Title : Mathematical aspects of 2D Yang-Mills theory
Abstract :
In the fifties, Chen Ning Yang and Robert Mills made a major breakthrough in quantum field theory by extending the concept of gauge theory to non-abelian groups. Since then, the study of Yang-Mills theory has been a very active field of research both in mathematics and physics, in various directions. In particular, the theory on two-dimensional manifolds with gauge group U(N) or SU(N) has been studied as an (already very interesting) toy model, first by physicists in the nineties and then by mathematicians in the last two decades. If this talk, I will give an overview of the main mathematical results in this direction. Hopefully, if time allows, I will also explain in more details how the probabilistic study of well chosen random partitions allows us to give a reasonably simple rigorous proof of some topological expansions of the partition function of 2D Yang-Mills, predicted by physicists Gross and Taylor in the nineties (joint work with Thibaut Lemoine, Université de Lille).