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Cristina Toninelli is Director de Recherche CNRS at Ceremade, University Paris Dauphine since october 2018. She graduated and obtained her PhD in physics at the Universita' La Sapienza (Roma). Afterwards, she shifted towards mathematics and started her research at the interface among probability and mathematical statistical mechanics. After a postdoctoral period at LPT, Ecole Normale de Paris, she obtained a CNRS research position in 2006 and moved to the laboratory LPSM (ex LPMA) of Universite Paris VI et VII.
Her main reserach lines are: Interacting particle systems; Cellular automata and bootstrap percolation; Liquid-glass transitions and jamming transitions. She has worked with several colleagues, in France and abroad, both in mathematics and physics departments and written about fitfy papers in journals of probability, mathematical physics and physics. In 2016 she obtained an ERC Starting Grant. In 2021, she obtained the Marc Yor prize in probability.
She started her activity of thesis director by codirecting (with T.Bodineau) the PhD thesis of O.Blondel (2011-2014). Since then she has directed three other PhD students: L.Mareche et A.Shapira (both obtained their PhD in 2019), and I.Hartarsky (PhD obtained in 2022). At present, she co-directs the PhD thesis of Enguerand Petit. She has also directed several master thesis and three postdocs.
Hartarsky I., Martinelli F., Toninelli C. (2023), Fredrickson–Andersen model in two dimensions, ESAIM: Proceedings and Surveys, vol. 74, p. 108-118
Hartarsky I., Martinelli F., Toninelli C. (2022), Coalescing and branching simple symmetric exclusion process, Annals of Applied Probability, vol. 32, n°4, p. 2841-2859
Hartarsky I., Martinelli F., Toninelli C. (2022), Sharp threshold for the FA-2f kinetically constrained model, Probability Theory and Related Fields, p. 38
Hartarsky I., Martinelli F., Toninelli C. (2021), Universality for critical KCM: finite number of stable directions, Annals of Probability, vol. 49, n°5, p. 2141-2174
Hartarsky I., Marêché L., Toninelli C. (2020), Universality for critical kinetically constrained models: infinite number of stable directions, Probability Theory and Related Fields
Martinelli F., Shapira A., Toninelli C. (2020), Diffusive scaling of the Kob-Andersen model in Z^d, Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincaré, Probabilités et statistiques, vol. 56, n°3, p. 2189-2210
Blondel O., Deshayes A., Toninelli C. (2019), Front evolution of the Fredrickson-Andersen one spin facilitated model, Electronic Journal of Probability, vol. 24, p. 32
Martinelli F., Toninelli C. (2019), Towards a universality picture for the relaxation to equilibrium of kinetically constrained models, Annals of Probability, vol. 47, n°1, p. 324-361
Mareche L., Martinelli F., Toninelli C. (2019), Exact asymptotics for Duarte and supercritical rooted kinetically constrained models, Annals of Probability, vol. 48, n°1, p. 317-342
Martinelli F., Morris ., Toninelli C. (2019), Universality Results for Kinetically Constrained Spin Models in Two Dimensions, Communications in Mathematical Physics, vol. 369, n°2, p. 761--809
Blondel O., Toninelli C. (2018), Kinetically constrained lattice gases: Tagged particle diffusion, Annales Henri Poincaré, vol. 54, n°4, p. 2335-2348
Gottschau M., Heydenreich M., Matzke K., Toninelli C. (2018), Phase transition for a non-attractive infection process in heterogeneous environment, Markov Processes and Related Fields, vol. 24, n°1, p. 39-56
Chleboun P., Faggionato A., Martinelli F., Toninelli C. (2017), Mixing Length Scales of Low Temperature Spin Plaquettes Models, Journal of Statistical Physics, vol. 169, n°3, p. 441-471
Cancrini N., Martinelli F., Roberto C., Toninelli C. (2015), Mixing time of a kinetically constrained spin model on trees: power law scaling at criticality, Probability Theory and Related Fields, vol. 161, n°1-2, p. 247-266
Blondel O., Toninelli C. (2014), Is there a breakdown of the Stokes-Einstein relation in Kinetically Constrained Models at low temperature?, Europhysics Letters, vol. 107, n°2
Faggionato A., Roberto C., Toninelli C. (2014), Universality for one-dimensional hierarchical coalescence processes with double and triple merges, Annals of Applied Probability, vol. 24, n°2, p. 476-525
Berthier L., Biroli G., Coslovich D., Kob W., Toninelli C. (2012), Finite size effects in the dynamics of glass-forming liquids, Physical Review. E, Statistical, Nonlinear, Biological and Soft Matter Physics, vol. 86, n°3
Swart J., Szabo R., Toninelli C. (2022), Peierls bounds from Toom contours, Paris, Cahier de recherche CEREMADE, Université Paris Dauphine-PSL, 61 p.
Hartarsky I., Martinelli F., Toninelli C. (2022), Friedrickson-Andersen model in two dimensions, Paris, Cahier de recherche CEREMADE, Université Paris Dauphine-PSL, 11 p.