Séminaire Jeunes chercheurs (Concetta Campailla, jeudi 28 novembre 2024)

28 novembre 24

La prochaine séance du séminaire Jeunes chercheurs du CEREMADE aura lieu le jeudi 28 novembre 2024 à 17h en salle A707. Nous aurons le plaisir d'écouter Concetta Campailla (Sapienza Università di Roma), qui nous parlera de

Critical density for Activated Random Walks and Stochastic Sandpiles

This talk will present two interacting particle systems in Z^d: the Activated Random Walk model and the Stochastic Sandpile model. They were introduced in the physics literature in the '90s to study a phenomenon known as self-organized criticality. Theoretical arguments showed that the Activated Random Walk model and the Stochastic Sandpile model undergo a phase transition between an absorbing phase and an active phase as the initial density crosses a critical threshold. We will see that in all dimensions the critical density of these models is strictly less than one and strictly positive.