A high level scientific workshop entitled Mathematics and Image Analysis will be held in Paris in September 2006. This conference is organised by GDR MSPC with support of Universite Paris Dauphine, INRIA, Thales Air Defence and DGA. The scientific program will include invited conferences at the interface between researches in applied mathematics (PDE's, Statistical Methods, Wavelets, Level sets, Variational methods,...) and new developments in various areas of computer vision, related to mathematical topics including Shape, Deformations, Motion, Restoration, Invariants, Scale-space, Information Theory, ...
The workshop venue
should be at University
Paris Dauphine in the west
part of Paris.
Registration information is available in
french or english.
Talks will be given in either in
English or French, according to preference of the speaker.
This document can be found on web page http://www.ceremade.dauphine.fr/~cohen/mia2006 with links to complete papers and slides for most speakers.
Subscribe to the diffusion list for GDR MSPC
send email to "cohen
- at - ceremade.dauphine.fr”
Laurent Cohen
Organizing and Scientific Commitee
Frédéric Barbaresco
Laurent Cohen
Rachid Deriche
Alain Trouvé
Laurent Younes
Talks |
Didier AUROUX, Université Paul Sabatier Toulouse 3 |
Image restoration and classification by topological asymptotic expansion |
Bernhard Burgeth, Eindhoven University of Technology |
Mathematical Morphology for Matrix-Fields: Ordering vs PDE |
Samir Chafik- ENIC, Universite de Lille 1, France |
Geometrical Analysis of Facial Surfaces. |
Maxime Descoteaux- Odyssee - Inria-Sophia |
Processing High Angular Resolution Diffusion Imaging Data to Recover Crossing Fibers |
Stanley Durrleman- Télécom Paris/Thales Air Systems |
Definition of anisotropic de-noising operators through sectional curvature, wide range of applications from gray-level images to high resolution Doppler spectrum |
Michael Elad- Technion - Israel Institute of Technology |
Sparse and Redundant Signal Representation, and its Role in Image Processing |
Pedro Felzenszwalb- University of Chicago |
Representation and Detection of Shapes in Images |
Leo Grady-Siemens USA |
Computing Exact Discrete Minimal Surfaces: Extending and Solving the Shortest Path Problem in 3D with Application to Segmentation |
Satyanad Kichenassamy- Université de Reims Champagne-Ardenne |
The mathematical analysis of the Perona-Malik equation and its practical impact |
Stephane Lafon- Google Inc. |
Diffusion geometries for dimensionality reduction in image analysis |
He Lin, UCLA |
MR Image reconstruction by using the iterative refinement method and nonlinear inverse scale space methods |
Tal Nir- Technion, Israel |
Over-Parameterized Variational Optical Flow |
Xavier Pennec- Asclepios- INRIA Sophia Antipolis |
Statistical Computing on Manifolds: From Riemannian Geometry to Computational Anatomy |
Jean Ponce- ENS Ulm, Paris |
Geometry and 3D computer vision: What we (kind of) know how to do, what we don't, and why anyone should care |
Jean-Philippe Pons, CERTIS, École Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées |
Upgrading the level set method: point correspondence, topological constraints and deformation priors |
Tammy Riklin-Raviv – Tel Aviv University |
Shape Based Segmentation |
Christoph Schnoerr- University of Mannheim |
Variational Analysis of Fluid Flow Image Sequences |
Kaleem Siddiqi- McGill University |
Medial Representations |
Nir Sochen – Tel Aviv University |
Geometric flows over Lie Groups |
Jean-Luc Starck- Service d'Astrophysique, Centre d'Etudes de SACLAY |
Morphological Component Analysis |
Demetri Terzopoulos-UCLA |
Deformable and Functional Models in Medical Image Analysis |
David Tschumperle- Greyc-Caen |
Fast Anisotropic Smoothing of Multi-Valued Images using Curvature-Preserving PDE's |
Baba Vemuri- Univ. of Florida |
A novel mathematical model for the diffusion weighted MR signal reconstruction |
Luminita Vese- Department of Mathematics, UCLA |
Meyer's models for image decomposition and computational approaches |
Pierre Weiss- Ariana- INRIA Sophia Antipolis |
Some applications of L infinite norms in image processing. |
Jean Paul Zolesio- INRIA Sophia Antipolis |
Shape Tube Metric and Geodesic Characterisation
(Pretty-print pdf file for) SCHEDULE:
All talks will take place
in Amphi 8, second floor.
Registration and Breakfast (on the
first day) and Coffee breaks will be complimentary in "Bar des
Etudiants" next to Amphi 8.
Monday, September 18th, 2006
09:30 - 10:00 Registration Breakfast
10:00 - 11:00 S. Kichenassamy The mathematical analysis of the Perona-Malik
equation and its practical impact
11:00 - 12:00 Jean Ponce Geometry and 3D computer vision: What we (kind of)
know how to do, what we don't, and why anyone should care
12:00 - 14:00 DEJEUNER - LUNCH
14:00 - 15:15 Baba Vemuri A novel mathematical model for the
diffusion weighted MR signal reconstruction
15:15 - 15:45 Maxime Descoteaux Processing High Angular Resolution Diffusion
Imaging Data to Recover Crossing Fibers
15:45 - 16:15 Pause Cafe - Coffee Break
16:15 - 16:45 Bernhard Burgeth Mathematical Morphology for Matrix-Fields: Ordering vs PDE
16:45 - 17:15 Nir Sochen Geometric flows over Lie Groups
17:15 - 18:15 Xavier Pennec Statistical Computing on Manifolds: From
Riemannian Geometry to Computational Anatomy
Tuesday, September 19th, 2006
09:00 - 11:00 Jean-P. Zolesio Shape Tube Metric and Geodesic Characterisation
11:00 - 11:15 Pause Cafe - Coffee Break
11:15 - 12:30 Stephane Lafon Diffusion geometries for dimensionality reduction in image analysis
12:30 - 14:00 DEJEUNER - LUNCH
14:00 - 15:30 D. Terzopoulos Deformable and Functional Models in Medical Image Analysis
15:30 - 15:45 Pause Cafe - Coffee Break
15:45 - 16:15 Leo Grady Computing Exact Discrete Minimal Surfaces: Extending and Solving
the Shortest Path Problem in 3D with Application to Segmentation
16:15 - 16:45 Jean-Ph. Pons Upgrading the level set method: point correspondence,
topological constraints and deformation priors
16:45 - 17:15 David Tschumperle Fast Anisotropic Smoothing of Multi-Valued
Images using Curvature-Preserving PDE's
17:15 - 17:45 Stanley Durrleman Definition of anisotropic de-noising operators through
sectional curvature, wide range of applications from
gray-level images to high resolution Doppler spectrum
Wednesday, September 20th, 2006
9:45 - 10:45 Kaleem Siddiqi Medial Representations
10:45 - 11:30 Pedro Felzenszwalb Representation and Detection of Shapes in Images
11:30 - 12:00 Samir Chafik Analysis of Facial Shapes
12:00 – 12:30 Tammy Riklin-Raviv Shape Based Segmentation
12:15 - 14:00 DEJEUNER - LUNCH
14:00 - 15:00 Luminita Vese Meyer’s models for image decomposition and
computational approaches
15:00 - 15:30 Pierre Weiss Some applications of L infinite norms in image processing.
15:30 - 16:15 Didier Auroux Image restoration and classification by topological
asymptotic expansion
16:15 – 16:45 He Lin MR Image reconstruction by using the iterative refinement method and nonlinear
inverse scale space methods
Thursday, September 21st, 2006
09:45 - 11:15 Ch. Schnoerr Variational Analysis of Fluid Flow Image Sequences
11:15 - 12:15 Tal Nir Over-Parameterized Variational Optical Flow
12:15 - 14:00 DEJEUNER - LUNCH
14:00 - 15:00 Michael Elad Sparse and Redundant Signal Representation,
and its Role in Image Processing
15:00 - 16:00 Jean-Luc Starck Morphological Component Analysis
16:00 - 17:00 To be confirmed
All talks will take place
in Amphi 8, second floor.
Registration and Breakfast (on the
first day) and Coffee breaks will be complimentary in "Bar des
Etudiants" next to Amphi 8.
Lunch is not provided by the
conference. Participants are free to get lunch from different places
inside (Ground floor/Rez-de-Chaussée) or outside the
university. Many restaurants can be found by taking the Bus PC1
(accross the street from the university) one or two stops away to
Porte Maillot or Porte des Ternes or the Metro to Victor Hugo or
Etoile one or two stations away. Across the street from university
you can also find restaurant ``K'fe court'' with the tennis club.
restoration and classification by topological asymptotic expansion.
Authors : Didier AUROUX, Mohamed MASMOUDI, Lamia BELAID
Laboratoire MIP , Université Paul Sabatier Toulouse 3
31062 Toulouse cedex 9, France
1002 Tunis Belvédère , Tunisia
Web page :
We present in this talk a new way for modeling and solving
image restoration and classification problems, the topological
gradient method. This method is considered in the frame of
variational approaches and the minimization of potential energy with
respect to conductivity. The numerical experiments show the
efficiency of the topological gradient approach. The image is most of
the time restored or classified at the first iteration of the
optimization process. Moreover, the computational cost of this
iteration is reduced drastically using spectral methods. We also
propose an algorithm which provides the optimal classes (number and
values) for the unsupervised regularized classification problem.
few references are availaible through this link:
Morphology for Matrix-Fields: Ordering vs PDE
Authors: B.
Burgeth(*), S. Didas, A. Bruhn, J. Weickert, W. Welk
of all authors:
Faculty of Mathematics and Computer
Saarland University, Building E1 1 66041 Saarbrücken
(*) Current affiliation of first author:
University of Technology
Department of Biomedical Engineering
2.110 NL-5600 MB Eindhoven The Netherlands
Data in the form of matrix-fields are becoming increasingly important
in image processing. For instance, diffusion tensor magnetic
resonance imaging (DT-MRI) is an modern medical image acquisition
technique that results in such a data type. These data have to be
filtered and analysed. Hence it is desirable to have the tools of
mathematical morphology at one`s disposal. In this talk we explain
how fundamental morphological operations, starting from dilation and
erosion and continuing to morphological derivatives, can be extended
to the setting of matrices. Two approaches will be presented, one is
based on the Loewner ordering, the other one utilises variants of
nonlinear PDEs. Finally we report on experiments performed with real
3D DT-MRI data.
covering the material of
this talk to some extend is
B. Burgeth et al., Morphology for
Tensor Data: Ordering versus PDE-Based Approach. Technical Report No.
162, Department of Mathematics, Saarland University, Saarbrücken,
Accepted for publication in Image and Vision
Samir Chafik chafik @ enic.fr
Geometrical Analysis of Facial Surfaces.
LIFL/ Universite de Lille 1, France
Joint works with Anuj Srivastava (Florida State University) and Mohamed Daoudi (LIFL/ Univ Lille1 France).
In recent years, there has been an increasing interest in analyzing shapes of objects. This research is motivated in part by the fact that shapes of objects form an important feature for characterizing them, with application in recognition, tracking and classification. Since most objects of interest are 3D objects, and 3D observations of objects using laser scans are becoming readily available, an important goal is to analyze shapes of two-dimensional surfaces in R^3. In particular, given two facial surfaces (3D faces in this work ), the task is to constructing a path between their shapes showing the deformation between the surface reached to the target surface, and to quantify differences between them.
In this talk, We model a human face called facial surface, as a two-dimensional smooth connected manifold, and we present a differential-geometric technique for constructing a path between two different facial surfaces. We will also discuss our previous work on 3D face recognition using shapes of facial curves.
@ sophia.inria.fr
High Angular Resolution Diffusion Imaging Data to Recover
Crossing Fibers
Maxime Descoteaux, Rachid Deriche
Team, INRIA Sophia Antipolis / ENPC-Paris / ENS- ULM Paris, France
web page:
Diffussion MRI is a Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) modality
able to non invasively quantify in vivo the diffusion of water
molecules in biological tissues such as the white matter in the
brain. This relatively new imaging modality, pioneered twenty
years ago by Denis Le Bihan, acquires at each voxel, image
intensities, referred to as diffusion, related to the relative
mobility of endogenous tissue water molecules that reflect the
structure of the underlying biological tissues at a microscopic
scale, well beyond the usual image resolution. In 1994,
Peter Basser, together with J. Mattiello and D.LeBihan,
introduced the formalism of the Diffusion Tensor (DT) and what
is known as DT-MRI. P. Basser proposed to characterize the
orientation dependence of diffusion by an effective self-diffusion
tensor given by a 3x3 symmetric positive definite tensor and to
estimate it directly from the signal intensities. Due the
well-known limitations of DT-MRI, high angular resolution
diffusion imaging (HARDI)is currently of great interest to
characterize voxels containing multiple fiber crossings. In
particular, Q-ball imaging (QBI) is now a popular
reconstruction method to obtain the orientation distribution
function (ODF) of these multiple fiber distributions. The
latter captures all important angular contrast by expressing
the probability that a water molecule will diffuse into any
given solid angle. However, QBI and other high order spin
displacement estimation methods involve non-trivial numerical
computations and lack a straightforward regularization process. In
this talk, a simple linear and regularized analytic solution for the
Q-ball reconstruction of the ODF is developed. First, the
signal is modeled with a physically meaningful high order
spherical harmonic series by incorporating the Laplace-Beltrami
operator in the solution. This leads to a mathematical
simplification of the Funk- Radon transform using the Funk-Hecke
theorem. In doing so, a fast and robust model-free ODF
approximation is obtained. Comparative results are
presented against Tuch's original QBI technique on a biological
phantom and on in-vivo human brain data. Finally, we
discuss and explore interesting applications of the spherical
harmonics description of spherica functions.
recent articles on our research can be found here:
of anisotropic de-noising operators through sectional curvature,
range of applications from gray-level images to high resolution
Doppler spectrum
Authors : Stanley Durrleman, Frédéric
Removing noise in measured physical data is a task of great
importance in a wide range of scientific fields : satellite imaging,
medical imaging, radar signal processing... The known de-noising
methods in the literature are often defined only for a particular
application and, as far as we know, none are able to define a
de-noising process that does not make any assumptions about the type
of data. That's why we aim at defining differential operators that
could be defined for data of any dimension in the real and complex
spaces. These operators will be anisotropic in order to preserve the
geometrical information contained in the data like edges or
discontinuities. Moreover, there is rarely a canonical way to
represent the data and since scientists are used to writing data in
several coordinate systems, the operators will be invariant under a
change of data parametrization as well.
Our approach is based
on a geometrical model of noise resting on the sectional curvature.
This geometrical growth enables us to distinguish points of noise
from points of edges or discontinuities. Our method consists then in
minimizing the total squared sectional curvature in the images. We
first apply our ideas in the case of gray-level images for which the
sectional curvature is the Gaussian curvature and have therefore
well-known geometrical interpretations. We apply afterwards the
method to de-noise radar Doppler spectrum, proving how generic it
could be.
Information Intrinsic Geometric Flows, MAXENT'06 Conf. Paris, July
2006, http://djafari.free.fr/maxent2006
F.Barbaresco, Etude et
extension des flots de Ricci, Kahler-Ricci et Calabi dans le cadre du
traitement de l'image et de la geometrie de l'information, GRETSI'05,
Louvain la Neuve, Septembre 2005
A.Sapira, N.Sochen, R.Kimmel,
Geometric Filter, Diffusion Flows and Kernels in Image processing,
Handbook of Geometric Computing, Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, pp
203-230, February 2005
Michael Elad
and Redundant Signal Representation, and its Role in
Image Processing
The CS department, the Technion, Israel
In signal and image processing, we
often use transforms in order to simplify
operations or to enable
better treatment to the given data. A recent trend
in these
fields is the use of overcomplete linear transforms that lead to a
sparse description of signals. This new breed of methods is more
to use, often requiring more computations. Still, they
are much more
effective in applications such as signal
compression and inverse problems.
In fact, much of the success
attributed to the wavelet transform in recent
years, is directly
related to the above-mentioned trend. In this talk we
present a survey of this recent path of research, and its main
We will discuss both the theoretic and the applicative
sides to this field.
No previous knowledge is assumed (... just
common sense, and little bit of
linear algebra).
see the above webpage.
and Detection of Shapes in Images
Department of Computer Science
University of Chicago
study of shape is a recurring theme in computer vision. For
example, shape is one of the main sources of information that can
used for object recognition. In this talk I will
describe how
two-dimensional shapes can be represented using
triangulated polygons.
This representation has important
properties both from a perceptual
and a computational point of
view. I will consider the problem of
matching deformable
templates to images and give an efficient
algorithm to solve the
problem in a wide variety of situations. I
will also
describe a stochastic grammar that can generate arbitrary
triangulated polygons while capturing Gestalt principles of shape
regularity. Intuitively the grammar tends to generate
shapes that
have smooth boundaries and a nice decomposition into
almost symmetric
parts. I will illustrate how this grammar
can be used as a generic
model for detecting objects in images.
There is a paper covering some of
the material in my talk at:
Exact Discrete Minimal Surfaces: Extending and Solving the Shortest
Path Problem in 3D with Application to Segmentation
Corporate Research,
Department of Imaging and
Princeton NJ 08540
path algorithms on weighted graphs have found widespread use in the
computer vision literature. Although a shortest path may be found in
a 3D weighted graph, the character of the path as an object boundary
in 2D is not preserved in 3D. An object boundary in three dimensions
is a (2D) surface. Therefore, a discrete minimal surface computation
is necessary to extend shortest path approaches to 3D data in
applications where the character of the path as a boundary is
important. This minimal surface problem finds natural application in
the extension of the intelligent scissors/live wire segmentation
algorithm to 3D. In this paper, the discrete minimal surface problem
is both formulated and solved on a 3D graph. Specifically, we show
that the problem may be formulated as a linear programming problem
that is computed efficiently with generic solvers. References:
Leo Grady and Eric L. Schwartz, "Isoperimetric Graph
Partitioning for Image Segmentation", IEEE Trans. on Pattern
Analysis and Machine Intelligence, vol. 28, no. 3, pp. 469-475, March
2) Leo Grady, "Random
Walks for Image Segmentation", accepted to IEEE Trans. on
Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 2006. Paper
mathematical analysis of the Perona-Malik equation and its practical
Laboratoire de Mathématiques
(UMR 6056)
CNRS and Universite de Reims
Moulin de la Housse, B.P. 1039
F-51687 Reims Cedex 2
Web page:
The Perona-Malik equation (PM) is a familiar tool in image
processing, which has proved useful after regularization. However, we
show that it can also be efficient in some cases without
regularization, with an appropriate choice of parameters. Our theory
of generalized solutions may be used as a guide to a reliable
implementation of PM in concrete situations. After reviewing the
derivations leading to PDEs of PM type, we assess their practical
impact on segmentation or denoising procedures.
geometries for dimensionality reduction in image analysis.
Inc., Mountain View, CA 94043, USA
questions related to image analysis involve large inverse problems
and high-dimensional data sets. Consequently, the typical complexity
of these problems is very high, and the common way to deal with this
issue is to use regularization (e.g. functional minimization) or
enforcement of a prior (e.g. of a statistical model). Direct
dimensionality reduction is traditionally performed using global
linear methods such as Principal Component Analysis or
Multi-Dimensional Scaling. The impact of such techniques is generally
limited as one tries to fit a global linear representation to the
data. Although there is some empirical evidence that many "real-life"
data sets have a low intrinsic dimensionality (for instance in
collections of image patches), the nonlinearity of these data
structures needs to be taken into account for an efficient
dimensionality reduction. In this talk, I present a powerful
framework for dimension reduction, based on the spectral properties
of certain Markov chains constructed on the data. This set of
data-driven techniques unifies ideas from recent advances in
nonlinear dimension reduction, as well as from spectral clustering
and harmonic analysis. I explain how to construct a system of
coordinates to parametrize data sets, and to obtain meaningful
low-dimensional representations. These diffusion coordinates organize
data sets based on their intrinsic geometry, hence capturing the
underlying nonlinear structures. I also introduce an explicit metric
induced by the diffusion coordinates on the data, namely, the
diffusion distance. This distance generalizes PageRank and the notion
of proximity that it defines proves extremely useful in the context
of classification and pattern recognition. I show that diffusion
geometries can be used for data fusion and integration of sensors.
The multiscale perspective and the problem of out-of-sample extension
are also addressed. All these ideas are illustrated with examples
from image analysis (inpainting, denoising, segmentation), pattern
recognition, graph matching and document classification.
available at:
to appear
to appear
He Lin
MR Image reconstruction by using the iterative refinement method and nonlinear
inverse scale space methods
Authors: Lin He, Ti-Chiun Chung, Stanley Osher, Tong Fang and Peter Speier
Affiliation: UCLA Mathematics Department, for Stanely Osher, Lin He
Siemens Corporate Research, Princeton, for Ti-Chiun Chang, Tong Fang
Siemens AG Med, Erlangen, Germany for Peter Speier
Paper: ftp://ftp.math.ucla.edu/pub/camreport/cam06-35.pdf
Abstract: Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) reconstruction from sparsely sampled
data has been a dificult problem in medical imaging field. We approach this problem by
formulating a cost functional that includes a constraint term that is imposed by the raw
measurement data in k-space and the L1 norm of a sparse representation Aof the reconstructed image. The
sparse representation is usually realized by total variational regularization and/or wavelet
transform. We have applied the Bregman iteration to minimize this functional to recover ¯ner scales in our
recent work. Here we propose nonlinear inverse scale space methods in addition to the iterative
refinement procedure.
Numerical results from the two methods are presented and it shows that the
nonlinear inverse scale space method is a more efficient algorithm than the iterated refinement method.
Refrences: 1. E. J. Candès and J. Romberg (2004). Practical Signal Recovery from
Random Projections
2. E. J. Candès, J. Romberg and T. Tao (2005). Stable Signal Recovery from
Incomplete and Inaccurate Measurement,
3. S. Osher, M. Burger, D. Goldfarb, J.-J. Xu, and W. Yin, An iterative
method for total variation based image restoration, Multiscale Modeling and
Simulation, 4
(2005), pp. 460-489.
4. M. Burger, G. Gilboa, S. Osher, and J.-J. Xu, Nonlinear inverse scale space
Comm. Math. Sci., 4 (2006), pp. 175-208.
Variational Optical Flow
Joint works with Alfred M.
Bruckstein and Ron Kimmel.
Computer Science Department, Technion,
Haifa 32000, Israel
introduce a novel optical flow estimation process based on a
spatio-temporal model with varying coefficients multiplying a set of
basis functions at each pixel. Previous optical flow estimation
methodologies did not use such an over-parameterized representation
of the flow field as the problem is ill-posed even without
introducing any additional parameters: Neighborhood based methods
like Lucas-Kanade determine the flow in each pixel by constraining
the flow to be constant in a small area. Modern variational methods
represent the optic flow directly via its x and y components at each
pixel. The benefit of over-parameterization becomes evident in the
smoothness term, which instead of directly penalizing for changes in
the optic flow, integrates a cost on the deviation from the assumed
optic flow model. Previous variational optic flow techniques are
special cases of the proposed method, used in conjunction with a
constant flow basis function. Experimental results with the novel
flow estimation process yielded significant improvements with respect
to the best results published so far.
Computing on Manifolds: From Riemannian Geometry to Computational
Joint works with Pierre Fillard, Vincent Arsigny and
Nicholas Ayache.
Asclepios Team, INRIA Sophia
2004 Route des Lucioles, BP93, F-06902 Sophia
Antipolis Cedex
anatomy is an emerging discipline that aim at analysing and modeling
the biological variability of the human anatomy. The goal in not only
to model the normal variations among a poulation, but also discover
morphological differences between normal and pathological
populations, and possibly to dtect, model and classify the
pathologies from structural anomalities. To reach this goal, the
method is to identify anatomically representative geometric features
(points, tensors, curves, surfaces, volume transformations), and to
describe their statistical distribution. This can be done for
instance via a mean shape and covariance structure after a group-wise
matching. Then, in order to compare populations, we need to compare
feature distributions and to test for statistical differences.
Unfortunately, geometric features often belong to manifolds
that are not vector spaces. Based on a Riemannian manifold
structure, we develop the notions of mean value and covariance matrix
of a random element, normal law, Mahalanobis distance and test. We
also provide an efficient algorithm to compute the mean value, and
tractable approximations (with their limits) of the generalized
normal law for small variances. This show that we can effectively
implement and work with these definitions.
Then, we extend
the Riemannian computing framework to PDEs for smoothing and
interpolation of fields of features with the example of positive
define symmetric matrices (tensors). These covariance matrices are
used to in Diffusion Tensor Imaging or to describe the joint
anatomical variability at different places (Green function) in shape
variability analysis. As symmetric positive definite matrices
constitute a convex half-cone in the vector space of matrices, many
usual operations (like the mean) are stable in this space. However,
negative eigenvalues appear when one estimates the tensors from
original data or when one uses standard numerical schemes for
smoothing these data. We show that the choice of a convenient
Riemannian metric allows to generalize consistently to tensor fields
many important geometric data processing algorithms such as
interpolation, filtering, diffusion and restoration of missing data.
The methodology is exemplified on two important applications:
the joint estimation and regularization of Diffusion Tensor MR Images
(DTI), and the modeling of the variability of the brain from a
dataset of precisely delineated anatomical structures (sulcal lines)
in the cerebral cortex. In this context, we obtain a dense 3D
variability map which proves to be in accordance with previously
published results on smaller samples subjects. We also propose
statistical tests which demonstrate that our model is globally able
to recover the missing information and innovative methods to analyze
the asymmetry of brain variability.
The talk will also be
illustrated by recent developments, including new Log-Euclidean
metrics on tensors, that give a vector space structure to this
manifold and a very efficient computational framework; Riemannian
elasticity, a statistical framework on deformations fields for
estimating the anatomical variability and regularizing accordingly in
dense non-linear registration algorithms, and new clinical insights
in scoliosis thanks to the statistical analysis of the anatomic
variability of the spine.
** /X. Pennec./ Intrinsic Statistics on Riemannian Manifolds: Basic Tools for Geometric Measurements*. /JMIV/, 2006. In press. Preprint: ftp://ftp-sop.inria.fr/epidaure/Publications/Pennec/Pennec.JMIV06.pdf
* /X. Pennec et al. /A Riemannian Framework for Tensor Computing*. /IJCV/, 66(1):41-66, 2006.
Preprint: ftp://ftp-sop.inria.fr/epidaure/Publications/Pennec/Pennec.IJCV05.pdf
* /V. Arsigny et al./*/ /*Log-Euclidean Metrics for Fast and Simple Calculus on Diffusion Tensors*. /Magnetic Resonance in Medicine/, 2006. In press. Preprint: ftp://ftp-sop.inria.fr/epidaure/Publications/Arsigny/arsigny_mrm_2006.pdf
** /P. Fillard et al. /Extrapolation of Sparse Tensor Fields: Application to the Modeling of Brain Variability*. In /Proc. of IPMI'05/, LNCS 3565 of /LNCS/, pages 27-38, July 2005. ftp://ftp-sop.inria.fr/epidaure/Publications/Fillard/Fillard.IPMI05.pdf
** /X. Pennec et al./ Riemannian Elasticity: A statistical regularization framework for non-linear registration*. In /Proc. of MICCAI 2005, Part II/, LNCS 3750, pages 943-950, 2005. ftp://ftp-sop.inria.fr/epidaure/Publications/Pennec/Pennec.MICCAI05.pdf
** J. Boisvert et al. 3D Anatomic Variability Assesment of the Scoliotic Spine Using Statistics on Lie Groups*. In /Proc. of ISBI 2006/, April 2006. ftp://ftp-sop.inria.fr/epidaure/Publications/Pennec/Boisvert.ISBI06.pdf
Geometry and
3D computer vision: What we (kind of) know how to do, what we don't,
and why anyone should care
Département d'Informatique,
Ecole Normale Supérieure,
Joint work with Yasutaka
Furukawa, Akash Kushal, Svetlana Lazebnik, Kenton McHenry, Fred
Rothganger, and Cordelia Schmid.
will present my views on the role of geometry in computer vision, a
domain concerned with the automated interpretation of digital
imagery. I will focus on two challenging problems, namely the
acquisition of three-dimensional (3D) object and scene models from
multiple pictures --- a process known as 3D photography, and the
identification of previously observed objects (or object categories)
in new images --- a process known as object recognition. In the first
part of the talk, I will show that an essential part of the
relationship between the shape of solids bounded by smooth surfaces
amd their image outlines is inherently projective. This observation
leads to a better qualitative understanding of the image formation
process, as well as effective image-based algorithms for
high-fidelity 3D photography. In the second part of my presentation,
I will argue that object recognition is probably the most challenging
and exciting problem in computer vision today, but that, despite
exciting recent progress, several key representational issues
(including, but not limited to, geometric ones) have yet to be
addressed. I will illustrate this point by discussing some recent
results and open issues. I will conclude with a discussion of
potential applications of 3D photography and object recognition to
non-traditional domains such as archaeology, anthropology, cultural
heritage preservation, film post-production and special effects, and
Ponce, Martial Hebert, Cordelia Schmid, Andrew Zisserman (eds.).
*Toward category-level object recognition.*
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2006. In press.
Rothganger, Svetlana Lazebnik, Cordelia Schmid, and Jean Ponce.
Segmenting, Modeling, and Matching Video Clips Containing
Multiple Moving Objects <paper/pami06.pdf>.
Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, accepted,
Svetlana Lazebnik, Yasutaka Furukawa, and Jean Ponce.
Projective Visual Hulls <paper/ijcv06a.pdf>.
to International Journal of Computer Vision, 2006.
Svetlana Lazebnik, Cordelia Schmid, and Jean Ponce.
Bags of Features: Spatial Pyramid Matching for Recognizing Natural
Scene Categories <paper/cvpr06b.pdf>.
Proceedings of the
IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, New York,
June 2006, vol. II, pp. 2169-2178.
Yasutaka Furukawa and Jean Ponce.
Image-Based Modeling <tr/cvr_tr_2006_02.pdf>.
CVR Technical
Report 2006-02 <tech_reports.html>, May 2006.
Yasutaka Furukawa and Jean Ponce.
Carved Visual Hulls for
Image-Based Modeling <paper/eccv06b.pdf>.
Proceedings of
the European Conference on Computer Vision, Graz, Austria, May 2006.
Springer-Verlag Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3951, A.
Leonardis, H. Bischof, and A. Prinz (eds.), volume 1, pp. 564-577.
Akash Kushal and Jean Ponce.
Modeling 3D Objects from
Stereo Views and Recognizing them in Photographs <paper/eccv06a.pdf>.
Proceedings of the European Conference on Computer Vision, Graz,
Austria, May 2006.
Springer-Verlag Lecture Notes in Computer
Science 3952, A. Leonardis, H. Bischof, and A. Prinz (eds.), volume
2, pp. 563-574.
Fred Rothganger, Svetlana Lazebnik, Cordelia Schmid, and
Jean Ponce.
3D Object Modeling and Recognition Using Local
Affine-Invariant Image Descriptors and Multi-View Spatial Constraints
International Journal of Computer
Vision, vol. 66, no. 3, March 2006, pp. 231-259.
Upgrading the
level set method: point correspondence, topological constraints and
deformation priors
Authors: Jean-Philippe Pons, joint work
with Guillaume Charpiat, Florent Ségonne, Renaud Keriven,
Olivier Faugeras.
Jean-Philippe Pons, Florent
Ségonne, Renaud Keriven: CERTIS, École Nationale des
Ponts et Chaussées, Marne-la-Vallée, France.
Charpiat: Odyssée Laboratory, École Normale Supérieure,
Paris, France.
Olivier Faugeras: Odyssée Laboratory,
INRIA, Sophia-Antipolis, France.
Our work tackles some limitations of the level set representation
and of the minimization by geometric gradient flows, with the
objective of increasing the applicability and efficiency of
deformable models.
Specifically, we overcome the loss of the
point correspondence and the inability to control topology changes
with the level set method. We propose two associated applications in
the field of medical imaging: the generation of unfolded area
preserving representations of the cerebral
cortex, and the
segmentation of several head tissues from anatomical magnetic
resonance images. With regard to the minimization procedure, we show
that the robustness to local minima can be improved by introducing
deformation priors via a modification of the metric of the
deformation space.
J.-P. Pons, G. Hermosillo,
R. Keriven and O. Faugeras. Maintaining the point correspondence in
the level set framework. To appear in Journal of Computational
Physics, 2006.
G. Charpiat, R. Keriven,
J.-P. Pons and O. Faugeras. Designing spatially coherent minimizing
flows for variational problems based on active contours. In
International Conference on Computer Vision, volume 2, pages
1403-1408, 2005.
F. Ségonne, J.-P.
Pons, E. Grimson and B. Fischl. A novel level set framework for the
segmentation of medical images under topology control. In Workshop on
Computer Vision for Biomedical Image Applications: Current Techniques
and Future Trends, 2005.
Tammy Riklin-Raviv
Shape based segmentation
URL: http://www.eng.tau.ac.il/~tammy
Joint work with Nahum Kiryati and Nir Sochen from Tel-Aviv University
Challenging object detection and segmentation tasks can be
facilitated by the availability of a reference object.
However, accounting for possible transformations between the different
object views, as part of the segmentation process, remains difficult.
The talk is divided into three parts.
First, I will present a variational approach to shape-based segmentation,
using a single reference object, that accounts for planar projective transformation.
Then I will introduce a variational framework for mutual segmentation of an
image pair, in which the emerging segmentation of the object in each view
provides a dynamic prior for the segmentation of the other image.
Finally, I will present segmentation of symmetrical object using the replicative
form of the object induced by the symmetry to facilitate the segmentation.
The proposed frameworks are exemplified on
various images and their superiority over state of the art variational segmentation
techniques is demonstrated.
This research was supported by MUSCLE:
Multimedia Understanding through Semantics, Computation and
Learning, a European Network of Excellence funded by the EC 6th
Framework IST Programme.
T. Riklin-Raviv, N. Kiryati and N. Sochen, Prior-based Segmentation and Shape Registration in the Presence of Perspective Distortion International Journal of Computer Vision (IJCV). Online publication June 2006.
T. Riklin-Raviv, N. Kiryati and N. Sochen, Segmentation with Level Sets and Symmetry. In Proc. of IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. (CVPR). June 2006.
T. Riklin-Raviv, N. Sochen and N. Kiryati, Mutual Segmentation with Level Sets. In the 5th IEEE Workshop on Perceptual Organization in Computer Vision (POCV) in conjunction with the CVPR. June 2006.
Analysis of Fluid Flow Image Sequences
Joint work with: Jing
Yuan, Paul Ruhnau, Annette Stahl, Gabriele Steidl
University of
Mannheim, Dept. Math. and Computer Science
Image processing plays a major
role in experimental fluid mechanics. The analysis of image
measurements from highly non-rigid and turbulent flows poses
scientific challenges and has a high industrial impact. In my talk, I
will focus on the importance of variational approaches in this
connection in multiple ways: higher-order regularization, variational
characterization of stable discretizations, variational flow
decomposition, and physically consistent flow estimation from image
sequences employing distributed parameter control.
from VLSM'05
from DAGM'06
Medial Representation
McGill University, School of Computer Science and Centre for Intelligent Machines
Montreal, Canada
web page http://www.cim.mcgill.ca/~shape
Abstract In the late 60's Blum developed the notion of axis-morphologies for describing 2D and 3D forms. He proposed an interpretation of the local reflective symmetries of an object as as a "medial graph" and suggested that the implied part structure could could be used for object categorization and recognition. In this talk I will discuss a type of integral performed on a vector field defined as the gradient of the Euclidean distance function to the bounding curve (or surface) of an object. The limiting behavior of this integral as the enclosed area (or volume) shrinks to zero reveals an invariant which can be used to compute the Blum skeleton as well as to reveal the geometry of the object that it describes. I will also discuss our work on algorithms for computing medial loci using these ideas as well as applications of this technique to the problem of 2D and 3D object retrieval.
Geometric flows over Lie Groups
Authors:Yaniv Gur and Nir Sochen
Department of Applied Mathematics
School of Mathematical Sciences
Tel-Aviv University, Tel-Aviv 69978, ISRAEL
The need to regularize tensor fields arise recently in various applications. We treat in this paper tensors that belong to matrix Lie groups. We formulate the problem of these Lie group flows in terms of the Beltrami framework via a minimization of an action.
This action is defined over a Lie group manifold. By minimizing with respect to the group element, we obtain the equations of motion for the group element (or the corresponding connection). Then, by writing the gradient descent equations we obtain the PDE for the Lie group flows. We use these flows to regularize in the group of N-dimensional orthogonal matrices with determinant one i.e. SO(N), the simplectic group Sp(N) and more.
This type of regularization preserves group properties, e.g. the orthogonality and the determinant for SO(N).
A special numerical scheme that preserves the Lie group structure is used. We apply our formalism various synthetic examples. Real example of regularization of DT-MRI idata is treated as well.
This work is a continuation of the following paper:
Y. Gur and N. Sochen, , ``Denoising Tensors via Lie Group Flows", in Proceedings of the International Conference on Variational, Geometry and level-Sets methods in Computer Vision , Beijing, China, October 2005. link: http://www.math.tau.ac.il/~sochen/publications.html
Morphological Component Analysis
CEA, Service d'astrophysique
The Morphological
Component Analysis (MCA) is a
a new method which allows us to
separate features
contained in an image when these features
different morphological aspects. We show that MCA
be very useful for decomposing images into texture
and piecewise
smooth (cartoon) parts or for inpainting
applications. We extend
MCA to a multichannel MCA (MMCA)
which leads to a new approach
for blind source separation,
based on the morphological diversity
concept instead of the
statistical independence of the source.
Anisotropic Smoothing of Multi-Valued Images using
Curvature-Preserving PDE's
GREYC / Image, 6 Bd du Maréchal
Juin, 14050 Caen Cedex.
Demo page : http://www.greyc.ensicaen.fr/~dtschump/greycstoration/
We are
interested in PDE's (Partial Differential Equations) in order to
multi-valued images in an anisotropic manner. We point out
the pros and cons
of the different equations proposed in the
literature, then, we introduce a
tensor-driven PDE, regularizing
images while taking the curvatures of specific
integral curves
into account. We show that this constraint is particularly well
suited for
the preservation of thin structures in an image
restoration process.
A direct link is made between our proposed
equation and a continuous formulation of the
LIC's (Line Integral
Convolutions by [Cabral & Leedom:93]).
It leads to the design
of a very fast and stable algorithm that implements our
regularization method,
by successive integrations of pixel values
along curved integral lines.
The scheme numerically performs with
a sub-pixel accuracy and preserves then
thin image structures
better than classical finite-differences discretizations.
finally illustrate the efficiency of our generic curvature-preserving
approach - in terms of speed and
visual quality - with different
comparisons and various applications requiring image smoothing :
color images denoising, inpainting and image resizing by
nonlinear interpolation.
References :
IJCV'06 article :
ICIP'05 article :
and Functional Models in Medical Image Analysis
University of
California, Los Angeles
Terzopoulos will give also OTHER TALKS AT CEREMADE
modeling of biological structures and the model-based interpretation
of medical images present many challenging problems. I will present a
powerful paradigm known as deformable models, which combines
geometry, computational physics, and estimation theory. Deformable
models evolve in response to simulated forces as dictated by the
continuum mechanical principles of flexible materials, expressed
mathematically via variational principles and PDEs. The talk will
focus on several biomedical applications, including image
segmentation using dynamic finite element and topologically adaptive
deformable models, as well as recent work on "deformable
organisms" which aims more fully to automate the segmentation
process by augmenting deformable models with behavioral and cognitive
control mechanisms. I will also discuss the recent trend towards
functional modeling, such as craniofacial models that include the
biomechanical modeling of facial tissues and muscles of facial
references availaible through this
A novel mathematical model for the diffusion weighted MR signal reconstruction
UFRF Professor and Director
Center for Vision, Graphics and Medical Imaging
Department of Computer & Information Science & Engineering
University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida 32611
joint work with Bing Jian, Evren Ozarslan, Paul Carney and Thomas Mareci
Diffusion MRI is a non-invasive imaging technique that allows the measurement of water molecular
diffusion through tissue in vivo. The directional features of water diffusion allow one to infer the
connectivity patterns prevalent in tissue and possibly track changes in this connectivity over time for
various clinical applications. In this talk, a novel statistical model for diffusion-attenuated MR signal
is presented which involves a continuous probability distribution over the space of symmetric positive
definite tensors Pn. This model is general enough to explain water molecular diffusion in a variety of
situations involving complex tissue geometry including single and multiple fiber occurrences. The signal
at each voxel is represented as a continuous mixture of second order tensors, i.e. the weights in the
mixture are represented by a continuous mixing distribution f(D), where D 2 Pn. In this work, the
MR signal is expressed as the Laplace transform of f(D) on Pn. I will present a closed form expression
for this Laplace transform, when f(D) is a Wishart or a mixture of Wishart distributions that can be
used to represent a large class of distributions on Pn. In this case, the MR signal behavior is given by a
Rigaut-type asymptotic fractal expression. I will show that our model is more accurate in representing
the diffusion-attenuated MR signal than the classic diffusion tensor models currently in vogue. Using this
new model in conjunction with a deconvolution approach, I will present an efficient estimation scheme for
the number of fibers and the water molecular displacement probability functions at each lattice point in
a HARDI data set. Both synthetic and real data sets are used to depict the performance of the proposed
Meyer's models
for image decomposition and computational approaches
work with : Triet Le, Linh Lieu, John Garnett, Peter Jones and Yves
Affiliation of authors:
TL, LL, JG, LV: UCLA Department
of Mathematics, 405 Hilgard Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90095-1555, USA.
PJ: Department of Mathematics, Yale University, PO Box 208283,
New Haven, CT 06520-8283.
YM: CMLA E.N.S. de Cachan, 61 Avenue du
President Wilson, 94235 Cachan, Cedex France.
In 2001, in an American Mathematical Society lecture
series entitled "Oscillating Patterns in Image Processing and
Nonlinear Evolution Equations", Yves Meyer has analyzed and
questioned the total variation minimization model (Rudin, Osher,
Fatemi) for separating cartoon from texture. He therefore proposed
several refined variants of the TV model, by substituting the L^2
norm to the square of the fidelity term v=f-u by weaker norms of
generalized functions. In particular, he proposed to model the
texture component v in a u+v model by one of the spaces of
generalized functions G=div(Linfinity), F=div(BMO) and
David Mumford and Basilis
Gidas also show that images can be seen as samples from probability
distributions of random variables supported on spaces of generalized
functions, not on spaces of functions.
However, it is not easy to
solve such models in practice. In this talk, I will review Meyer's
models and present some computational approaches for image
restoration and image decomposition into cartoon and texture.
few references availaible online:
"Oscillating Patterns in
Image Processing and Nonlinear Evolution Equations: The Fifteenth
Dean Jacqueline B. Lewis Memorial Lectures", Yves Meyer,
University Lecture Series, AMS, 2001, Vol. 22.
"Stochastic models for generic images", by D. Mumford
and B. Gidas,
Decomposition Using Total Variation and div(BMO)", T.M. Le and
L.A. Vese http://www.math.ucla.edu/~lvese/PAPERS/BMO_2005.pdf
Modeling Textures with Total Variation Minimization and
Oscillating Patterns in Image Processing, L.A. Vese and S.J. Osher,
applications of L infinite norms in image processing.
: Pierre WEISS, Laure Blanc-Féraud, Gilles Aubert
of authors :
Pierre Weiss : Doctorant, Projet ARIANA commun
I3S/INRIA Sophia Antipolis
Laure Blanc-Féraud : CNRS,
Projet ARIANA commun I3S/INRIA Sophia Antipolis
Gilles Aubert :
Université de Nice-Sophia Antipolis, Laboratoire J-A
web page :
Energies involving a L infinite norm appear in some recent
applications of image
processing. Examples include the denoising
of bounded noises, the decomposition
of an image into a textured
and a geometric component proposed by Y. Meyer, or
a stable way
to interpolate datas on curves and points proposed by V. Caselles and
Such a norm is difficult to minimize because it is non
We will present some ways to handle that norm,
and solve the above mentionned problems.
Shape Tube
Metric and Geodesic Characterisation
INRIA Sophia Antipolis
present recent mathematical developments on shape metrics but we
shall escape many mathematical technicalities in order to give a self
contain presentation of old and new results. -We revisit the
classical diffeomorphism parametrization of shapes under eulerian
point of view. - We extend it to non smooth setting where the flow
mapping does not exists. - We introduce the tube distance metric for
smooth domains - we develop the geodesic characterisation using
intrinsic geometry and time-space curvature like terms. - We derive
existence for metric and geodesic for the non smooth case. In doing
so we need to recall new compactness results for "parabolic BV"
boundedness - We derive the geodesic characterisation for the general
case. That steps needs first to recall the "Transverse field Z"
concept. It is an evolution equation governed by the Lie brackets of
the main field V and the pertubation W. We need to extend that
concept to the non smooth situation. The transverse field Z enables
us to characterise the family of fields V whose generalized flow
mapping will map a shape onto a given one. - We analyse the new Euler
equation associated with the geodesic and give some applications
using level set techniques.