We consider Gaussian mixtures
and particularly the problem of testing
homogeneity, that is testing
no mixture, against a mixture with two
components. Seven distinct
cases are addressed, corresponding to the
possible restrictions on the
parameters. For each case, we give a statistic
that we claim to be the likelihood
ratio test statistic. The proof is given
in a simple case. With the
help of a bound for the maximum of a Gaussian
process we calculate the percentile
points. The results are illustrated by
2. Title: Time series and spatial models for solar radiation
Author: C. Glasbey
Solar radiation, when adjusted
for solar angle, is bimodally
distributed. The two
modes are produced by cloudy times, when radiation
is indirect, and cloud-free
times, when radiation is direct. For time
series of solar radiation at
a single site, I have proposed a new form
of nonlinear autoregressive
process, by specifying joint marginal
distributions at low lags to
be multivariate Gaussian mixtures. The
time series data can be interpreted
as a random linear transect of an
isotropic spatial process.
However, it does not seem to be possible to
generalise the model to a spatial
process. Therefore, instead, I have
developed a model based on
moving averages.
3. Title: Mixture models in measurement error problems
Authors: S Richardson, L Leblond, I Jaussent
and P.J Green
4. Title: The Observed Association Structure from Graphical
Gaussian Models with a Single Latent Variable
Authors : M. Fatima Salgueiro, John W. McDonald and Peter
W.F. Smith
We investigate the observed
association structure
between manifest variables
arising from simple factor models. In
particular, we consider the
cases of a single continuous latent
variable with either two or
three continuous manifest variables.
The simple factor model is
represented as a Graphical Gaussian
model. We use a simulation
study to estimate the power of a
backwards elimination selection
procedure. Results show that the
underlying factor model can
give rise to an observed association
structure between the manifest
variables that is not necessarily
the true model, i.e. the saturated
model. For the two manifest
variables case power is symmetric
about zero and increases with
departures from zero correlation,
and also as sample size
increases. However, when three
manifest variables are present,
some non-symmetry and non-monotonicity
can be observed,
particularly associated with
small partial correlation values.
5. Title: Covariance Kernels from Bayesian Generative Models
Author: Matthias Seeger
We propose a general method
for constructing covariance kernels for
discriminative methods like
Gaussian Process classifiers from posterior
information obtained by Bayesian
analysis on an unlabeled sample.
The kernels can be evaluated
analytically whenever the Bayesian analysis
is analytically tractable.
We give some examples involving conjugate
families of distributions.
The recently proposed Fisher kernel (Jaakkola &
Haussler) can be seen as a
first-order approximation to one of these
By employing the recently proposed
technique of Variational Bayesian
inference (Attias, Gharamani
& Beal), we can derive kernels from Bayesian
mixture models. We show how
this can be done for mixtures of
full-covariance Gaussians (Attias)
and for mixtures of Factor Analyzers
(Gharamani & Beal).
6. Title: Using mixtures of von Mises distributions to model
seasonality in sudden infant death syndrome
Author: Jenny Mooney
7. Title: Variational inference for Bayesian structure
Authors: Matthew J. Beal and Zoubin Ghahramani
8. Title: Phase randomisation as a convergence tool in
Author Kerrie Mengersen
9. Title: Integrated squared error estimation of normal mixture
Authors: P.Besbeas and B.J.T.Morgan
10. Title: Dirichlet Process Mixture Models
Author: Carl Edward Rasmussen
11. Title: Constraints on the posterior distribution of a finite
Author: Agostino Nobile
12. Title: Sequential analysis of mixtures of discrete items
Author: Colin Aitken
Background to the problem:
Consider a consignment (population)
of discrete items, consisting
of a mixture of an unknown number of
different categories.
The problem is to construct Bayesian probability
regions for the proportion
of each of the categories in the consignment
from the proportion of each
category in a sample from the consignment.
Example: In forensic science,
the consignment could be a consignment
of white tablets, homogeneous
in shape, size, weight, texture etc., but
possibly a mixture of several
different drugs. It is not feasible to examine
all the tablets. A sample
is to be taken in such a way that a Bayesian
probability region in the simplex
of proportions can be calculated for the
true proportions. Other
possibilities are a consignment of pornographic
computer discs or a consignment
of pirated compact discs.
Mixture of two categories:
The simplest case is the one in which there
are only two categories for
each tablet: a tablet contains illicit drugs or it
does not. Then one can
sample the tablets and inspect the sampled tablets.
The distribution of the proportion
ofillicit drugs can be represented by a beta
distribution for a large consignment
and by a beta-binomial distribution for a
small consignment. A
criterion is required for when to stop sampling. For
example, sampling could stop
if there were a probability of 0.95 that
the true proportion of illicit
drugs in the consignment were greater than 0.5.
If all the tablets sampled
contained illicit drugs then it is possible, with a fairly
general assumption for the
prior distribution, to stop sampling when four tablets
have been sampled. If
one of the four were not illicit then seven tablets would
need to be sampled.
Mixture of more than two categories:
The distribution of the proportions may
be Dirichlet or Dirichlet-multinomial.
What about logistic Normal distributions?
How may the total number of
categories be estimated?
Questions: How to develop
a sampling protocol? What inference can be
made after the inspection of
each tablet? When to stop?