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Dans ce contexte, le GT `Vision & Perception' du GDR MSPC et le GT3 `Modèles Déformables Dynamiques' du GDR-PRC ISIS ont décidé de rapprocher leurs compétences à l'occasion d'une journée commune le 28 Novembre 1996. Articulée autour de 4 exposés invités et ouverte sur l'Europe, nous espérons qu'elle sera l'occasion d'échanges fructueux et le point de départ d'un dialogue suivi.
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10h00 - 11h00 | A. BENASSI - S. COHEN - J.ISTAS - S.JAFFARD (Université de Clermont-Ferrand) "Identification de bruits blancs filtrés" |
11h00 - 12h00 | Sylvie TEBOUL - Laure BLANC-FERAUD - Gilles AUBERT Michel BARLAUD (I3S - Université de Nice-Sophia Antipolis) "Régularisation semi-quadratique et EDP couplées" |
12h00 - 14h00 | Déjeuner |
14h00 - 16H00 | Guido GERIG (Image Science ETHZ-Zentrum, Zurich) "Computer vision tools based on Partial Differential Equations" |
16h00 - 17h00 | Alfons SALDEN (Imaging Center Utrecht - INRIA, Projet Robovis) "Differential and integral geometry related to image formation" |
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Les résumés des interventions seront mis à jour dans les meilleurs délais. |
Guido GERIG (Communication Technology Laboratory Image Science ETHZ-Zentrum, Zurich, Switzerland) "Computer vision tools based on Partial Differential Equations" |
Mots-Clés : PDE, scale-space, medical image analysis.
Références :
Contacts :
Guido GERIG Communication Technology Laboratory, Image Science ETHZ-Zentrum CH-8092 ZURICH, SWITZERLAND |
Sylvie TEBOUL - Laure BLANC-FERAUD Gilles AUBERT - Michel BARLAUD (I3S - Université de Nice-Sophia Antipolis) "Régularisation Semi-Quadratique et EDP Couplées" |
This work deals with edge preserving regularization for inverse
problem in image processing. We first present a synthesis of the main
results we have obtained in edge preserving regularization by using a
variational approach. We recall the model involving regularizing
functions phi and we analyze the geometry-driven diffusion process of
this model in the three-dimensional case. Then half-quadratic theorem
is used to give a very simple reconstruction algorithm.
After a critical analysis of this model, we propose an other
functional to minimize for the edge preserving reconstruction purpose.
It results in solving two coupled PDE's: one processes the intensity,
the other the edges. We study the relationship with similar PDE
systems in particular with the functional proposed by Ambrosio
Tortorelli [AMBRO90] in order to approach the Mumford Shah
functional [MUMFO89] developed in the segmentation application.
Experimental results on synthetic and real images are presented.
[AMBRO90] L. Ambrosio and V.M. Tortorelli,
"Approximation of functionals via Gamma-convergence",
Commun. Pure & Appli. Math., 43, 1990, pp. 999--1036.
[MUMFO89] D. Mumford and J. Shah,
"Optimal approximations by piecewise smooth functions
and associated variational problems",
Commun. Pure & Appli. Math., 42, 5, 1989, pp. 577--685.
Mots-Clés :
Edge-preserving regularization, variational approach, systems of
coupled PDE's, anisotropic diffusion, ...
Références :
Contacts :
S. TEBOUL - L. BLANC-FERAUD - G. AUBERT - M. BARLAUD Université de Nice-Sophia Antipolis - Laboratoire I3S Bâtiment 4 - 250, Avenue Albert Einstein Sophia Antipolis 06560 VALBONNE |
Alfons SALDEN (Imaging Center Utrecht - INRIA, Projet Robovis) "Differential and integral geometry related to image formation" |
In my talk, I will concentrate on quantising these discontinuities by means of geometric operators and point out their relevance for deriving smoothing schemes more adapted to the underlying image formation properties. The latter properties can be measured by means of well known slot-machines as the curvature and torsion two forms. It is shown that the latter machines can define so-called integral invariants encountered in gauge field theories concerning lattices, namely the Burgers and Frank vector density fields. These fields can be used to define the inhomogeneity of the group actions yielding the image. Thus they quantise the image formation and can be used as input fields for smoothing these currents themselves.
Mots-Clés : Differential geometry, integral geometry, image formation.
Références :
Contacts :
Alfons SALDEN INRIA - Projet Robotvis 2004, Route des Lucioles Sophia-Antipolis - 06565 Valbonne Cedex |
A. BENASSI - S. COHEN - J.ISTAS - S.JAFFARD (Université de Clermont-Ferrand) "Identification de bruits blancs filtrés" |
Mots-Clés : ******
Références :
Benassi Jaffard Roux,
Elliptic Gaussian Processes ,accepte a
Revista Ibero_americana de Matemticas
Locally Self Similar Gaussian Processes,in Wavelets and Statistiques Lecture
Notes in Statistiques 103,edt. Antoniadis,Oppenheim.
Identifications of filtered White Noises, with S.Cohen, J.Istas, S.Jaffard;
Contacts :
A. BENASSI - S. COHEN - J.ISTAS - S.JAFFARD Université de Clermont-Ferrand |
La demande de prise en charge par le GDR-PRC ISIS doit être
adressée à Madame Elisabeth Dépré
au plus tard 1 semaine avant la date
prévue pour le train et 18 jours
avant pour l'avion (indiquer les numéros des vols et du dossier
Air France). |
La demande de prise en charge par le GDR MSPC doit être adressée à Madame Parisot au plus tard 1 semaine avant la date prévue | |||||||||||||||||||||||||