Séminaire Jeunes chercheurs (Sebastian GURRIARAN, jeudi 10 octobre 2024)

9 septembre 24

Le séminaire Jeunes chercheurs du CEREMADE reprendra le jeudi 10 octobre 2024 à 17h en salle A707. Nous aurons le plaisir d'écouter Sebastian GURRIARAN (LJLL, Sorbonne Université), qui nous parlera de

Linear instability of the Kerr black hole interior in general relativity

A fundamental question in general relativity concerns the stability of rotating black holes, called Kerr black holes. The stability of the exterior region of Kerr black holes with small angular momentum has been proved recently, thus we focus here on the stability of the interior region of the black hole, in the simplified model of the linearized Einstein equations. We prove the linear instability of the Cauchy horizon inside a Kerr black hole, by finding the precise oscillatory blow-up asymptotics of a component of the linearized curvature tensor, which satisfies a wave equation called the Teukolsky equation. The proof is based on energy estimates and on vector fields methods which compensate for the lack of symmetry of Kerr black holes.