Séminaire Jeunes chercheurs (Raphaël Maillet, jeudi 17 octobre 2024)

8 octobre 24

La prochaine séance du séminaire Jeunes chercheurs du CEREMADE aura lieu le jeudi 17 octobre 2024 à 17h en salle A707. Nous aurons le plaisir d'écouter Raphaël Maillet (CEREMADE), qui nous parlera de

Some remarks on the long-time behaviour of stochastic McKean-Vlasov Equation with common noise.

In this talk, we explore the long-term behaviour of solutions to a nonlinear McKean-Vlasov equation with common noise. This equation arises naturally when studying the collective behaviour of interacting particles driven by both individual and common noise. Our main focus is to understand how the presence of common noise affects the stability of the system. We will first present the results for the case without common noise and then discuss how the introduction of common noise can enhance stability in certain respects.