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Economist and mathematician, with MSc in mathematics and economics. Knowledge and skills in calibration and estimation of dynamic stochastic general equilibrium (DSGE) models (including models with heterogeneous agents), game theory, general equilibrium, statistics, and stochastic control.
I have interest in applications of mathematics, game theory, and statistics to analyze and solve problems in macroeconomics, financial economics, and health economics.
My academic research topics include mean field games and their applications to macroeconomics with heterogeneous agents, financial economics, and statistics.
Taborda A., Murillo Taborda D., Moreno C., Taborda P., Fuquen M., Diaz P., Londoño D. (2022), Análisis de impacto presupuestal de la vacunación contra COVID-19 en América Latina., Revista Panamericana de Salud Pública, vol. 46, n°5
Murillo Taborda D. (2020), Nonlinear pricing with misspecified and arbitrary perception of the marginal price, ArXiv, 19 p.
Murillo Taborda D. (2016), On the asymptotic behavior of strategic interaction on random undirected graphs., Universidad de los Andes, 77 p.