Nielsen N., Salomon J. (2010), A smoothing monotonic convergent optimal control algorithm for NMR pulse sequence design, The Journal of Chemical Physics, vol. 132, n°8, p. Paper 084107

Turinici G., Lapert M., Sugny D., Tehini R. (2009), Monotonically convergent optimal control theory of quantum systems with spectral constraints on the control field, Physical Review. A, Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics and Quantum Information, vol. 79, n°6

Turinici G. (2009), Robust recovery of the risk neutral probability density from option prices, Scientific Annals of Economics and Business, vol. LVI, n°1, p. 197-201

Turinici G. (2009), Calibration of local volatility using the local and implied instantaneous variance, Journal of Computational Finance, vol. 13, n°2

Coron J-M., Grigoriu A., Lefter C., Turinici G. (2009), Quantum control design by Lyapunov trajectory tracking for dipole and polarizability coupling, New Journal of Physics, vol. 11, p. 105034

Grigoriu A., Turinici G. (2009), Projector Space Optimization in Quantum Control, ESAIM: Proceedings and Surveys, vol. 27, p. 171-179

Belhadj M., Salomon J., Turinici G. (2008), A stable toolkit method in quantum control, Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, vol. 41, n°36, p. 362001-362011

Turinici G. (2008), Local volatility calibration using an adjoint proxy, Review of Economic and Business Studies, vol. 2, p. 1

Turinici G., Lapert M., Tehini R., Sugny D. (2008), Monotonically convergent optimal control theory of quantum systems under a nonlinear interaction with the control field, Physical Review. A, Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics and Quantum Information, vol. 78, n°2, p. 023408

Ching W-K., Danchin A., Chung S-K., Turinici G., Ng T-W. (2007), A parasite vector-host epidemic model for TSE propagation, Medical Science Monitor, vol. 13, n°3, p. 59-66

Salomon J., Turinici G., Maday Y. (2007), Parareal in time control for quantum systems, SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis, vol. 45, n°6, p. 2468-2482

Maday Y., Salomon J., Turinici G. (2007), Monotonic Parareal Control for Quantum Systems, SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis, vol. 45, n°6, p. 2468–2482

Rabitz H., Turinici G. (2007), Controlling quantum dynamics regardless of laser beam spatial profile and molecular orientation, Physical Review. A, Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics and Quantum Information, vol. 75, n°4, p. 043409

Teranishi Y., Saalfrank P., Ohtsuki Y., Rabitz H., Turinici G. (2007), Monotonically convergent algorithms for solving quantum optimal control problems described by an integrodifferential equation of motion, Physical Review. A, Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics and Quantum Information, vol. 75, n°3, p. 033407

Turinici G., Le Bris C., Mirrahimi M., Rabitz H. (2007), Hamiltonian identification for quantum systems : well posedness and numerical approaches, ESAIM. Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations, vol. 13, n°2, p. 378-395

Turinici G., Salomon J. (2006), On the relationship between the local tracking procedures and monotonic schemes in quantum optimal control, The Journal of Chemical Physics, vol. 124, n°7, p. 074102

Feng X-J., Turinici G., Le Bris C., Rabitz H. (2006), A Closed-Loop Identification Protocol for Nonlinear Dynamical Systems, The Journal of Physical Chemistry. A, vol. 110, n°25, p. 7755-7762

Mirrahimi M., Turinici G., Rouchon P. (2005), Reference Trajectory Tracking for Locally Designed Coherent Quantum Controls, The Journal of Physical Chemistry. A, vol. 109, n°11, p. 2631-2637

Salomon J., Turinici G., Dion C. (2005), Optimal molecular alignment and orientation through rotational ladder climbing, The Journal of Chemical Physics, vol. 123, n°14, p. 144310

Mirrahimi M., Turinici G., Rouchon P. (2005), Lyapunov control of bilinear Schrodinger equations, Automatica, vol. 41, n°11, p. 1987-1994

Alfonsi A., Cancès E., Turinici G., Di Ventura B., Huisinga W. (2005), Adaptive simulation of hybrid stochastic and deterministic models for biochemical systems, ESAIM: Proceedings and Surveys, vol. 14, p. 1-13

Turinici G., Rabitz H. (2004), Optimally controlling the internal dynamics of a randomly oriented ensemble of molecules, Physical Review. A, Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics and Quantum Information, vol. 70, n°6, p. n°063412

Turinici G., Sola I., Wu R., Rabitz H. (2004), Connectivity analysis of controlled quantum systems, Physical Review. A, Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics and Quantum Information, vol. 70, n°5

Cancès E., Castella F., Chartier P., Faou E., Le Bris C., Legoll F., Turinici G. (2004), High-order averaging schemes with error bounds for thermodynamical properties calculations by molecular dynamics simulations., The Journal of Chemical Physics, vol. 121, n°21, p. 10346-10355

Ohtsuki Y., Turinici G., Rabitz H. (2004), Generalized monotonically convergent algorithms for solving quantum optimal control problems, The Journal of Chemical Physics, vol. 120, n°12, p. 5509-5517

Cancès E., Kudin K., Scuseria G., Turinici G. (2003), Quadratically convergent algorithm for fractional occupation numbers in density functional theory, The Journal of Chemical Physics, vol. 118, n°12, p. 5364-5368

Turinici G., Rabitz H. (2003), Wavefunction controllability for finite-dimensional bilinear quantum systems, Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, vol. 36, n°10, p. 2565--2576

Turinici G., Rabitz H. (2003), Wavefunction controllability for finite-dimensional bilinear quantum systems, Journal of Physics. A, Mathematical and General, vol. 36, n°10, p. 2565--2576

Maday Y., Turinici G. (2003), New formulations of monotonically convergent quantum control algorithms, The Journal of Chemical Physics, vol. 118, n°18, p. 8191-8196

Maday Y., Turinici G. (2003), Error bars and quadratically convergent methods for the numerical simulation of the Hartree-Fock equations, Numerische Mathematik, vol. 94, n°4, p. 739-770

Maday Y., Turinici G. (2003), Parallel in time algorithms for quantum control: parareal time discretization scheme, International Journal of Quantum Chemistry, vol. 93, n°3, p. 223--228

Maday Y., Turinici G. (2003), Parallel in time algorithms for quantum control: the parareal time discretization scheme, International Journal of Quantum Chemistry, vol. 93, n°3, p. 223--228

Li B., Ramakhrishna V., Rabitz H., Turinici G. (2003), Optimal discrimination of multiple quantum systems: controllability analysis, Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, vol. 37, n°1, p. 273-282

Prud’homme C., Rovas D., Veroy K., Machiels L., Maday Y., Patera A., Turinici G. (2002), Reliable Real-Time Solution of Parametrized Partial Differential Equations: Reduced-Basis Output Bound Methods, Journal of Fluids Engineering, vol. 124, n°1, p. 70-80

Ramakrishna V., Rabitz H., Turinici G., Li B. (2002), Optimal Dynamic Discrimination of Similar Molecules Through Quantum Learning Control, The Journal of Physical Chemistry. B, vol. 106, n°33, p. 8125-8131

Patera A., Maday Y., Turinici G. (2002), A priori Convergence Theory for Reduced-Basis Approximations of Single-Parametric Elliptic Partial Differential Equations, Journal of Scientific Computing, vol. 17, n°1-4, p. 437-446

Baffico L., Bernard S., Maday Y., Turinici G., Zérah G. (2002), Parallel-in-time molecular-dynamics simulations, Physical Review. E, Statistical, Nonlinear, Biological and Soft Matter Physics, vol. 66, n°5, p. n°057701

Cancès E., LeBris C., Maday Y., Turinici G. (2002), Towards Reduced Basis Approaches in ab initio Electronic Structure Computations, Journal of Scientific Computing, vol. 17, n°1, p. 461-469

Rabitz H., Turinici G. (2001), Quantum wavefunction controllability, Chemical Physics, vol. 267, n°1-3, p. 1-9

Turinici G., Maday Y. (2001), Numerical Analysis of the Adiabatic Variable Method for the Approximation of the Nuclear Hamiltonian, ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis, vol. 35, n°4, p. 779-798

Turinici G. (2000), Contrôlabilité exacte de la population des états propres dans les systèmes quantiques bilinéaires, Comptes rendus. Mathématique, vol. 330, n°15, p. 327-332

Maday Y., Turinici G. (1998), Analyse numérique de la méthode des variables adiabatiques pour l'approximation de l'hamiltonien nucléaire, Comptes rendus. Mathématique, vol. 326, n°3, p. 397-402

Turinici G., Iftime O. (1995), An approximation method for the solution of a differential system, Annalele Stiinfice ale Universiatii "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" din Iasi (Ser. Noua) Math, vol. 41, n°1, p. 153-168

Turinici G. (1994), Hyperstructures associated to a connected graph, Analele Universităţii "Ovidius" Constanţa. Seria Matematică, vol. 2, p. 179-187

Chapitres d'ouvrage

Turinici G. (2021), La science face à la pandémie : focalisation ou dispersion ?, in Bruno Bouchard, Djalil Chafai, Covid-19 | Regards croisés sur la crise, Paris: Université Paris-Dauphine, p. 51-52

Turinici G. (2013), Cubature on C 1 Space, in Kristian Bredies, Christian Clason, Karl Kunisch, Gregory von Winckel, Control and Optimization with PDE Constraints, Berlin: Springer, p. 159-172

Turinici G., Danchin A. (2007), The SARS Case Study: An Alarm Clock?, in Michel Tibayrenc, Encyclopedia of Infectious Diseases: Modern Methodologies Wiley, p. 151-162

Maday Y., Turinici G. (2005), The Parareal in Time Iterative Solver: a Further Direction to Parallel Implementation, in Timothy J. Barth, Michael Griebel, David E. Keyes, Risto M. Nieminen, Dirk Roose, Tamar Schlick, Ralf Kornhuber, Ronald Hoppe, Jacques Périaux, Olivier Pironneau, Olof Widlund, Jinchao Xu, Domain Decomposition Methods in Science and Engineering Springer, p. 441-448

Rabitz H., Brown E., Turinici G. (2003), Control of Quantum Dynamics: Concepts, Procedures and Future Prospects, in Le Bris, Claude, Handbook of numerical analysis‎, volume 10, Special volume : computational chemistry Elsevier, p. 899

Turinici G. (2000), On the controllability of bilinear quantum systems, in Le Bris, Claude, Mathematical Models and Methods for Ab Initio Quantum Chemistry Springer, p. 75-92

Communications avec actes

Turinici G. (2024), Optimal Time Sampling in Physics-Informed Neural Networks, in Antonacopoulos, A., Chaudhuri, S., Chellappa, R., Liu, CL., Bhattacharya, S., Pal, U., Springer, 218-233 p.

Anita ?-L., Turinici G. (2024), Convergence of a L2 Regularized Policy Gradient Algorithm for the Multi Armed Bandit, in Antonacopoulos, A., Chaudhuri, S., Chellappa, R., Liu, CL., Bhattacharya, S., Pal, U., Springer, 407-422 p.

Turinici G. (2024), Diversity in Deep Generative Models and Generative AI, in Giuseppe Nicosia, Varun Ojha, Emanuele La Malfa, Gabriele La Malfa, Panos M. Pardalos, Renato Umeton, Machine Learning, Optimization, and Data Science, Springer Nature Switzerland, 84-93 p.

Turinici G. (2024), Deep Conditional Measure Quantization, in Ana I. Pereira, Armando Mendes, Florbela P. Fernandes, Maria F. Pacheco, João P. Coelho, José Lima, Springer, 343-354 p.

Turinici G. (2023), Algorithms that Get Old: The Case of Generative Deep Neural Networks, in Giuseppe Nicosia, Varun Ojha, Emanuele La Malfa, Gabriele La Malfa, Panos Pardalos, Giuseppe Di Fatta, Giovanni Giuffrida, Renato Umeton, Machine Learning, Optimization, and Data Science, Springer Nature Switzerland, 179-187 p.

Ayadi I., Turinici G. (2021), Stochastic Runge-Kutta methods and adaptive SGD-G2 stochastic gradient descent, in , Piscataway, NJ, IEEE - Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 1-16 p.

Turinici G. (2021), Convergence dynamics of Generative Adversarial Networks: the dual metric flows, in Alberto Del BimboRita CucchiaraStan SclaroffGiovanni Maria FarinellaTao MeiMarco BertiniHugo Jair EscalanteRoberto Vezzani, Springer, 619-634 p.

Laguzet L., Turinici G., Yahiaoui G. (2016), Equilibrium in an individual -societal SIR vaccination model in presence of discounting and finite vaccination capacity, in Viorel Barbu, Cătălin Lefter, Ioan I Vrabie, New Trends in Differential Equations, Control Theory and Optimization. Proceedings of the 8th Congress of Romanian Mathematicians, Hachensack, NJ, World Scientific, 201-214 p.

Maday Y., Mula O., Turinici G. (2013), A priori convergence of the Generalized Empirical Interpolation Method, in , Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Sampling Theory and Applications (SampTA 2013), Paris, EURASIP, 168-171 p.

Rabitz H., Laurent P., Salomon J., Turinici G. (2012), Control through operators for quantum chemistry, in , IEEE 51st Annual Conference on Decision and Control (CDC)- Proceedings, Maui, IEEE - Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 1663-1667 p.

Turinici G. (2011), Contrôler les molécules, in Comité International des Jeux Mathématiques, Maths Chimie Express, paris, Comité International des Jeux Mathématiques- Maths Chimie Express, 88 p.

Belhadj M., Grigoriu A., Turinici G. (2010), Singular constant control trajectories and transition degeneracies in a closed 4-level quantum system, in , 49th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 2010. Proceedings, Atlanta, IEEE - Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 5444-5449 p.

Grigoriu A., Lefter C., Turinici G. (2009), Lyapunov control of Schrödinger equation:beyond the dipole approximations, in K.M. Hangos, Proceedings of the 28th IASTED International Conference on Modelling, Identification and Control (MIC 2009), Innsbruck, ACTA Press, 119-123 p.

Grigoriu A., Lefter C., Turinici G. (2009), Lyapunov control of Schrödinger equations: beyond the dipole approximation, in Hangos, K.M., Modelling, Identification and Control (MIC 2009), Innsbruck, ACTA Press, Track 640 080 p.

Laillat M., Turinici G. (2009), Cross-currency smile calibration, in Hangos, K.M., Modelling, Identification and Control (MIC 2009), Innsbruck, ACTA Press, Track 640 080 p.

Turinici G. (2007), Beyond bilinear controllability : applications to quantum control, in , Optimal Control of Coupled Systems of PDE, Oberwolfach, Springer, 293-309 p.

Turinici G. (2005), Equivalence between local tracking procedures and monotonic algorithms in quantum control, in , 44th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, IEEE - Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 8203-8208 p.

Turinici G. (2003), Monotonically convergent algorithms for bounded quantum controls, in Schaft‎, A. J. van der, Lagrangian and Hamiltonian methods for nonlinear control, Séville, Elsevier, 305 p.

Maday Y., Turinici G., Salomon J. (2003), Discretely monotonically convergent algorithms in quantum control, in Schaft‎, A. J. van der, Lagrangian and Hamiltonian methods for nonlinear control 2003 : a proceedings volume from the 2nd IFAC Workshop, Séville, Elsevier, 305 p.

Maday Y., Le Bris C., Turinici G. (2003), Towards efficient numerical approaches for quantum control, in Le Bris‎, Claude, Quantum control‎, mathematical and numerical challenges, Montreal, American Mathematical Society, 211 p.

Turinici G., Maday Y. (2002), A parallel in time approach for quantum control: the parareal algorithm, in IEEE Control Systems Society, 41st IEEE conference on decision and control: proceedings, Piscataway (NJ), Omnipress, 62-66 p.

Turinici G. (2000), Controllable quantities for bilinear quantum systems, in , Proceedings of the 39th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Sydney, IEEE - Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 5 VOL. p.

Communications sans actes

Brugiere P., Turinici G. (2024), Using LLMs techniques for Time Series Prediction, 6th J.P. Morgan Global Machine Learning Conference, Paris, France

Brugiere P., Turinici G. (2022), A few key issues in finance that machine learning is helping solve, JP Morgan Global Machine Learning Conference, Paris, France

Turinici G. (2022), Algorithms that get old : the case of generative deep neural networks, The 8th International Conference on Machine Learning, Optimization, and Data Science - LOD 2022, Siena, Italie

Turinici G. (2008), Control-theoretic framework for a quasi-Newton local volatility surface inversion, ICCMSE, Crète, Grèce

Turinici G. (2005), Monotonically convergent algorithms for locally constraint quantum controls, the 24th MIC IASTED Conference, Innsbruck, Autriche

Prépublications / Cahiers de recherche

Brugiere P., Turinici G. (2024), Transformer for Times Series: an Application to the S&P500, Paris, Cahier de recherche CEREMADE, Université Paris Dauphine-PSL, 19 p.

Brugiere P., Turinici G. (2023), Onflow: an online portfolio allocation algorithm, Paris, Cahier de recherche CEREMADE, Université Paris Dauphine-PSL, 20 p.

Brugiere P., Turinici G. (2022), Deep learning of Value at Risk through generative neural network models : the case of the Variational Auto Encoder, Paris, Cahier de recherche CEREMADE, Université Paris Dauphine-PSL, 4 p.

Turinici G. (2022), Diversity aware image generation, Paris, Cahier de recherche CEREMADE, Université Paris Dauphine-PSL, 4 p.

Turinici G. (2022), Huber-energy measure quantization, Paris, Cahier de recherche CEREMADE, Université Paris Dauphine-PSL, 46 p.

Turinici G. (2021), The convergence of the Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD) : a self-contained proof, Cahier de recherche CEREMADE, Université Paris Dauphine-PSL, 5 p.

Turinici G. (2019), X-Ray Sobolev Variational Auto-Encoders, Paris, Cahier de recherche CEREMADE, Université Paris Dauphine-PSL, 26 p.

Bialecki A., Turinici G., Haguet E. (2012), An equilibrium trading volume model in presence of heterogeneous biased estimations and information acquisition costs, Paris, Université Paris-Dauphine, 27 p.

Turinici G. (2012), Quantum control, Paris, Université Paris-Dauphine, 10 p.


Rannou E., Benichoux A., Rémi F., Gaillard S., Mary J., Minh T., Turinici G., Waxin E. (2021), Deepfakes & Algorithms: Threat or Opportunity?, Club Praxis, 163 p.

Rannou E., Benichoux A., Forgeas R., Gaillard S., Mary J., Minh T., Turinici G., Waxin E. (2020), Deepfakes & Algorithmes: Menace ou Opportunité ?, Club Praxis

Autres publications

Turinici, G (2024), Fake news : elle est passée par ici, elle repassera par l?IA, France Culture, 5 juin,

Gabriel Turinici "Comment mettre en ?uvre des outils de détection de faux et de reconnaissance du vrai dans les contenus web à l?heure des deepfakes ?" Un reportage réalisé par Céline Loozen, France Culture, La Science, CQFD 6 juin 2024

Intervention at the round table « AI and medias: when everything is accelerating » at the Dauphine Digital Days

Intervention at the round table « AI and medias: when everything is accelerating » at the Dauphine Digital Days

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