Séminaire des jeunes chercheurs

Intervenant : LE GALL Théophile (CEREMADE)
Titre :
A particle method for McKean-Vlasov equation with common noise

Le : 13/03/2025 de : 17:00 à : 18:00
The McKean-Vlasov equation with common noise can be discretized in two steps: first in time using the Euler scheme, and then in space through a particle method, leveraging the propagation of chaos property. Under suitable regularity assumptions—Hölder continuity in time and Lipschitz continuity in both the state and measure arguments—convergence rates are established for both the Euler scheme and the particle method. These results extend previous analyses to the setting with common noise. Finally, the effectiveness of the approach can be illustrated through two simulation examples: a modified conditional Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process with common noise and an interbank market model.
Salle : A707

Séminaire des jeunes chercheurs

Intervenant : SURIN Alexandre (CEREMADE)
Titre :
Long time behavior of a non linear Fokker-Planck equation with multiple steady states

Le : 06/03/2025 de : 17:00 à : 18:00
We consider a Fokker-Planck equation which is the mean-field limit of an interacting particles system with a temperature parameter $D>0$, a confinement potential $V$ and an interacting kernel $K$. The solution to this equation can be seen as the gradient flow of the "free energy" in the space of probability measure with Wasserstein 2 distance. Taking a specific potential of "self-propulsion" and an interacting kernel which tends to align the velocity of a particle with the average velocity, we observe a phase transition that is a limit temperature $D_*$ under which there is a continuum of steady states. We will answer the two following question: -Do the free energy of the solution converges to the free energy of a steady state ? -If the answer to the precedent question is yes, do the solution converges to a specific steady state ?
Salle : A707

Séminaire des jeunes chercheurs

Intervenant : ZARHALI Othmane (CEREMADE)
Titre :
From rough to multifractal volatility: Topics around the Log S-fBM model

Le : 27/02/2025 de : 17:00 à : 18:00
The Log Stationary Fractional Brownian Motion(LogS-fBM)model, introduced by Peng, Bacry, and Muzy , describes a log-volatility process driven by a stationary fractional Brownian motion (S-fBM). This model is characterized by three key parameters: the intermittency parameter λ, the correlation scale T, and the Hurst exponent H. Notably, as H approaches zero, the model’s multifractal random measure (volatility measure) converges to that of the multifractal random walk introduced by Bacry et al.. In contrast, when H ≈0.1, the model captures rough volatility dynamics. A multidimensional extension of the Log S-fBM model, referred to as the m-Log S-fBM was also developed. In this framework, the log-volatilities of multiple assets are correlated, with dependencies governed by both the cointermittency matrix and the coHurst matrix. These matrices ensure that the marginal distributions of the model retain the one-dimensional Log S-fBM dynamic. A key analytical tool for studying this model is the small intermittency approximation, which allows to approximate the generalized moments of the normalized log-volatility over a time period ∆ > 0 using the moments of the integrated S-fBM process over the same period when λ^2 is small. This approximation is particularly relevant given the empirical findings of Wu et al., who observed that for various assets, λ^2 ≈0.02. Besides, the Log S-fBM model can be used in the Nested factor model, introduced by Bouchaud et al., where the asset return fluctuations are explained by common factors representing the market economic sectors and residuals (noises). These residuals share with the factors a common dominant volatility mode in addition to the idiosyncratic mode unique to each residual. Here, we consider the case of a single factor, where the only dominant common mode is a S-fBM process with Hurst exponent H ≃0.11, while the residuals, in addition to the previous common mode, contain idiosyncratic components with Hurst exponents H ≃0. Furthermore, we propose a statistical procedure to estimate the Hurst factor exponent from stock return dynamics, providing theoretical guarantees. The method performs well in the limit where the number of stocks N tends to infinity. In this talk, we introduce the Log S-fBM model in its one-dimensional and multidimensional forms, present the calibration procedure based on the small intermittency approximation, and discuss the Nested Log S-fBM factor model.
Salle : A707

Séminaire des jeunes chercheurs

Intervenant : RAMEH Ons (Université Paris-Cité)
Titre :
Autour du phénomène de Cut-off pour des systèmes de particules

Le : 20/02/2025 de : 17:00 à : 18:00
Considérons un système de particules aléatoires. quand peut-on dire qu'il est proche de l'équilibre ? Parfois, le système atteint rapidement l'équilibre de manière abrupte, ce que l'on qualifie de phénomène de cut-off. Le but de l'exposé est de présenter ce phénomène et d'expliquer quels renseignements fournit le comportement macroscopique d'un système sur le temps de mélange.
Salle : A707

Séminaire des jeunes chercheurs

Intervenant : PHAM Kim Anh (CEREMADE)
Titre :
Introduction to Stochastic Optimal Control under Constraints in Finance

Le : 13/02/2025 de : 17:00 à : 18:00
Among the various subfields of Financial Mathematics, Stochastic Optimal Control under Constraints (SOCC) answers specifically to the question of portfolio optimization while accounting for the stochastic nature of the financial markets and the restrictions imposed on the portfolio management (by regulators, for example). This presentation aims to serve as an introduction to SOCC by blending its theoretical aspects with practical applications and numerical methods. In particular, we will look at (1) a motivating example from Life Insurance, (2) Dynamic Programming Principle as the core of SOCC, and (3) some applications of Deep Learning for numerical estimation of the optimal controls.
Salle : A707

Séminaire des jeunes chercheurs

Intervenant : SOTNIKOV Dimitri (Ecole Polytechnique, CMAP)
Titre :
Heath–Jarrow–Morton meet lifted Heston in energy markets for joint historical and implied calibration

Le : 06/02/2025 de : 17:00 à : 18:00
In energy markets, joint historical and implied calibration is of paramount importance for practitioners yet notoriously challenging due to the need to align historical correlations of futures contracts with implied volatility smiles from the option market. We address this crucial problem with a parsimonious multiplicative multi-factor Heath-Jarrow-Morton (HJM) model for forward curves, combined with a stochastic volatility factor coming from the Lifted Heston model. We develop a sequential fast calibration procedure leveraging the Kemna-Vorst approximation of futures contracts: (i) historical correlations and the Variance Swap (VS) volatility term structure are captured through Level, Slope, and Curvature factors, (ii) the VS volatility term structure can then be corrected for a perfect match via a fixed-point algorithm, (iii) implied volatility smiles are calibrated using Fourier-based techniques. Our model displays remarkable joint historical and implied calibration fits - to both German power and TTF gas markets - and enables realistic interpolation within the implied volatility hypercube. This is joint work with Eduardo Abi Jaber, Soukaïna Bruneau, Nathan De Carvalho, and Laurent Tur.
Salle : A707

Séminaire des jeunes chercheurs

Intervenant : RAKOTO ENDOR Faniriana (CEREMADE)
Titre :
Benign landscape for Burer-Monteiro factorizations of MaxCut-type semidefinite programs

Le : 30/01/2025 de : 17:00 à : 18:00
We consider MaxCut-type semidefinite programs (SDP) which admit a low rank solution. To numerically leverage the low rank hypothesis, a standard algorithmic approach is the Burer-Monteiro factorization, which allows to significantly reduce the dimensionality of the problem at the cost of its convexity. We give a sharp condition on the conditioning of the Laplacian matrix associated with the SDP under which any second-order critical point of the non-convex prob- lem is a global minimizer. By applying our theorem, we improve on recent results about the correctness of the Burer-Monteiro approach on Z2 synchronization problems.
Salle : A707

Séminaire des jeunes chercheurs

Intervenant : TABOADA Roméo (Université Paris-Saclay)
Titre :
Exponential energy decay for wave equations

Le : 23/01/2025 de : 17:00 à : 18:00
Stabilization is one of the main concerns in control theory : its goal is to bring back perturbed systems to equilibrium states. In this talk, we will study the dampening of a sound using acoustic foam. We will show that, despite being a problem about wave mechanics, its behaviour is actually ruled by geometrical optics. After showing this equivalence, we will see the fundamental role played by resolvent estimates, hinting at a method that can be used in many other fields where "scattering" is involved : quantum mechanics, general relativty, dynamical systems or quantum chemistry.
Salle : A707

Séminaire des jeunes chercheurs

Titre :
Brief introduction to the Boltzmann equation: well-posedness and long-time behavior in the torus

Le : 09/01/2025 de : 17:00 à : 18:00
The Boltzmann equation models a system of moving particles which interact through collisions, that we will assume in this talk to be elastic and instantaneous. In this talk we will present the theory of well-posedness and long-time behavior for this equation in the torus. First we will introduce the model and the physical relevance of the different operators, then we will present the expected equilibrium and the linearized equation around such equilibrium. We will introduce then the concept of hypocoercivity for the linearized Boltzmann operator in order to obtain a constructive decay estimate in a suitable functional space. Using the Duhamel formula we will relate the previous functional space with a weighted $L^\infty$ space, which is where we can properly control the non-linear Boltzmann collision operator. We will conclude by constructing solutions for the fully non-linear Boltzmann equation in the perturbative regime by providing a construcitve rate of decay to equilibrium.
Salle : A707

Séminaire des jeunes chercheurs

Intervenant : FRANCOIS Quentin (CEREMADE)
Titre :
An introduction to Free Probability

Le : 19/12/2024 de : 17:00 à : 18:00
The theory of Free Probability serves as an analogue to classical probability theory for variables in non-commutative algebras. This framework has led to significant advancements in random matrix theory and operator algebras. This presentation aims to introduce the key definitions of Free Probability and establish parallels with classical probability results, such as the free central limit theorem. Additionally, we will explore connections and motivations provided by random matrix theory.
Salle : A707

Séminaire des jeunes chercheurs

Intervenant : BOULAL Sonia ()
Titre :
Penalization of Galton Watson tree with marked vertices

Le : 12/12/2024 de : 17:00 à : 18:00
In this presentation, we are interested in Galton-Watson trees whose particularity is that each node can be marked with a probability depending on its number of children, independently of the other nodes. Subsequently, using a method called penalization we favor trees with a large number of marks. More precisely, this method makes it possible to obtain martingales which are in our case functions of $M_n$, the number of marks up to generation $n-1$. These martingales being positive and with mean 1, we can then define new probabilities under which we study the laws of marked trees.
Salle : A707

Séminaire des jeunes chercheurs

Intervenant : GAUVRIT Mario (Université Paris-Cité)
Titre :
Asymptotic analysis of Yang-Mills connections

Le : 05/12/2024 de : 17:00 à : 18:00
The aim of this presentation is to provide an overview of the rich analytical framework surrounding Yang-Mills connections in dimension 4. As critical points of a gauge-invariant and conformally invariant energy functional, Yang-Mills connections offer insights into fundamental questions arising in conformal geometry and gauge theory. We will focus on three main aspects: the regularity properties of Yang-Mills connections, the role of gauge fixing, and the bubbling phenomena associated with energy concentration along sequences of connections. These elements will be explored to highlight their significance in understanding the asymptotic behavior of Yang-Mills fields.
Salle : A707

Séminaire des jeunes chercheurs

Intervenant : CAMPAILLA Concetta (Sapienza Università di Roma)
Titre :
Critical density for Activated Random Walks and Stochastic Sandpiles

Le : 28/11/2024 de : 17:00 à : 18:00
This talk will present two interacting particle systems in Z^d: the Activated Random Walk model and the Stochastic Sandpile model. They were introduced in the physics literature in the '90s to study a phenomenon known as self-organized criticality. Theoretical arguments showed that the Activated Random Walk model and the Stochastic Sandpile model undergo a phase transition between an absorbing phase and an active phase as the initial density crosses a critical threshold. We will see that in all dimensions the critical density of these models is strictly less than one and strictly positive.
Salle : A707

Séminaire des jeunes chercheurs

Intervenant : ZIVIANI Luca (CEREMADE)
Titre :
Introduction to the Duhamel’s formula and its applications

Le : 21/11/2024 de : 17:00 à : 18:00
In this talk I’m going to introduce the Duhamel’s formula, one of the most useful tools for evolution PDEs. It allows to split the difficulties when the solution of an evolution equation is not explicit and, for this reason, some more abstract methods are required. After introducing the Duhamel formula, its usefulness will be shown through concrete examples.
Salle : A707

Séminaire des jeunes chercheurs

Intervenant : OMRANI Amal (CEREMADE)
Titre :
Discrete-Time Asset Pricing: From No-Arbitrage to Absence of Instantaneous Profit.

Le : 14/11/2024 de : 17:00 à : 18:00
Giving a fair price for a financial asset is a central question in economics and finance. The selling price should be sufficient to establish a hedging strategy for a given asset. In a discrete-time framework, this problem is traditionally solved under the No-Arbitrage (NA) assumption, which assumes rational market participants with uniform access to information. NA is equivalent to the existence of at least one risk-neutral probability measure under which the asset’s price process becomes a martingale, facilitating the calculation of the super-hedging price. However, this assumption can be questionable, as it relies on idealized rationality and information uniformity. Additionally, identifying risk-neutral measures or determining the distribution of the asset’s payoff can be computationally challenging. To address these limitations, a weaker assumption known as the Absence of Instantaneous Profit (AIP) has been proposed. AIP requires only that prices remain finite, which is more realistic and flexible in many settings. In 2022, Emmanuel Lépinette and Laurence Carassus introduced the AIP condition and proposed a dynamic pricing approach within a discrete, frictionless framework using convex duality rather than martingale measures. In this talk, I will discuss the transition from NA to AIP and present the mathematical resolution under each assumption.
Salle : A707

Séminaire des jeunes chercheurs

Intervenant : KOPP Emma (CEREMADE)
Titre :
How far can we trust a phylogeny ?

Le : 07/11/2024 de : 17:00 à : 18:00
Computational methods have been used to reconstruct the history of languages over several millennia, based on data from modern languages. Using stochastic models of evolution along a phylogenetic tree, these methods infer language relationships (the topology of the tree) along with the ages of ancestral languages, usually in the Bayesian setting. Language phylogenies in the literature rarely reconstruct ages beyond 8 to 10 thousand years; additionally, all the more ancient proposed language groupings are subject to debate within the scientific community. We investigate the threshold beyond which phylolinguistics trees reconstruction is unreliable. We apply theoretical results from the mathematics of phylogenies literature, which give upper bounds on the probability of correct reconstruction of the tree topology and the values at the root. In particular, we show that for languages evolving at the rates typically reported in the literature, it is impossible to reconstruct the topology of a tree whose root age is older than 12,000 years. For trees older than this threshold, the inferred topology will not be more reliable than a random guess. To arrive at this result, we reproduce three previous analyses on cognatized lexical data from 50 Sino-Tibetan languages, 422 Bantu languages and from 161 Indo-European. We use Markov Chain Monte Carlo to produce samples from the posterior distribution of model parameters.We then apply results from percolation theory and information theory to bound the probability of correct reconstruction. In both cases, we find that the bound decreases rapidly from 1 to 0, with a threshold between 9 and 12 thousand years. To our knowledge, this is the first theoretical quantitative bound on phylolinguistics methods. It demonstrates that reconstructing the deep topology of more ancient language families based on cognatized lexical data is a hopeless enterprise.
Salle : A707

Séminaire des jeunes chercheurs

Intervenant : SCHATZ Pierre (Ecole polytechnique)
Titre :
Ridigity in elliptic dynamics

Le : 24/10/2024 de : 17:00 à : 18:00
In this presentation, we will give an historic of rigidity results in elliptic dynamics, followed by a link to more recent questions, and how it can help to answer some conjectures in hamiltonian dynamics. We will begin by defining what is a dynamical system, give some context about the questions often asked in this domain, then switch to elliptic dynamics (basically, elliptic opposes itself to hyperbolicity : the first is the world of rotations, of "no deformations", and the second is the world of contractions and dilatations). We will then discuss about linearisation results for holomorphic diffeomorphisms, studied by Poincaré and "solved" by Siegel and Yoccoz. At the very end, we will give a glance to a similar result in hamiltonian dynamics, that we have proved in dimension 1.
Salle : A707

Séminaire des jeunes chercheurs

Intervenant : MAILLET Raphaël (CEREMADE)
Titre :
Some remarks on the long-time behaviour of stochastic McKean-Vlasov Equation with common noise

Le : 17/10/2024 de : 17:00 à : 18:00
In this talk, we explore the long-term behaviour of solutions to a nonlinear McKean-Vlasov equation with common noise. This equation arises naturally when studying the collective behaviour of interacting particles driven by both individual and common noise. Our main focus is to understand how the presence of common noise affects the stability of the system. We will first present the results for the case without common noise and then discuss how the introduction of common noise can enhance stability in certain respects.
Salle : A707

Séminaire des jeunes chercheurs

Intervenant : GURRIARAN Sebastian (LJLL, Sorbonne Université)
Titre :
Linear instability of the Kerr black hole interior in general relativity.

Le : 10/10/2024 de : 17:00 à : 18:00
A fundamental question in general relativity concerns the stability of rotating black holes, called Kerr black holes. The stability of the exterior region of Kerr black holes with small angular momentum has been proved recently, thus we focus here on the stability of the interior region of the black hole, in the simplified model of the linearized Einstein equations. We prove the linear instability of the Cauchy horizon inside a Kerr black hole, by finding the precise oscillatory blow-up asymptotics of a component of the linearized curvature tensor, which satisfies a wave equation called the Teukolsky equation. The proof is based on energy estimates and on vector fields methods which compensate for the lack of symmetry of Kerr black holes.
Salle : A707

Séminaire des jeunes chercheurs

Intervenant : EICHINGER Katharina (CMAP)
Titre :
The Schrödinger problem aka entropic optimal transport - the statistical mechanics perspective

Le : 02/03/2023 de : 17:00 à : 17:30
In this talk I will present the Schrödinger problem which consists of finding the most likely evolution of (random) particles given a fixed starting and final distribution. This problem has gained a lot of popularity in the past years due to its connection to entropic optimal transport. I will start by giving heuristics on the problem and formally deriving its formulation via a large deviations principle. Then I will show its connection to entropic optimal transport and state some properties of this optimization problem. Finally, if time permits, we will see some applications.
Salle : A707

Séminaire des jeunes chercheurs

Intervenant : ZIVIANI Luca (CEREMADE)
Titre :
Introduction to hypocoercivity for the kinetic Fokker-Planck equation

Le : 23/02/2023 de : 17:00 à : 17:30
In this talk, we will briefly present the concept of Hypocoercivity and its application to the kinetic Fokker-Planck equation. Hypocoercivity is a paramount tool of kinetic theory. Given a PDE of kinetic type, it tries to combine the conservative action of a transport operator and the diffusive action of a collision operator to prove the decay of the solution towards an equilibrium state. The applications of such equations are various, from Physics to Biology, and more generally every model consisting in the transport and diffusion of a certain quantity can potentially be studied by these equations. In the first part of the talk, we will give a quick introduction to the main equations of kinetic theory, emphasizing how hypocoercivity methos allow a decay towards the equilibrium state. In the second part of the talk, we will focus on the kinetic Fokker-Planck equation with general confinement potential and local equilibrium.
Salle : A707

Séminaire des jeunes chercheurs

Intervenant : HUAN Ruihua (CEREMADE)
Titre :
Hawkes process - simulation and estimation

Le : 09/02/2023 de : 17:00 à : 17:30
In this introductory talk, we will discuss the simulation and estimation methods for the self-exciting point processes - Hawkes processes. The first part of this talk will be the essentials of the Hawkes process (we focus on the univariate Hawkes process). And on the second part we talk about some simulation methods, mainly thinning algorithm and cluster algorithm. Then we will turn to the statistical inferences, fitting Hawkes process by MLE, cumulants etc.
Salle : B207

Séminaire des jeunes chercheurs

Intervenant : FU Changqing (CEREMADE)
Titre :
Mechanics, PDE and SDE for Image Generation

Le : 02/02/2023 de : 17:00 à : 17:30
In this talk, we present some recent applications of Image Generation Models with Machine Learning, using ideas from analysis and probability. (1) Variational CNN: How the Lagrangian system is generalized from the physical space to the color spectrum to characterize the CNN layer flow. (2) Perceptual path-integral: A practical improvement from a simple symmetry idea on the Gaussian tensor, to improve the quality of GAN, VAE, Diffusion Models, etc. (3) Diffusion Models: Learning a Backward Stochastic Differential Equation which generates art works, AKA the mathematics of the popular Stable Diffusion and DALL-E. (4) Time permitting, we will present some results on a new application of Optimal Transport in Federated / Transfer Learning of neural networks.
Salle : B207

Séminaire des jeunes chercheurs

Intervenant : LELOTTE Rodrigue (CEREMADE)
Titre :
An introduction to Optimal Transport and its applications to Density Functional Theory in Quantum Chemistry

Le : 27/10/2022 de : 17:00 à : 17:30
I will present Optimal Transport (OT) theory in a very brief manner (e.g. Kantorovich & Monge formulations of OT, duality theory and entropic-regularization). I will then explain how OT naturally arises in Density Functional Theory (DFT), an important computational method in quantum chemistry, and present (if time allows) a discretization & algorithm of mine to solve this problem.
Salle : A707

Séminaire des jeunes chercheurs

Intervenant : BERTRAND Théo (CEREMADE)
Titre :
Distances in data applications

Le : 20/10/2022 de : 17:00 à : 17:30
The goal of this talk is to introduce some problems and techniques in Data-centered applications of Inverse Problem, in particular around imaging and medical imaging as those are my area of expertise. The choice of distances in applications, be that as a simple data term or as a way to descibe interesting geometries, is important. Recent advances, both in mathematics and in hardware, has made it possible to include more geometric information in our frameworks. Our journey will focus around the definition and properties of Optimal Transport and Geodesic distances and the efficient techniques that make them numerically accessible for further developments. Finally, we'll look at a few examples from research that try to leverage the notions introduced.
Salle : A707

Séminaire des jeunes chercheurs

Intervenant : HSU Yueh-Sheng ()
Titre :
Asymptotic of the smallest eigenvalues of the continuous Anderson Hamiltonian in d ? 3

Le : 24/02/2022 de : 17:00 à : 18:30
The Anderson Hamiltonian is a random Schrödinger operator that arises in the physical model of Anderson, which describes the evolution of particles in random media. This operator in discrete setting induces intensive mathematical study since 1990s, as its spectrum and eigenfunctions explain the phenomenon of Anderson localisation. However, due to the irregularity of white noise, the mathematical definition of its continuous counterpart was unclear until the recent introduction of novel SPDE theories. In this work, we consider the continuous Anderson Hamiltonian with white noise potential on (?L/2, L/2)^d in dimension d \leq 3, and derive the asymptotic of the smallest eigenvalues when L goes to infinity. We show that these eigenvalues go to -\infty at speed (log L)^{1/(2?d/2)} and identify the prefactor in terms of the optimal constant of the Gagliardo-Nirenberg inequality. This result was already known in dimensions 1 and 2, but appears to be new in dimension 3. We present some conjectures on the fluctuations of the eigenvalues and on the asymptotic shape of the corresponding eigenfunctions near their localisation centres.
Salle : A707

Séminaire des jeunes chercheurs

Titre :
Gradient Flows in the Wasserstein Space and some detours

Le : 17/02/2022 de : 17:00 à : 18:30

Salle : A707

Séminaire des jeunes chercheurs

Intervenant : M?DRY ?ukasz (CEREMADE)
Titre :
Singular ODEs and regularization by noise

Le : 10/02/2022 de : 17:00 à : 18:30
It’s a common knowledge that ODEs driven by vector fields that do not satisfy Lipschitz property in space argument can have multiple solutions. However, as it turns out, adding a noise (Brownian motion) to the equation recovers the uniqueness of solutions, both in a law (weak) and a pathwise (strong) sense. We will briefly discuss the basic case of Brownian motion, which allows us to bring down the regularity of vector fields to continuity. Then we’ll move on to the case of fractional noise, which allows for the negative regularity of a drift. To this end, we’ll introduce averaged operators and nonlinear equations theory, which on top of providing full solution theory give us pathwise stability estimates. We will demonstrate how to recast the original equation as a nonlinear one thanks to the recently introduced stochastic sewing lemma. If time permits, we’ll discuss which properties of fractional Brownian motion appear to be responsible for its regularising qualities.
Salle : A707

Séminaire des jeunes chercheurs

Intervenant : DE GENNARO Danièle (CEREMADE)
Titre :
An introduction to Mean Curvature Flows

Le : 3/02/2022 de : 17:00 à : 18:30
Mean Curvature flows are a special case of geometric flows that have attracted lot of interest in a great variety of fields, from Geometry to Physics, passing trough Analysis. In this talk, we will try to give the basic concepts needed to understand the most recent development in this field. In particular, the presentation will be focusing on the definition of sets of finite perimeter and the various notions of weak solution for these flows. If time allows, we will then focus on the topic of volume-preserving Mean Curvature flows.
Salle : A707

Séminaire des jeunes chercheurs

Intervenant : FU Changqing (CEREMADE)
Titre :
Geometry of Image Generation with GANs

Le : 20/01/2022 de : 17:00 à : 18:30
The elements of learning an image consist of: Geometry of shapes, deformation of image features, optimization of Neural Networks, and evaluation of the optimization goals. In this talk, we review the mathematical foundation of these aspects. On top of Deep Learning, Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) is to introduce a posterior counterpart network which fits a function of likelihood to evaluate the optimization goal. Within Neural Networks, Convolution and Transformer add prior structures to the function space that decomposes an image. Along the layers, flow of features follow geometrical regularity. Applications in image manipulation problem is presented
Salle : A707

Séminaire des jeunes chercheurs

Intervenant : EICHINGER Katharina ()
Titre :
An introduction to optimal transport

Le : 13/01/2022 de : 17:00 à : 18:00
In this talk I will introduce the optimal transport problem. Initially introduced as an economic problem to transport certain quantities in an optimal way, it has become very popular in the past decades due to its variety of applications in physics, economics, and data science. After getting accustomed to this problem, I will prove the equivalence to its dual formulation - a tool very useful in convex optimization, and exploit it to prove some standard results. To conclude I will try to give some details of possible applications both of theoretical and practical nature.
Salle : A707

Séminaire des jeunes chercheurs

Intervenant : KOUANDE Adechola ()
Titre :
Phase Transition in the Peierls model for polyacetylene
IMPORTANT: Talk is going to be in French!

Le : 16/12/2021 de : 17:00 à : 18:30
At null temperature, it is a well-known fact that in closed polyacetylene molecular chains having an even number (L = 2N) of carbon atoms (e.g. benzene), the valence electrons arranged themselves one link in two. This phenomenon is well understood in the Peierls model, introduced in 1930, which is a simple non-linear functional describing polyacetylene chains. In this model, there is a break of symmetry, called Peierls instability: the minimizers are never 1-periodic. Many results regarding this model at null temperature has been obtained, especially in the even case (L = 2N) by Tom Kennedy and Elliott H. Lieb who showed the stability of the Peierls instability and also in the odd case (L = 2N +1) with the works of Mauricio GARCIA ARROYO and Éric SÉRÉ who showed the existence of a kink state, between the two dimerized configurations. In this talk, we will provide the results obtained by studying this model with temperature. More precisely we will consider the Peierls model for polyactetylene in presence of temperature, we will prove the existence of a critical temperature below which the chain is dimerized or kink-like according to its parity, and above which the system is 1-periodic. The chain behaves like an insulator below the critical temperature and like a metal above it. We will characterize the critical temperature in the thermodynamic limit model and study the bifurcation around it.
Salle : A707

Séminaire des jeunes chercheurs

Intervenant : SCARCELLA Donato (CEREMADE)
Titre :
Introduction to KAM theory with some applications to celestial mechanics

Le : 09/12/2021 de : 17:00 à : 18:30
The KAM theory deals with small perturbations of completely integrable Hamiltonian systems. The phase space of an integrable Hamiltonian system is completely foliated by invariant tori on which the flow is periodic or quasi-periodic, being conjugated to a linear flow. The goal of the KAM theory is to prove that, under a sufficiently small Hamiltonian perturbation, most of these invariant tori survive, being just slightly deformed. The main motivation for KAM theory is related to stability questions arising in celestial mechanics which were addressed by astronomers and mathematicians such as Kepler, Newton, Lagrange, Liouville, Delaunay, Weierstrass, and, from a more modern point of view, Poincaré, Birkhoff, Siegel,.. This talk is consecrated to give a very introductory presentation about this theory, trying to avoid all technicalities, and to give a very naive idea of the applications to celestial mechanics
Salle : A707

Séminaire des jeunes chercheurs

Intervenant : FONTE SANCHEZ Claudia (CEREMADE)
Titre :
Harris-Doeblin method to prove convergence to equilibrium

Le : 02/12/2021 de : 17:00 à : 18:30
A problem could be defined as an object and certain questions about it. Then, researchers set a methodology to try to answer these questions. Our object has two important elements: time and a set of rules that governs how certain states develop in this time. For example, we can speak of partial evolution equations describing the time elapsed since the last spike of a neuron. Our questions: Does such a system have a state of equilibrium? an immovable state under this set of rules? And if it exists, is it that given any initial state our system will converge in time to this state of equilibrium? How fast? In this talk we introduce the Doblin-Harris method to answer these questions. In particular, we prove exponential velocity convergence toward the steady state in a simple neuroscience model
Salle : A707

Séminaire des jeunes chercheurs

Intervenant : PETIT Romain (CEREMADE)
Titre :
Variational methods for solving inverse problems, with applications in imaging

Le : 18/11/2021 de : 17:00 à : 18:30
The topic of this talk will be linear inverse problems, which consist in recovering an unknown element of some vector space from the knowledge of its image by a linear map, possibly corrupted by some noise. I will introduce variational methods allowing to achieve this, which consist in producing an approximation of the unknown by solving a carefuly chosen optimization problem. I will focus on the link between the structure the unknown is assumed to have and the design of the variational formulation. Many examples coming from signal processing and statistics will be given. I will also try to show how beautiful questions mixing convex analysis, calculus of variations, and even geometry come out of the wide variety of problems we can model using this framework.
Salle : A707

Séminaire des jeunes chercheurs

Intervenant : HSU Yueh-Sheng (CEREMADE)
Titre :
SPDE and Regularity Structures - Motivations and Ideas

Le : 10/11/2021 de : 17:00 à : 09:00
The aim is to introduce the (singular) SPDEs and to explain why their meaning is often mathematically unclear. Firstly the notion of white noise will be motivated and defined. Secondly several examples of singular SPDEs will be given and we will discuss their ill-posedness, raise the problem of undefined terms involving noise as well as the necessity of renormalisation. Finally, we come to the ideas of regularity structure, which is now regarded as the most robust theory for defining and solving SPDEs. The talk shall be kept in a fairly informal/heuristic tone and is aimed at making clear the principal ideas.
Salle : A707

Séminaire des jeunes chercheurs

Intervenant : CAZALIS Jean (CEREMADE)
Titre :
Quantum mechanics and the stability of matter

Le : 04/11/2021 de : 17:00 à : 18:30
The full theory of quantum mechanics started to emerge around 1925-1926 with Heisenberg’s matrix model and Schrödinger’s wave model and constitutes one of the major scientific achievement of the past century (together with Tsar Bomba and mass surveillance). In this introductory course, I will first present the mathematical formalism of quantum mechanics, giving the main physical motivations behind it. After that, I will investigate one of the early success of quantum mechanics: the stability of the hydrogen atom. Then, if time permits, I will present general atomic models, explaining why and how to construct approximation methods. In sake of inclusiveness, the level of technicality will remain as low as possible. In particular, you will not hear about Sobolev spaces during this talk, I promise
Salle : A707

Séminaire des jeunes chercheurs

Intervenant : ALVAREZ Frank (CEREMADE)
Titre :
Evolution of a structured cell population endowed with plasticity of traits under constraints on and between the traits

Le : 28/10/2021 de : 17:00 à : 18:30
Confronted with the biological problem of managing plasticity in cell populations, which is in particular responsible for transient and reversible drug resistance in cancer, we propose a rationale consisting of an integro-differential and a reaction-advection-diffusion equation, the properties of which are studied theoretically and numerically. By using a constructive finite volume method, we show the existence and uniqueness of a weak solution and illustrate by numerical approximations and their simulations the capacity of the model to exhibit divergence of traits. This feature may be theoretically interpreted as describing a physiological step towards multicellularity in animal evolution and, closer to present-day clinical challenges in oncology, as a possible representation of bet hedging in cancer cell populations
Salle : A707

Séminaire des jeunes chercheurs

Intervenant : KELLY Luke (CEREMADE)
Titre :

Le : 25/10/2021 de : 17:00 à : 09:00
Phylogenetics the problem of reconstructing the ancestry of a set of taxa. The phylogeny is typically a tree whereby the leave nodes are the observed taxa, edges represent evolving species, and internal nodes denote speciation events. Phylogenetic methods are frequently applied in the life sciences; we might be interested in inferring the origin time of an infectious disease and have samples on hundreds or thousands of taxa, for example. Fitting a phylogenetic model is a difficult statistical problem: we jointly attempt to infer a dated tree (topology and branch lengths), parameters of the evolutionary process on the tree, and other variables of interest; the likelihood is given by an integral over a tree; we only observe data at the leaves of the tree; and assessing model fit is extremely difficult. Markov chain Monte Carlo methods are the primary tool for Bayesian phylogenetic inference, but it is challenging to construct efficient schemes to explore the associated posterior distribution and to then assess their convergence. In this talk, I will introduce the problem of phylogenetic inference and illustrate it on a problem in historical linguistics. I will describe a method developed during my DPhil to infer phylogenetic trees when traits may also be acquired outside of ancestral relationships and the computational cost of the likelihood calculation grows exponentially in the number of taxa. Recent work uses couplings of Markov chains to diagnose convergence of MCMC samplers. In the second half of the talk, I will describe how to construct couplings of Markov transition kernels on trees and other phylogenetic model components and use them to efficiently diagnose convergence in this setting.
Salle : A707

Séminaire des jeunes chercheurs

Intervenant : REGE Alexandre (Laboratoire Jacques-Louis Lions)
Titre :
Applying spectral theory to the study of the Bernstein-Landau paradox

Le : 26/11/2020 de : 17:00 à : 18:00

Salle : En ligne

Séminaire des jeunes chercheurs

Intervenant : SIMONOV Nikita ()
Titre :
A conversation about functional inequalities

Le : 24/09/2020 de : 17:15 à : 18:15
Functional inequalities play a key role in problems arising in the calculus of variations, partial differential equations, and geometry. In this talk, we will discuss some fundamental examples of functional inequalities. Our focus will be mainly on Sobolev and Gagliardo-Nirenberg inequalities. Lastly, we will address the question of "stability" and discuss some recent results obtained in collaboration with M. Bonforte, J. Dolbeault, and B. Nazaret
Salle : P510

Séminaire des jeunes chercheurs

Intervenant : FLORIO Anna (IMJ-PRG)
Titre :
Une introduction à la théorie KAM faible

Le : 26/03/2020 de : 17:00 à : 18:00

Salle : A711

Séminaire des jeunes chercheurs

Intervenant : BARBIERI Santiago (Université Paris-Sud)
Titre :
On the mathematical stability of the Sun-Jupiter-Saturn system

Le : 12/03/2020 de : 17:00 à : 18:00

Salle : P507

Séminaire des jeunes chercheurs

Intervenant : BOURSIER Jeanne (CEREMADE)
Titre :
Some aspects of the statistical physics of Coulomb gases

Le : 13/02/2020 de : 17:00 à : 18:00

Salle : P507

Séminaire des jeunes chercheurs

Intervenant : BOURSIER Jeanne (CEREMADE)
Titre :
Some aspects of the statistical physics of Coulomb gases

Le : 13/02/2020 de : 00:00 à : 00:00

Salle : P507

Séminaire des jeunes chercheurs

Intervenant : BRIGATI Giovanni (Université Paris-Dauphine)
Titre :

Le : 12/12/2019 de : 17:00 à : 18:00

Salle : P507

Séminaire des jeunes chercheurs

Intervenant : LIU Yating (LPSM)
Titre :
Optimal quantization : Limit Theorems, Clustering and Simulation of the McKean-Vlasov Equation

Le : 28/11/2019 de : 17:00 à : 18:00
The presentation contains two parts. The first part addresses two limit theorems related to optimal quantization: (i) the characterization of the convergence in the Wasserstein distance of probability measures by the pointwise convergence of Lp-quantization error functions and (ii) the convergence rate of the optimal quantizer and the quantization performance for a probability measure sequence converging in the Wasserstein distance, especially for the empirical measures. The second part is the application of the optimal quantization method in the simulation of the McKean-Vlasov equation dXt = b(t, Xt, ?t)dt + ?(t, Xt, ?t)dBt.
Salle : P324

Séminaire des jeunes chercheurs

Intervenant : PETIT Quentin (CEREMADE)
Titre :
A mean-field game approach to price formation in ressources markets

Le : 14/11/2019 de : 17:00 à : 18:00
In this work, we present a growth model to understand how the prices of certain resources useful for production are set. We consider a large number of small players with the ability to produce using "limited" resources. Our model is an example of a mean-field game where the interaction is at the price level. We establish the existence of solutions by using a fixed point method.
Salle : P507

Séminaire des jeunes chercheurs

Intervenant : TRIAY Arnaud (CEREMADE)
Titre :
Dynamics of a Bose gas

Le : 23/05/2019 de : 17:00 à : 18:00
Bose-Einstein condensation is a phenomenon happening at very low temperature where a dilute gas of bosonic particles macroscopically occupy the same quantum state. In this regime, instead of dealing with a N particle system, one can effectively describe the system by a simple equation, the Gross-Pitaevskii equation. This talk is about the mathematical derivation of this one-particle model with emphasis on the time-evolution. We will recall the second quantization formalism (Fock space) and use it to give a sketch of proof.
Salle : A707

Séminaire des jeunes chercheurs

Intervenant : AFFILI Elisa (EHESS & Università degli studi di Milano)
Titre :
Scalar Wars: A New Lotka-Volterra Competitive System

Le : 11/04/2019 de : 17:00 à : 18:00
Imagine a territory where two (human) populations live together in competition. What happens if one of the two wants to get rid of the other and attacks it? And what are the differences if, instead of living together, the two populations inhabit two neighbouring territories? In this talk we will discuss some non-variational models for two populations at war. These results were done in collaboration with Serena Dipierro, Luca Rossi, and Enrico Valdinoci.
Salle : A707

Séminaire des jeunes chercheurs

Intervenant : FERRé Grégoire (CERMICS)
Titre :
Some gentle ergodicity results

Le : 28/02/2019 de : 17:00 à : 18:00
Studying the long time behaviour of Markov chains is an important theoretical and practical problem. Indeed, it may be used to assess the validity of physical models such as particle systems or stochastic PDEs, as well as to control discretization schemes and their rates of convergence for Monte Carlo methods, a standard problem in statistics and Machine Learning. Such convergence results are generally referred to as "ergodicity". The same issues arise concerning the so-called Feynman--Kac dynamics, which are used both for rare event analysis and eigenvalue estimation. This latter dynamics corresponds in practice to a Markov chain with an additional genealogical feature. The goal of the talk is to provide a gentle introduction to these problematics. I will start by considering the ergodicity of Markov chains on a bounded domain, detailing a very elegant and short proof by M. Hairer. This will be a good starting point to explain the more general result of Hairer and Mattingly (2011). In a second time, I will present the problematic of Feynman-Kac dynamics, whose study is made difficult because of a nonlinear effect. If time allows, I'll explain how to cast this nonlinear problem into the linear framework of Hairer and Mattingly [G.F., G. Stoltz, M. Rousset, 2018].
Salle : A707

Séminaire des jeunes chercheurs

Intervenant : ZHANG Christophe (LJLL, Sorbonne Université)
Titre :
Internal rapid stabilization by a scalar feedback for the 1-D linear transport equation

Le : 31/01/2019 de : 17:00 à : 18:00
We use the backstepping method to study the stabilization of a 1-D linear transport equation by controlling the scalar amplitude of a piecewise regular function of the space variable in the source term with a linear feedback control. The backstepping method consists in mapping the system into another target system, which is known to be stable. The feedback then becomes a parameter of this backstepping transformation, and the stabilization problem consists in finding parameters for which this transformation is invertible. Initially designed in the case of boundary controlled systems, using Volterra transforms of the second kind, the method has been extended to systems with internal control, and to more general transformations of the Fredholm form. Using this method, we prove that when the system is exactly controllable, then it can be exponentially stabilized by means of a linear feedback. For a given decay rate, we give an explicit feedback that achieves that decay rate. From these explicit feedback laws, we then derive an explicit stationary feedback law that achieves finite-time stabilization.
Salle : A304

Séminaire des jeunes chercheurs

Intervenant : GARREC Tristan (CEREMADE)
Titre :
Communicating Zero-Sum Product Stochastic Games

Le : 08/11/2018 de : 17:00 à : 18:00
We present two classes of zero-sum stochastic games. These two classes assume a communication property on the state spaces of the players. For strongly communicating on one side games, we prove the existence of the uniform value. For weakly communicating on both sides games, we prove that the asymptotic value, and therefore the uniform value, may fail to exist.
Salle : A707

Séminaire des jeunes chercheurs

Intervenant : MARCHAND Pierre (INRIA & LJLL)
Titre :
Équations intégrales de frontière et de méthodes de décomposition de domaine

Le : 25/10/2018 de : 17:00 à : 18:00
Les équations intégrales de frontière sont une reformulation d’équations aux dérivées partielles à l’aide d’opérateurs intégraux non-locaux. Elles ont l’avantage de n’être posées que sur la frontière du domaine considéré, ce qui permet de diminuer d’une dimension la géométrie du domaine à discrétiser et de pouvoir résoudre naturellement des problèmes ouverts. Ce type de reformulation est par exemple utilisé en acoustique, en électro-magnétisme ou en mécanique. Après discrétisation de ces équations intégrales, les matrices obtenues ont l’inconvénient d’être pleines du fait des opérateurs intégraux non-locaux, ce qui nous amène à vouloir utiliser des méthodes de résolution itératives comme le gradient conjugué ou GMRes pour résoudre les systèmes linéaires associés. Pour stabiliser le nombre d’itérations de ces solvers linéaires vis à vis de la finesse de discrétisation, une solution usuelle est d’utiliser un préconditionneur. Dans cet exposé, après avoir introduit les équations intégrales de frontière, nous présenterons une méthode pour préconditionner de telles matrices issues de la décomposition de domaine, ainsi que son analyse. Ces travaux ont été effectués en collaboration avec Xavier Claeys et Frédéric Nataf.
Salle : A711

Séminaire des jeunes chercheurs

Intervenant : PAGNARD Camille (CEREMADE)
Titre :
Limites locales et profils de grands arbres Markov branchants
Présentation des travaux de thèse

Le : 10/10/2018 de : 17:00 à : 18:00
Dans cet exposé, je présenterai mes travaux de thèse qui portent sur les propriétés asymptotiques de modèles d'arbres aléatoires satisfaisant la propriété dite de Markov branchante. En particulier, nous établirons un résultat de convergence de ces arbres au sens de la limite locale vers des arbres infinis qui satisfont une version de cette même propriété de Markov branchante. Nous donnerons de plus un résultat sur la convergence au sens des limites d'échelle pour cette famille d'arbres infinis. Nous nous intéresserons ensuite au comportement asymptotique du profile des arbres Markov branchants finis ainsi qu'à la régularité du profil limite.
Salle : A711

Séminaire Séminaire des jeunes chercheurs

Intervenant : BRUNED Yvain (LPMA)
Titre :

Le : 28/03/2014 de : 16:30 à : 17:30

Salle :

Séminaire Séminaire des jeunes chercheurs

Intervenant : HAJEJ Ahmed ()
Titre :

Le : 14/03/2014 de : 16:30 à : 17:30

Salle :

Séminaire Séminaire des jeunes chercheurs

Intervenant : DUMITRESCU Roxana ()
Titre :

Le : 07/03/2014 de : 16:30 à : 17:30

Salle :

Séminaire Séminaire des jeunes chercheurs

Intervenant : LAGUZET Laetitia (CEREMADE)
Titre :
Optimal vaccination policies as Mean Field Games equilibriums / A numerical algorithm for fully nonlinear HJB equations

Le : 14/02/2014 de : 16:30 à : 17:30

Salle : A 403

Séminaire Séminaire des jeunes chercheurs

Intervenant : OLIVIER Adélaïde (CEREMADE)
Titre :
Nonparametric estimation of the jump rate of a piecewise deterministic Markov process: an aged-structured model on a tree

Le : 31/01/2014 de : 16:30 à : 17:30

Salle : A403

Groupe de travail Groupe de travail des thésards

Intervenant : JANKOWIAK Gaspard (CEREMADE)
Titre :
Inégalités de Sobolev et Hardy-Littlewood-Sobolev

Le : 17/01/2014 de : 16:30 à : 17:30

Salle : P 303

Groupe de travail Groupe de travail des thésards

Intervenant : CATELLIER Rémi ()
Titre :
Paraproduits et équations de quantisation stochastique

Le : 20/12/2013 de : 00:00 à : 00:00
Un certain nombre d'équations aux dérivées partielles stochastiques très singulières présentent des problèmes dans leur définition même. C'est le cas, entre autres, de l'équation de KPZ, mais aussi de l'équation de quantisation stochastique en dimension 3 ∂_tu=Δu-u^3+ξ où u∈C(ℝ_+;𝒮'(ℝ^3)) et ξ est un bruit blanc. Dans cette équation, le produit u^3 ne peut pas être définie par des méthodes classiques d'analyse, et il s'avère que pour donner un sens à cette équation, il est nécessaire de soustraire un constante infinie et de considérer formellement le problème suivant ∂_tu=Δu-(u^3-∞u)+ξ. Il s'avère que la théories des distributions paracontrolées, qui combine des idées de la théorie des Rough Paths avec la décomposition de Paley-Littlewood et le paraproduit, est un bon cadre pour donner un sens à cette renormalisation, et résoudre (localement) cette équation. Dans une première partie nous introduirons donc la notion de distributions paracontrolées, et dans une deuxième partie, nous montrerons comment cette théorie peut s'appliquer à l'équation de quantisation stochastique.
Salle : A302

Groupe de travail Groupe de travail des thésards

Intervenant : CATELLIER Rémi (CEREMADE)
Titre :
Distributions contrôlées et équation de quantisation stochastique

Le : 13/12/2013 de : 16:30 à : 17:30

Salle : A302

Groupe de travail Groupe de travail des thésards

Intervenant : POQUET Christophe ()
Titre :
Transitions de phases induites par le bruit dans le modèle des Active Rotators

Le : 29/11/2013 de : 00:00 à : 00:00
Les systèmes excitables sont caractérisés par un effet de seuil : une petite perturbation n'entraîne qu'une réponse de faible amplitude du système, qui retourne alors très vite à son état d'équilibre. Cependant si l'amplitude de la perturbation qu'il subit dépasse un certain seuil, le système passe d'abord par son état d'excitation avant de revenir à l'état de repos, et ce retour se produit à travers une trajectoire complexe et non linéaire. Lorsque des systèmes excitables bruités sont mis en interaction, différents phénomènes peuvent se produire, suivant les paramètres d'interaction et de bruit. On peut en particulier voir apparaître un mouvement périodique pour le système global, alors que ce phénomène n'est pas présent pour les systèmes isolés. Je présenterai un exemple simple de systèmes excitables en interaction, le modèle des active rotators. Il s'agit d'un système d'oscillateurs uni-dimensionnels, soumis à un potentiel, bruités, et en interaction de type champ moyen. Nous verrons que l'on peut prouver pour ce modèle l'apparition d'un mouvement périodique dans la limite d'un nombre infini d'oscillateurs par une méthode de perturbation, et ce même si la dynamique des systèmes isolés n'est pas périodique.
Salle : A302

Groupe de travail Groupe de travail des thésards

Intervenant : STEPHENSON Robin (CEREMADE)
Titre :
Limite d'échelle d'une suite d'arbres k-aires

Le : 22/11/2013 de : 16:30 à : 17:30
On démontrera la convergence en probabilité d'une suite d'arbres k-aires aléatoires obtenue récursivement par une méthode généralisant un célèbre algorithme de Rémy engendrant l'arbre binaire aléatoire.
Salle : A 703

Groupe de travail Groupe de travail des thésards

Intervenant : CHOUK Khalil ()
Titre :
Paraproduits et application aux EDPS singulière

Le : 08/11/2013 de : 00:00 à : 00:00
J'introduirai le paraproduit de Bony, et je montrerai comment on peut utiliser cet outil pour résoudre des équations différentielles partielles stochastiques (équation de la chaleur stochastique, PAM, etc...).
Salle : A 302

Groupe de travail Groupe de travail des thésards

Intervenant : TRISTANI Isabelle (CEREMADE)
Titre :
Équation de Boltzmann granulaire dans un régime proche de l'équilibre.

Le : 25/10/2013 de : 00:00 à : 00:00
Ce travail présente un résultat d'existence et stabilité de solution pour l'équation de Boltzmann granulaire (collisions inélastiques) pour une faible inélasticité. Il repose sur l'étude de l'équation linéarisée grâce à un théorème de perturbation (perturbation autour de l'équation élastique linéarisée). Plus précisément, on prouve l'existence d'un trou spectral pour l'opérateur linéarisé associé. Pour revenir à l'équation non linéaire, on obtient des estimations qui nous permettent de contrôler le terme non linéaire. Ces estimations combinées avec la stabilité linéaire permettent de prouver que pour une donnée initiale suffisamment proche de l'équilibre, la solution est piégée proche de l'équilibre.
Salle : A 703

Groupe de travail Groupe de travail des thésards

Intervenant : FERRADANS Sira (CEREMADE)
Titre :

Regularized Discrete Optimal Transport

Le : 11/10/2013 de : 16:30 à : 17:30
Abstract.-This article introduces a generalization of the discrete optimal transport, with applications to color image manipulations. This new formulation includes a relaxation of the mass conservation constraint and a regularization term. These two features are crucial for image processing tasks, which necessitate to take into account families of multimodal histograms, with large mass variation across modes. The corresponding relaxed and regularized transportation problem is the solution of a convex optimization problem. Depending on the regularization used, this minimization can be solved using standard linear programming methods or first order proximal splitting schemes. The resulting transportation plan can be used as a color transfer map, which is robust to mass variation across images color palettes. Furthermore, the regularization of the transport plan helps to remove colorization artifacts due to noise amplification.
Salle : A 703

Groupe de travail Groupe de travail des thésards

Intervenant : BAUMARD Samuel (Jussieu)
Titre :
Irrationalité de ζ(3)

Le : 03/05/2013 de : 00:00 à : 00:00
Après un bref historique des questions d'irrationalité, on présentera des preuves de l'irrationalité de ζ(3) = 1 + 1/2³ + 1/3³ +... On parlera notamment de la démonstration originelle d'Apéry ainsi que d'autres preuves découvertes par Beukers.
Salle : A707

Groupe de travail Groupe de travail des thésards

Intervenant : HATCHI Roméo (CEREMADE)
Titre :
Equilibre de Wardrop, du discret au continu

Le : 19/04/2013 de : 16:00 à : 17:30

Salle : R52-53

Groupe de travail Groupe de travail des thésards

Intervenant : SCHMIDT Nicolas (CEREMADE)
Titre :
Simulation numérique d’une équation intégrale par la méthode PML.

Le : 05/04/2013 de : 00:00 à : 00:00
J’avais défini, à un précédent groupe des thésards, une équation intégrale spatio-temporelle. Je vous propose de simuler ses solutions. Ainsi on pourra apprécier des phénomènes de réflexion-réfraction, atténuation, solitons apparent… Le problème majeur de la simulation de ces solutions est la gestion du bord (spatial). La simulation est faite en augmentant spatialement le domaine, puis en modifiant l’équation sur celui-ci, en s’autorisant des valeurs complexe. Cette méthode est appelée ‘Perfectly Match Layer’ et peut être vue comme une estimation de la Dirichlet-to-Neumann Map. Les simulations seront comparées à des données réelles provenant d’imagerie optique, chez le furet et la souris.
Salle : A 707

Groupe de travail Groupe de travail des thésards

Intervenant : MANDORINO Vito (CEREMADE)
Titre :
Présoutenance : Théorie KAM faible et instabilité pour familles d'Hamiltoniens

Le : 08/03/2013 de : 16:00 à : 17:30
Nous étudions la dynamique engendrée par une famille de flots Hamiltoniens. Motivés par des questions liées au phénomène dit de 'diffusion d’Arnold', notre objectif est de construire des trajectoires qui relient deux régions lointaines de l’espace des phases. Nous traitons le cas de flots à temps discret dans le cadre variationnelle de la théorie KAM faible, et le cas de flots à temps continu dans le cadre de la théorie géométrique du contrôle.
Salle : A 707

Groupe de travail des thésards

Intervenant : NICOLAS Schimdt (CEREMADE)
Titre :
Etude de la propagation finie d'une dynamique spatio-temporelle

Le : 22/02/2013 de : 16:00 à : 17:30

Salle : A 707

Groupe de travail Groupe de travail des thésards

Intervenant : CATELLIER Rémi (CEREMADE)
Titre :
Une petite introduction aux chemins rugueux

Le : 08/02/2013 de : 00:00 à : 00:00

Salle : R52-53

Groupe de travail Groupe de travail des thésards

Intervenant : CHOUK Khalil (CEREMADE)
Titre :
EDP avec dispersion stochastique

Le : 07/12/2012 de : 16:00 à : 17:30

Salle : A 703

Groupe de travail Groupe de travail des thésards

Intervenant : STEPHENSEN Robin (CEREMADE)
Titre :
Grimpette de l'arbre brownien

Le : 23/11/2012 de : 16:00 à : 17:30

Salle : A 703

Groupe de travail Groupe de travail des thésards

Intervenant : TSEPLETIDOU Sofia (CEREMADE)
Titre :
Computational Bayesian Tools for Modeling the Aging Process

Le : 09/11/2012 de : 16:00 à : 17:00

Salle : A 703

Groupe de travail Groupe de travail des thésards

Intervenant : MANDORINO Vito (CEREMADE)
Titre :
Promenade entre les théorèmes de Sard, Thom, Chow.

Le : 19/10/2012 de : 16:00 à : 17:00

Salle : A 703

Groupe de travail Groupe de travail des thésards

Intervenant : LEVITT Antoine (CEREMADE)
Titre :
Champs moyens et auto-cohérence en mécanique quantique

Le : 05/10/2012 de : 16:00 à : 17:00

Salle : A 703

Groupe de travail Groupe de travail des thésards

Intervenant : FIOT Jean-Baptiste (CEREMADE)
Titre :
Local versus global descriptors of hippocampus shape evolution for Alzheimers longitudinal population analysis

Le : 21/09/2012 de : 16:00 à : 17:00

Salle : A 703

Groupe de travail Groupe de travail des thésards

Intervenant : SOK Jérémy (CEREMADE)
Titre :

Le : 25/01/2012 de : 16:00 à : 17:30

Salle : A 703

Groupe de travail Groupe de travail des thésards

Intervenant : LEVITT Antoine (CEREMADE)
Titre :
Localisation dans des chaînes d'oscillateurs non-linéaires (Salle B215)

Le : 10/05/2011 de : 17:00 à : 18:00

Salle :

Groupe de travail Groupe de travail des thésards

Intervenant : CHOUK Khalil (Ceremade)
Titre :
Introduction à la théorie des chemins rugueux (Salle P_C114)

Le : 08/04/2011 de : 17:00 à : 18:00

Salle :

Groupe de travail Groupe de travail des thésards

Intervenant : RAFAEL Potrie ()
Titre :
"Homeomorphisms expansifs"

Le : 12/02/2009 de : 17:00 à : 18:00

Salle :

Groupe de travail Groupe de travail des thésards

Intervenant : HOUMIA Anouar (CEREMADE)
Titre :
Equation d'Euler-Lagrange pour des problèmes à arguments déviés

Le : 22/01/2009 de : 16:00 à : 17:00

Salle :

Groupe de travail Groupe de travail des thésards

Intervenant : BALLESTEROS Miguel (INRIA-UNAM)
Titre :
Aharonov-Bohm effect, Tonomura et. al. Experiments and Gaussian Electron Beams

Le : 08/01/2009 de : 16:00 à : 17:00

Salle :

Groupe de travail Groupe de travail des thésards

Intervenant : RUETHER Pierre-Olivier (Institut Finance Dauphine)
Titre :
"Growth theory and sustainable development"

Le : 11/12/2008 de : 14:30 à : 15:30

Salle :

Groupe de travail Groupe de travail des thésards

Intervenant : BENMANSOUR Fethallah (CEREMADE)
Titre :
"Anisotropie tubulaire multi-echelles"

Le : 27/11/2008 de : 16:00 à : 17:00

Salle :

Groupe de travail Groupe de travail des thésards

Intervenant : SILVA Alonso (Sophia-Antipolis)
Titre :
Optimal transportation on wireless networks (salleB203)

Le : 06/11/2008 de : 16:00 à : 17:00

Salle :

Groupe de travail Groupe de travail des thésards

Intervenant : ROTA NODARI Simona (CEREMADE)
Titre :

Le : 23/10/2008 de : 16:00 à : 17:00

Salle :

Groupe de travail Groupe de travail des thésards

Intervenant : LACHAPELLE Aimé (CEREMADE)
Titre :
Jeux à champs moyen et dynamique d'isolation des ménages

Le : 10/04/2008 de : 16:00 à : 17:15

Salle :

Groupe de travail Groupe de travail des thésards

Intervenant : JOHEL Beltran ()
Titre :
Meta-stability and condensed zero-range processes on finite sets

Le : 03/04/2008 de : 17:00 à : 18:00

Salle :

Groupe de travail Groupe de travail des thésards

Intervenant : NUNEZ Matias (shs polytechnique)
Titre :
"A study of Approval voting on Large Poisson Games"

Le : 20/03/2008 de : 16:00 à : 17:00

Salle :

Groupe de travail Groupe de travail des thésards

Intervenant : NOCQUET Laurent (CEREMADE)
Titre :
Solutions de viscosités et applications

Le : 13/03/2008 de : 14:00 à : 15:00

Salle :

Groupe de travail Groupe de travail des thésards

Intervenant : GRIGORIU Andreea (CEREMADE)
Titre :
Algorithme d'identification pour les systèmes quantiques

Le : 17/01/2008 de : 16:00 à : 17:15

Salle :

Groupe de travail Groupe de travail des thésards

Intervenant : JARA Milton (Université Catholique de Louvain)
Titre :
"The tagged particle problem"

Le : 22/11/2007 de : 16:00 à : 17:15

Salle : Salle A701

Groupe de travail Groupe de travail des thésards

Intervenant : HERNANDEZ Freddy (CEREMADE)
Titre :
"Introduction to Hydrodynamic Limit of Interacting Particle Systems"

Le : 08/11/2007 de : 16:00 à : 17:00

Salle : Salle A701

Groupe de travail Groupe de travail des thésards

Intervenant : MERLET Glenn (CEREMADE)
Titre :
A préciser

Le : 02/04/2007 de : 17:30 à : 19:00

Salle : Salle A701

Groupe de travail Groupe de travail des thésards

Intervenant : MOYAL Pascal (CEREMADE)
Titre :
Suites récurrentes stochastiques et stabilité des files d'attente: nouvelles approches

Le : 19/03/2007 de : 17:00 à : 18:30

Salle : Salle A701

Groupe de travail Groupe de travail des thésards

Intervenant : ARLOT Sylvain (Université Paris-Sud)
Titre :
Sélection de modèles et Apprentissage statistique

Le : 12/03/2007 de : 17:30 à : 19:00

Salle : Salle A701

Groupe de travail Groupe de travail des thésards

Intervenant : NADIN Grégoire (Jussieu et ENS)
Titre :
Existence et unicité des solutions entières d'un problème parabolique périodique en temps et en espace

Le : 12/02/2007 de : 17:30 à : 19:00

Salle : Salle A701

Groupe de travail Groupe de travail des thésards

Intervenant : BENMANSOUR Fethallah (CEREMADE)
Titre :

Le : 24/10/2006 de : 17:30 à : 19:00

Salle : Salle A701

Groupe de travail Groupe de travail des thésards

Intervenant : COVILLE Jerome (CEREMADE)
Titre :

Le : 23/05/2006 de : 17:30 à : 19:00

Salle : Salle A701

Groupe de travail Groupe de travail des thésards

Intervenant : NOUAILI Nejla (DMA-ENS)
Titre :
Théorème de Liouville pour une équation semilinéaire de la chaleur

Le : 11/04/2006 de : 17:30 à : 18:30

Salle : Salle A701

Groupe de travail Groupe de travail des thésards

Intervenant : PEGORARO Fulvio (CEREMADE)
Titre :
A préciser

Le : 04/04/2006 de : 00:00 à : 00:00

Salle : Salle A701

Groupe de travail Groupe de travail des thésards

Intervenant : NOCQUET-JEOL Laurent (CEREMADE)
Titre :
A préciser

Le : 14/03/2006 de : 17:30 à : 18:30

Salle :

Groupe de travail Groupe de travail des thésards

Intervenant : JIMENEZ Chloé (CEREMADE)
Titre :
Asymptotique dans un problème de tranport optimal

Le : 07/03/2006 de : 17:30 à : 18:30

Salle : Salle A701