9h05 - 9h20 Discrete-to-continuum mean curvature flow
Daniele De Gennaro
9h20 - 9h35 Statistical inference for rough volatility
Grégoire Szymanski
9h35 - 9h50 A quick walk through relativistic quantum systems
Umberto Morellini
9h50 - 10h05 Existence and unicity of stationary equilibria in
macroeconomic models with heterogeneous agents
Diego Murillo Taborda
10h05 - 10h20 Recurrent Viscosity Solutions
Skander Charfi
10h20 - 10h45 Coffee Break
10h45 - 11h Deep Learning Enhanced Segmentation through Chan-Vese
Minimization and Geodesic Distance Metrics for Tubular
Structure Analysis
Nicolas Makaroff
11h - 11h15 Global existence for compressible Navier-Stokes-Korteweg
Jean-Paul Adogbo
11h15 - 11h30 Non-decreasing martingale couplings
Kexin Shao
11h30 - 11h45 Edge states in half-graphene
Camilo Gomez Araya
11h45 - 12h00 A New look at mortality models with Generalized
Linear Models
Antoine Burg
12h00 - Lunch