Colloquium du Ceremade (Anne-Laure Dalibard, mardi 4 février 2025)

20 janvier 25

Le prochain Colloquium du Ceremade est prévu le mardi 4 février à 15h30 en salle A709 avec l'intervention de Anne-Laure Dalibard (Sorbonne Université).

TitleStationary boundary layers in viscous incompressible fluids

When a fluid with small viscosity flows around an obstacle, a zone of small width is usually created in the vicinity of the wall. In this region, called « boundary layer », the velocity of the fluid changes abruptly. The study of fluid boundary layers has been an object of intense research over the past century. In this talk, we will focus on the stationary 2d Prandtl system, which was derived in 1905 by Ludwig Prandtl. We will present a review of results describing the flow in different regimes: without recirculation (i.e. when the tangential velocity close to the wall has the same sign as the velocity far from the obstacle); in the vicinity of the « separation point »; and with a recirculation bubble, i.e. when the tangential velocity changes sign.