Curriculum vitae

Cosco Clément

Maître de conférences
Site web personnel

Dernières publications


Cosco C., Comets F., Mukherjee C. (2024), Space–time fluctuation of the Kardar–Parisi–Zhang equation in d≥3 and the Gaussian free field, Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincaré, Probabilités et statistiques, vol. 60, n°1, p. 713–728

Cosco C., Zeitouni O. (2024), Moments of partition functions of 2D Gaussian polymers in the weak disorder regime -- II, Electronic Journal of Probability, n°29, p. 1-26

Cosco C., Zeitouni O. (2023), Moments of partition functions of 2D Gaussian polymers in the weak disorder regime-I, Communications in Mathematical Physics, vol. 403, p. 417-450

Cosco C., Nakajima S. (2023), A variational formula for large deviations in first-passage percolation under tail estimates, Annals of Applied Probability, vol. 33, n°3, p. 2103-2135

Cosco C., Nakajima S., Nakashima M. (2022), Law of large numbers and fluctuations in the sub-critical and L 2 regions for SHE and KPZ equation in dimension d ≥ 3, Stochastic Processes and their Applications, vol. 151, p. 127-173

Cosco C., Shapira A. (2021), Topologically induced metastability in a periodic XY chain, Journal of Mathematical Physics, vol. 62, n°4

Cosco C., Nakajima S. (2021), Gaussian fluctuations for the directed polymer partition function in dimension d≥3 and in the whole L2-region, Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincaré, Probabilités et statistiques, vol. 57, n°2, p. 872-889

Cosco C., Seroussi I., Zeitouni O. (2021), Directed Polymers on Infinite Graphs, Communications in Mathematical Physics, vol. 386, n°1, p. 395-432

Comets F., Cosco C., Mukherjee C. (2020), Renormalizing the Kardar–Parisi–Zhang Equation in $$d\ge 3$$ in Weak Disorder, Journal of Statistical Physics, vol. 179, n°3, p. 713-728

Cosco C. (2019), The intermediate disorder regime for Brownian directed polymers in Poisson environment, Indagationes Mathematicae, vol. 30, n°5, p. 805-839

Benigni L., Cosco C., Shapira A., Wiese K. (2018), Hausdorff dimension of the record set of a fractional Brownian motion, Electronic Communications in Probability, vol. 23, p. 1-8

Prépublications / Cahiers de recherche

Cosco C., Donadini A. (2024), On the Central Limit Theorem for the log-partition function of 2D directed polymers, Paris, Cahier de recherche CEREMADE, Université Paris Dauphine-PSL, 11 p.

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