Séminaire Analyse-Proba (Max FATHI, mardi 28 mai)

22 mai 24

Le prochain séminaire Analyse-Proba aura lieu mardi 28 mai à 10h30 en salle A711. Max Fathi (LJLL - LPSM) nous parlera de "Stability for sharp constants in functional inequalities for probability measures."

Title : Stability for sharp constants in functional inequalities for probability measures

In this talk, I will discuss how simple variational arguments can be combined with Stein's method from probability to analyze optimal constants for functional inequalities, as well as their stability. The starting point will be a work of Utev on the Gaussian Poincaré inequality in dimension one. I will then survey various recent results, and discuss recent joint work with Tom Courtade (UC Berkeley) answering a question of Carrapatoso, Dolbeault, Hérau, Mischler and Mouhot on sharp constants for weighted Poincaré-Korn inequalities.