: 0144054291
: B513bis
Pierre Cardaliaguet is Professor of Mathematics at Paris Dauphine University. After studying at ENS Lyon-Saint Cloud, he obtained his PhD and then his HDR at Paris Dauphine University and became a Professor at Brest University in 2000. He returned to change in Paris Dauphine in 2010. Pierre Cardaliaguet works in the field of applied mathematics: in the theory of optimal control and differential games (mean field games), in the field of partial differential equations (homogenization) and the calculation of variations.
Bergault P., Cardaliaguet P., Rainer C. (2024), Mean Field Games in a Stackelberg Problem with an Informed Major Player, SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, vol. 62, n°3, p. 1737-1765
Cardaliaguet P., Forcadel N. (2024), Microscopic Derivation of a Traffic Flow Model with a Bifurcation, Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis, vol. 248, n°1
Cardaliaguet P., Forcadel N., MONNEAU R. (2024), A class of germs arising from homogenization in traffic flow on junctions, Journal of Hyperbolic Differential Equations, vol. 21, n°02, p. 189-254
Cardaliaguet P., Souganidis P. (2024), An optimal control problem of traffic flow on a junction, ESAIM. Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations, vol. 30, n°88
Cardaliaguet P., Forcadel N., Girard T., MONNEAU R. (2024), Conservation laws and Hamilton-Jacobi equations on a junction: The convex case, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems. Series A, vol. 44, n°12, p. 3920-3961
Cardaliaguet P., Munoz S., Porretta A. (2024), Free boundary regularity and support propagation in mean field games and optimal transport, Journal de mathématiques pures et appliquées, vol. 190, p. 103599
Cardaliaguet P., Cirant M., Porretta A. (2023), Splitting methods and short time existence for the master equations in mean field games, Journal of the European Mathematical Society, vol. 25, n°5, p. 1823–1918
Cardaliaguet P., Souganidis P. (2023), Regularity of the value function and quantitative propagation of chaos for mean field control problems, Nonlinear Differential Equations and Applications, vol. 30, n°2, p. 25
Cardaliaguet P., Daudin S., Jackson J., Souganidis P. (2023), An Algebraic Convergence Rate for the Optimal Control of McKean–Vlasov Dynamics, SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, vol. 61, n°6, p. 3341-3369
Cardaliaguet P., Dirr N., Souganidis P. (2022), Scaling limits and stochastic homogenization for some nonlinear parabolic equations, Journal of Differential Equations, vol. 307, p. 389-443
Cardaliaguet P., Souganidis P. (2022), On first order mean field game systems with a common noise, Annals of Applied Probability, vol. 32, n°3, p. 2289-2326
Cardaliaguet P., Souganidis P. (2022), Monotone Solutions of the Master Equation for Mean Field Games with Idiosyncratic Noise, SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis, vol. 54, n°4, p. 4198-4237
Cardaliaguet P., Mendico C. (2021), Ergodic behavior of control and mean field games problems depending on acceleration, Nonlinear Analysis, vol. 203, p. 1-40
Bardi M., Cardaliaguet P. (2021), Convergence of some Mean Field Games systems to aggregation and flocking models, Nonlinear Analysis, vol. 204
Cannarsa P., Capuani R., Cardaliaguet P. (2021), Mean Field Games with state constraints: from mild to pointwise solutions of the PDE system, Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations, vol. 60, n°108, p. 1-32
Cardaliaguet P., Forcadel N. (2021), From heterogeneous microscopic traffic flow models to macroscopic models, SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis, vol. 53, n°1, p. 309-322
Cardaliaguet P., Seeger B. (2021), Hölder regularity of Hamilton-Jacobi equations with stochastic forcing, Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, vol. 374, p. 7197-7233
Cardaliaguet P., Cirant M., Porretta A. (2020), Remarks on Nash equilibria in mean field game models with a major player, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, vol. 148, p. 4241-4255
Briand P., Cardaliaguet P., Chaudru de Raynal P-E., Hu Y. (2020), Forward and Backward Stochastic Differential Equations with normal constraint in law, Stochastic Processes and their Applications, vol. 130, n°12, p. 7021-7097
Cardaliaguet P., Masoero M. (2020), Weak KAM theory for potential MFG, Journal of Differential Equations, vol. 268, n°7, p. 3255-3298
Cardaliaguet P., Rainer C. (2020), An example of multiple mean field limits in ergodic differential games, Nonlinear Differential Equations and Applications, vol. 27, p. 1-19
Cardaliaguet P., Porretta A. (2019), Long time behavior of the master equation in mean-field game theory, Analysis & PDE, vol. 12, n°6, p. 1397-1453
Cardaliaguet P., Rainer C. (2019), On the (in)efficiency of MFG equilibria, SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, vol. 57, n°4, p. 2292–2314
Armstrong S., Cardaliaguet P. (2018), Stochastic homogenization of quasilinear Hamilton-Jacobi equations and geometric motions, Journal of the European Mathematical Society, vol. 20, n°4, p. 797-864
Cardaliaguet P., Le Bris C., Souganidis P. (2018), Perturbation problems in homogenization of Hamilton-Jacobi equations, Journal de mathématiques pures et appliquées, vol. 117, p. 221-262
Briani A., Cardaliaguet P. (2018), Stable solutions in potential mean field game systems, Nonlinear Differential Equations and Applications, vol. 25, n°1
Cardaliaguet P., Lehalle C-A. (2018), Mean Field Game of Controls and An Application To Trade Crowding, Mathematics and Financial Economics, vol. 12, n°3, p. 335-363
Cardaliaguet P., Hadikhanloo S. (2017), Learning in Mean Field Games: the Fictitious Play, ESAIM. Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations, vol. 23, n°2, p. 569-591
Cardaliaguet P. (2017), The convergence problem in mean field games with a local coupling, Applied Mathematics and Optimization, vol. 76, n°1, p. 177-215
Cardaliaguet P., Souganidis P. (2017), On the existence of correctors for the stochastic homogenization of viscous hamilton-jacobi equations, Comptes rendus. Mathématique, vol. 355, n°7, p. 786-794
Cardaliaguet P., Mészáros A., Santambrogio F. (2016), First order Mean Field Games with density constraints: Pressure equals Price, SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, vol. 54, n°5, p. 2672-2709
Cardaliaguet P., Souganidis P. (2015), Periodic approximations of the ergodic constants in the stochastic homogenization of nonlinear second-order (degenerate) equations, Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincaré (C) Analyse non linéaire, vol. 32, n°3, p. 571-591
Cardaliaguet P., Graber P., Porretta A., Tonon D. (2015), Second order mean field games with degenerate diffusion and local coupling, Nonlinear Differential Equations and Applications, vol. 22, n°5, p. 1287-1317
Cardaliaguet P., Graber P. (2015), Mean field games systems of first order, ESAIM. Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations, vol. 21, n°3, p. 690-722
Cardaliaguet P., Armstrong S. (2015), Quantitative stochastic homogenization of viscous Hamilton-Jacobi equations, Communications in Partial Differential Equations, vol. 40, n°3, p. 540-600
Cardaliaguet P., Rainer C., Rosenberg D., Vieille N. (2015), Markov Games with Frequent Actions and Incomplete Information—The Limit Case, Mathematics of Operations Research, vol. 41, n°1, p. 49-71
Cardaliaguet P., Poretta A., Tonon D. (2015), Sobolev regularity for the first order Hamilton–Jacobi equation, Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations, vol. 54, n°3, p. 3037-3065
Armstrong S., Cardaliaguet P., Souganidis P. (2014), Error estimates and convergence rates for the stochastic homogenization of Hamilton-Jacobi equations, Journal of the American Mathematical Society, vol. 27, p. 479-540
Jimenez C., Cardaliaguet P., Quincampoix M. (2014), Pure and Random strategies in differential game with incomplete informations, Journal of Dynamics and Games, vol. 1, n°3, p. 363 - 375
Rainer C., Cardaliaguet P. (2013), Pathwise strategies for stochastic differential games with an erratum to ''Stochastic Differential Games with Asymmetric Information'', Applied Mathematics and Optimization, vol. 68, n°1, p. 75-84
Cardaliaguet P., Souganidis P. (2013), Homogenization and enhancement of the G-equation in random environments, Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics, vol. 66, n°10, p. 1582–1628
Cardaliaguet P. (2013), Long time average of first order mean field games and weak KAM theory, Dynamic Games and Applications, vol. 3, n°4, p. 473-488
Carlier G., Nazaret B., Cardaliaguet P. (2013), Geodesics for a class of distances in the space of probability measures, Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations, vol. 48, n°3-4, p. 395-420
Porretta A., Lions P-L., Lasry J-M., Cardaliaguet P. (2013), Long Time Average of Mean Field Games with a Nonlocal Coupling, SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, vol. 51, n°5, p. 3558–3591
Cardaliaguet P., Silvestre L. (2012), Hölder continuity to Hamilton-Jacobi equations with superquadratic growth in the gradient and unbounded right-hand side, Communications in Partial Differential Equations, vol. 37, n°9, p. 1668-1688
Cannarsa P., Cardaliaguet P. (2012), Regularity Results for Eikonal-Type Equations with Nonsmooth Coefficients, Nonlinear Differential Equations and Applications, vol. 19, n°6, p. 751-769
Laraki R., Cardaliaguet P., Sorin S. (2012), A Continuous Time Approach for the Asymptotic Value in Two-Person Zero-Sum Repeated Games, SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, vol. 50, n°3, p. 1573-1596
Lasry J-M., Porretta A., Lions P-L., Cardaliaguet P. (2012), Long time average of mean field games, Networks and Heterogeneous Media, vol. 7, n°2, p. 279-301
Cardaliaguet P., Laraki R., Sorin S. (2012), A Continuous Time Approach for the Asymptotic Value in Two-Person Zero-Sum Repeated Games, SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, vol. 50, n°3, p. 1573-1596
Rainer C., Cardaliaguet P. (2012), Games with incomplete information in continuous time and for continuous types, Dynamic Games and Applications, vol. 2, n°2, p. 206-227
Souquière A., Cardaliaguet P. (2012), A Differential Game with a Blind Player, SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, vol. 50, n°4, p. 2090-2116
Quincampoix M., Cardaliaguet P., Buckdahn R. (2011), Some Recent Aspects of Differential Game Theory, Dynamic Games and Applications, vol. 1, n°1, p. 74-114
Cardaliaguet P., Jimenez C. (2011), Optimal transport with convex obstacle, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, vol. 381, n°1, p. 43-63
Nolen J., Cardaliaguet P., Souganidis P. (2011), Homogenization and Enhancement for the G—Equation, Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis, vol. 199, n°2, p. 527-561
Ley O., Cardaliaguet P., Monteillet A. (2011), Viscosity solutions for a polymer crystal growth model, Indiana University Mathematics Journal, vol. 60, n°3, p. 895-936
Rainer C., Cardaliaguet P. (2011), Hölder Regularity for Viscosity Solutions of Fully Nonlinear, Local or Nonlocal, Hamilton–Jacobi Equations with Superquadratic Growth in the Gradient, SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, vol. 49, n°2, p. 555-573
Cannarsa P., Cardaliaguet P. (2010), Hölder estimates in space-time for viscosity solutions of Hamilton-Jacobi equations, Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics, vol. 63, n°5, p. 590-629
Cardaliaguet P. (2010), Ergodicity of Hamilton–Jacobi equations with a noncoercive nonconvex Hamiltonian in R2/Z2, Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincaré (C) Analyse non linéaire, vol. 27, n°3, p. 837-856
Cannarsa P., Sinestrari C., Cardaliaguet P. (2009), On a differential model for growing sandpiles with non-regular sources, Communications in Partial Differential Equations, vol. 34, n°7, p. 656-675
Rainer C., Cardaliaguet P. (2009), On a Continuous-Time Game with Incomplete Information, Mathematics of Operations Research, vol. 34, n°4, p. 769-794
Cardaliaguet P., Lions P-L., Souganidis P. (2009), A discussion about the homogenization of moving interfaces, Journal de mathématiques pures et appliquées, vol. 91, n°4, p. 339–363
Cardaliaguet P. (2009), A double obstacle problem arising in differential game theory, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, vol. 360, n°1, p. 95-107
Monteillet A., Ley O., Cardaliaguet P., Barles G. (2009), Existence of weak solutions for general nonlocal and nonlinear second-order parabolic equations, Nonlinear Analysis, vol. 71, n°7-8, p. 2801-2810
Barles G., Ley O., Cardaliaguet P., Monteillet A. (2009), Uniqueness results for nonlocal Hamilton–Jacobi equations, Journal of Functional Analysis, vol. 257, n°5, p. 1261-1287
Cardaliaguet P., Rainer C. (2009), Stochastic Differential Games with Asymmetric Information, Applied Mathematics and Optimization, vol. 59, n°1, p. 1-36
Cardaliaguet P. (2009), A note on the regularity of solutions of Hamilton-Jacobi equations with superlinear growth in the gradient variable, ESAIM. Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations, vol. 15, n°2, p. 367-376
Cardaliaguet P. (2008), Representations Formulas for Some Differential Games with Asymmetric Information, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, vol. 138, n°1, p. 1-16
Cardaliaguet P., Ley O. (2008), On the energy of a flow arising in shape optimization, Interfaces and Free Boundaries, vol. 10, n°2, p. 223-243
Ley O., Cardaliaguet P., Biton S. (2008), Nonfattening condition for the generalized evolution by mean curvature and applications, Interfaces and Free Boundaries, vol. 10, n°1, p. 1-4
Cardaliaguet P., Quincampoix M. (2008), Deterministic differential games under probability knowledge of initial condition., International Game Theory Review, vol. 10, n°1, p. 1-16
Ley O., Monneau R., Barles G., Cardaliaguet P. (2008), Global Existence Results and Uniqueness for Dislocation Equations, SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis, vol. 40, n°1, p. 44-69
Cannarsa P., Giorgieri E., Cardaliaguet P. (2007), Hölder regularity of the normal distance with an application to a PDE model for growing sandpiles., Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, vol. 359, n°6, p. 2741-2775
Cardaliaguet P. (2007), Differential games with asymmetric information., SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, vol. 46, n°3, p. 816-838
Ley O., Cardaliaguet P. (2007), Some Flows in Shape Optimization, Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis, vol. 183, n°1, p. 21-58
Bettiol P., Cardaliaguet P., Quincampoix M. (2006), Zero-sum state constrained differential games: existence of value for Bolza problem, International Journal of Game Theory, vol. 34, n°4, p. 495-527
Cardaliaguet P., Alvarez O., Monneau R. (2005), Existence and uniqueness for dislocation dynamics with nonnegative velocity, Interfaces and Free Boundaries, vol. 7, n°4, p. 415-434
Cardaliaguet P., Cannarsa P. (2004), Representation of equilibrium solutions to the table problem of growing sandpiles, Interfaces and Free Boundaries, vol. 6, n°4, p. 435-464
Tahraoui R., Cardaliaguet P. (2002), Equivalence between rank-one convexity and polyconvexity for isotropic sets of R2x2 (Part II), Nonlinear Analysis, vol. 50, n°8, p. 1201-1239
Cardaliaguet P., Tahraoui R. (2002), On the strict concavity of the harmonic radius in dimension N>=3, Journal de mathématiques pures et appliquées, vol. 81, n°3, p. 223-240
Tahraoui R., Cardaliaguet P. (2002), Equivalence between rank-one convexity and polyconvexity for isotropic sets of R2x2 (Part I), Nonlinear Analysis, vol. 50, n°8, p. 1179-1199
Cardaliaguet P., Tahraoui R. (2002), Some uniqueness results for Bernoulli interior free-boundary problems in convex domains, Electronic Journal of Differential Equations, vol. 2002, n°102, p. 1-16
Cardaliaguet P., Saint-Pierre P., Quincampoix M. (2001), Pursuit Differential Games with State Constraints, SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, vol. 39, n°5, p. 1615-1632
Saint-Pierre P., Cardaliaguet P., Quincampoix M. (2000), Numerical Schemes for Discontinuous Value Functions of Optimal Control, Set-Valued Analysis, vol. 8, n°1-2, p. 111-126
Plaskacz S., Cardaliaguet P. (2000), Invariant Solutions of Differential Games and Hamilton-Jacobi-Isaacs Equations for Time-Measurable Hamiltonians, SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, vol. 38, n°5, p. 1501-1520
Cardaliaguet P., Tahraoui R. (1999), Inégalité de Hardy—Littlewood généralisée et applications au calcul des variations, Comptes rendus. Mathématique, vol. 329, n°6, p. 479-484
Quincampoix M., Cardaliaguet P., Saint-Pierre P. (1995), Contribution à l'étude des jeux différentiels quantitatifs et qualitatifs avec contrainte sur l'état, Comptes rendus. Mathématique, vol. 321, n°12, p. 1543-1548
Cardaliaguet P., Euvrard G. (1992), Approximation of a function and its derivative with a neural network, Neural Networks, vol. 5, n°2, p. 207-220
Cardaliaguet P., Delarue F., Lasry J-M., Lions P-L. (2019), The master equation and the convergence problem in mean field games De Gruyter, 224 p.
Cressman R., Cardaliaguet P. (2012), Advances in Dynamic Games, New-York: Springer, XVII-421 p.
Cardaliaguet P. (2015), Weak solutions for first order mean field games with local coupling, in Piernicola Bettiol, Piermarco Cannarsa, Giovanni Colombo, Monica Motta, Franco Rampazzo, Analysis and Geometry in Control Theory and its Applications, Paris: Springer, p. 111-158
Quincampoix M., Cardaliaguet P., Saint-Pierre P. (2007), Differential games through viability theory : old and recent results, in Vincent, Thomas L., Advances in Dynamic Game Theory. Numerical Methods, Algorithms, and Applications to Ecology and Economics, Berlin: FNEGE, p. 3-35
Quincampoix M., Saint-Pierre P., Cardaliaguet P. (1999), Set-Valued Numerical Analysis for Optimal Control and Differential Games, in Raghavan, T.E.S., Stochastic and Differential Games. Theory and Numerical Methods, Berlin: Springer, p. 381
Tonon D., Cardaliaguet P., Poretta A., Graber P. (2014), Degenerate second order mean field games systems, NETCO 2014 - New Trends on Optimal Control, Tours, France
Cardaliaguet P. (2024), A microscopic derivation of a traffic flow model on a junction with two entry lines, Paris, Cahier de recherche CEREMADE, Université Paris Dauphine-PSL
Cardaliaguet P. (2024), A note on contractive semi-groups on a 1:1 junction for scalar conservation laws and Hamilton-Jacobi equations, Paris, Cahier de recherche CEREMADE, Université Paris Dauphine-PSL, 10 p.
Bergault P., Cardaliaguet P., Rainer C. (2023), Mean Field Games in a Stackelberg problem with an informed major player, Paris, Cahier de recherche CEREMADE, Université Paris Dauphine-PSL, 25 p.
Cardaliaguet P., Munoz S., Porretta A. (2023), Free boundary regularity and support propagation in mean field games and optimal transport, Paris, Cahier de recherche CEREMADE, Université Paris Dauphine-PSL, 62 p.
Cardaliaguet P., Daudin S., Jackson J., Souganidis P. (2022), An algebraic convergence rate for the optimal control of Mckean-Vlasov dynamics, Paris, Cahier de recherche CEREMADE, Université Paris Dauphine-PSL, 28 p.
Cardaliaguet P., Souganidis P. (2022), Regularity of the value function and quantitative propagation of chaos for mean field control problems, Paris, Cahier de recherche CEREMADE, Université Paris Dauphine-PSL, 26 p.
Cardaliaguet P., Forcadel N. (2021), Microscopic derivation of a traffic flow model with a bifurcation, Paris, Cahier de recherche CEREMADE, Université Paris Dauphine-PSL, 51 p.
Cardaliaguet P., Tahraoui R. (2001), Some remarks on Bernoulli interior free boundary problem in convex domains, Cahiers du CEREMADE, 17 p.